
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Play some game

Looking at what JJ had done, I smiled and lay on the couch. While I was there, I checked everything, and when I took the phone, I called Paula.

After she answered, she said, "no face cam."

"OK," I said.

"Good. So how is it now?"

"Oh, great. I have once again free time," I said shortly.

I could hear the water going in the background.

Without thinking about it, I smiled and looked at the doors.

Seeing that they have not closed fully, I come to them while waiting for Paula's voice.

As I kept doing it, she finally said, "so, Jack. Do you have any plans?"

"No. I have a laptop with me but no Wi-Fi, so I will probably search for some maths problems and start doing them."

"Oh, boy. You have free time. So have fun," Paula said.

"I will pass until I finish high school. Remember what we will do in the last test. It will be important for our future."

"Still. After we meet once again, we will go out," Paula said.

"On thirty, as you said, we will meet. Today is the twenty-seventh. So we still have time," I said.

"I never said that we will meet on this day. Only that I might come back then. Truly, I do not know when we will meet. So let's not think about this," she said, and as I came to the bedroom, I lay on the bed while starting the laptop.

Good that I still have it with me.

As I looked at it, I started it while looking where I can put it to charge. I will need a phone too.

Thinking about this, I had done it all. When I had done this, Paula said, "can you answer my question?"

"Oh, I am so sorry. I haven't listened to you. I keep looking where I can plug the charger."

"Oh, Jack," Paula said. Hearing it, I smiled and said, "So what was your question?"

"What will you say about going out tomorrow?" she asked.

"I might. I will see if they let me out," escaped from my lips. No idea what they have in plans. While thinking about this, Paula said, "oh OK. so let me know."

"Of course," I said shortly. When I looked around, I smiled, and Paula continued, "do you know when we will have this meeting about engagement?"

"No idea. I truly hate what they have done."

"Not only you. Keeping this away from me. Good, that it is you, not someone else. So I can accept it."

"Still. They force us to do something. I know this is legal. At some point, but still. I just don't like it," I said shortly.

"Not only you. Let's not talk about this. So you know what you will do now."

"Oh, no idea. I will need to see what I can do here," I said.

"Play some game."

"I don't play if I am not with you," I said shortly.

Paula giggled for a quick second and continued, "oh, soon I will look at you."

"Oh," I said only, and once again, a water sound came to me. She probably had a bath. Thinking about this, I looked at my laptop. As I have nothing here that can help me with working, I put it on the side.

Maybe I should have some music on it. Just to have it here.

Thinking about this for sure, I will do maths problems with it later. While knowing it, I started looking for where I can do this.

While doing it, Paula's voice came, "accept."

"Doing it," I said shortly. After accepting what Paula wanted, I moved the phone, and while seeing her putting the shirt on, I smiled.

Seeing me, she said, "you can smile nice."

"Oh, thank you," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as she lay in her bed, she said, "so we can continue talking."

"Oh yes. I will only change position. Wait," I said, and when Paula nodded. I lay a little back, and as I put my phone on my laptop, I took the mouse, and when I connected it, I looked at Paula.

Seeing her look, I fixed everything, and we continued our talk while I kept working on what I created here.

As I keep doing it, well I could calculate. While I kept doing it and talking with Paula, I could hear someone opening doors. Hearing it, I moved my finger to my lips and moved the phone down.

When I had done this, I turned and could see Joanna coming in. Seeing her look. She said, "oh, little brother. Why do you go like that?"

"Many things. If they don't change, I will not. So let's not talk about this. Why are you here?"

"Oh, come look at your small cage. It is tiny. Right, Sophia,'' Joanna said. Hearing it, I looked at Sophia coming in, and she said, "not even Wi-Fi here. What is this?"

"Oh, life."

"Come on Jack. What do you have here?" Joanna said while looking at the screen, and as she made a cross, she said, "dark magic."

"No. It is maths. So you have something more to talk about, or can I come back to it?"

"Oh, you can. Your sister will go now. If you need my help, call," Joanna said.

"Call me first. I am older. Oh, right, Megan should come here tomorrow," Sophia said.

"Oh, with Adam, I hope they have a good time together."

"Yes,'' Sophia and Joanna said at the same time. Hearing it, I got up, and after closing the doors, I came back. When I moved the phone up, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "good sisters."

"Yes," I said shortly, and as she smiled, she said, "so show me what you've been creating there for so long."

"OK," I said shortly and did this. As Paula looked at it, as I showed her, I moved the phone back, and she monitored me. Seeing it, I smiled, and as I continued doing it. We kept talking.

No idea when time passed. I found out that it was suppertime, as she was called, so we did our call for now.

Knowing it, I smiled, and after finally getting up from bed, I threw away a bottle of water and walked to make food.

After making sandwiches, a smile showed up on my face. Having it, I smiled, and when I came to the bedroom, I ate it and went back to doing it.

While doing it, Paula didn't call, so after quick usage of the bathroom, I checked if all was turned off, and when I knew this, I went to bed and lay down not long after. I fell asleep.

My sleep here was not bad. I woke up three times.

After morning came, I smiled and strolled to the bathroom. After using it, I changed the time to make breakfast.

Having it with me, I smiled and started looking around. I come to the bedroom.

I could eat on the couch, but after what happened yesterday. Likewise, I will not do this.

After sitting in place, a smile showed up on my face. One idea of what I was doing yesterday came to mind. Knowing it, I started the laptop, and while eating, I started putting it on.

After eating, I keep fully focused on what is happening on the screen.

As I kept working on it, I smiled. Good that I have water on my side, so I can fully focus on the screen.

No idea when time passed. Truly, I don't care what is happening around me. Only if my phone would start ringing would I move from it all.

While working on it, I could feel someone sitting on the bed.

After turning, I said, "mom."

"Jack. Why do you need to be so harsh with your words?'' she said.

"I keep telling the truth. It can be bad, but it is true."

"OK. End this. Dinner time had come. We are eating together," mom said.

"Oh, so I will stay here and make my own."

"I knew you would say something like that, so I brought food here. Let's eat, and I would love to talk with you about a few things. I need to have something to do with you," mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded.

Seeing my look, she smiled, and we came to the couch. Seeing that box with food there, I said, "table."

"Oh, we can eat from the box. Sorry for not a lot of places here," mom said.

"Still better than outside or in the basement," I said after sitting, and when I looked at mom, I passed food to her.

After doing it, I grabbed mine, and while looking at her, I started waiting for what mom had to say. While doing it, I checked if all is here. Seeing it, I looked at mom and keep waiting. What she wants to say.