
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs


As I was sleeping, I woke up at one point. Looking at Paula as she was holding Simon, I moved closer to them.


Seeing me, he moved his small hands.


After I took him and kissed his cheek, I said, "Oh baby. We will go downstairs to play."


As he smiled, I cleaned his lips. When I had done this, I looked at Paula as she nodded. Seeing it, I smiled, and we came downstairs. While we were there, we walked around.


Seeing Simon moving so much, we came to the playground. As I let him sit, he smiled, and I started telling him to use toys, which I had grabbed.


While doing it, all at one point, he started laughing.


Hearing it, I smiled, and while I continued it, Paula had come closer.


Seeing her look, she smiled, and she took all from me. Seeing as she continued, I walked to change, and after coming downstairs, the time to make breakfast had come.


After making sandwiches, I could smile. Seeing them, I looked into Paula and as Simon now is trying to move on his four; we come closer to him.


Seeing Paula's look, I moved her hand from his. We need to let him try on his own.


Good, that he has a position for it.


As we kept observing him, he fell. Hearing just after the second cry, Paula took him and started calming him.


As I gave him a fresh pacifier, he slowly calmed down. Seeing it, I could smile, and we moved to playing.


While doing it, all we once changed him, and not long after, he fell asleep.


Seeing it, I smiled, and as Paula kept signing, I walked to make coffee. After coming back with all, I could see Simon sleeping peacefully in his bed.


Seeing it, I could smile, and not long after Paula came to me, we started eating our breakfast while talking about what we could do after all.


As all was happening, we had done it at one point. When I took it all, I smiled and walked to the kitchen to clean it all.


When I had done all here, I smiled, and not long after time to come back to Paula. Seeing her observing Simon I came closer, and not long after I hugged her.


After kissing her neck, she looked at me. Seeing her look, she smiled and said, "Oh hubby. Let's have some time."


"What is on your mind? We talked about what we would watch. Nothing was about some fun."


Hearing me, she giggled for a quick second. Looking at her, I smiled, and she said, "Oh, watching something good. Dad called, and he will come here."


Hearing her, I nodded, and we came on the couch. While there, we started watching until her dad came.


Seeing his look at us, he said, "Oh hello. Jack, you have something for lunch here."


"Oh, thank you."


After taking the bag, I walked to hide it in the fridge. When I had done this, I smiled and came back. I could see my Dad here too.


Seeing them looking at Simon, I come closer to Paula. As she hugged me, she said, "So today they will be."


"Yes. They walked to buy stuff for Simon," Dad said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and asked, "Something to drink or eat."


"Oh, coffee."


"Tea for me," Dad said. Hearing them, I nodded and walked to the kitchen. While being there, I smiled, and after making it all, I came back.


Looking at them, I smiled, and as they sat and started drinking, we talked for some time. When we had finished, Paula said, "I will take Jack to have a bath. I need his help."




"Oh, Dad. You kept helping Mom with washing her back. I need Jack to help with mine," Paula said while smiling. Hearing this, he shook his head.


Seeing it, I smiled, and as Paula took my hand, we walked upstairs. While being there, we had done everything in the bathroom.


After changing, we came downstairs. Not seeing Simon or Dad's, she shook her head and said, "Where the fuck they walked?"


Seeing her putting her shoes on, I did the same, and we walked out. Seeing them not far away, sitting, I smiled, and we came closer.


Looking at them, I smiled. Seeing an angry Paula, she wanted to say something. Seeing Dad taking Simon up, and getting up, I ran inside to prepare all.


When I did, I could see Simon close. As he was smiling, I looked into him, and not long after, we changed him.


When we had done this I smiled and looked at them. He was once again in Dad's hands. Therefore, what will happen next?