
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Out of town

As we keep watching, I keep an eye on Paula. When she looked at me, she said, "So soon."

"Yes," I said shortly. When Paula nodded, and I kissed her shortly, I walked to my laptop.

While having it with me, I come back. Seeing Paula starting the laptop, I looked at it. As she tried to hide the screen, I asked, "What is happening?"

"Oh, let me change it," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and when she had done this, I told her Wi-Fi password.

After doing it, I smiled, and when Paula started, we waited three minutes to log in.

While doing it, finally the time to apply for all had come. Knowing it, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, I hid my login. When I finally did this all, I looked at Paula. As it is, I keep waiting for all Paula to ask, "You too."

"Yes. I will make something to drink. Do you want?" I asked. Hearing my words, Paula looked at me and said, "Oh, juice."

"OK," I said shortly. When Paula looked at me, I smiled and strolled to the kitchen. When I took the juice and walked back, I passed it to Paula. After I had done this all, I came back and started the kettle.

While it kept working, I smiled, and when all had come, I smiled. After making tea, I come back, and while waiting for us to log in, I keep an eye on Paula. While I kept doing it, she finally could apply.

Seeing it, I smiled and kept looking at mine. While I kept doing it, finally the time had come. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I finally was on the page, I did all that I needed.

When I had done this, I looked at Paula, and as she smiled, she moved onto the couch. Seeing it, I looked at her and asked, "So you did?"

"Oh yes. All should be OK for me where I want to go."

Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled and looked at me, she kissed me. When she had done this, I asked, "So we will be going where you had plans?"

"Oh yes. I need to go for my things."

Hearing Paula's words, I looked at her and said, "So you will go for them."

"Oh, pack your things, and we will go for mine," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as Paula nodded, I smiled and walked to the bedroom. While there, I looked at Paula, and when she helped me with all, I nodded.

After moving slowly with all out, I looked at Paula. As she looked at me, she said, "So now. We will go."

"OK," I said, and after we had come downstairs, Paula told Ann where we will be going.

Hearing her words, she looked at JJ, and as they nodded, they walked in. So they will bring stuff with them.

Knowing it, I smiled, and when we sat in Paula's car, I looked at her. I could see that Ann and JJ drove in their direction.

Seeing it, Paula nodded, and she started driving to her place. When we had come there, I looked at Paula. After we had come there, I looked at her, and when we came in, I kept following her.

After we came into her room, I started helping her. While doing it, I could hear, "Princess, what are you doing?"

"Oh, we are going out, '' Paula said. As her dad looked at her, she said, where exactly. Hearing her words, he nodded and said, "OK. You will need to check it all there. From what I know, nobody for months was there. So be careful."

"I know," Paula said. After he nodded, he walked away. Seeing it, I looked at Paula, and we continued packing her bag.

When we had done this, we came outside. Seeing Ann waiting there, she said, "So we will be going."

"Yes. I will drive there."

Hearing Paula's words, I nodded, and when we came into the car, I looked at her. Seeing my look, she nodded, and I could see that JJ drove in.

After he parked, Ann packed her things in, and we started our drive away.

While doing it, Paula told me where they will be staying. As they will not be far away from us, I nodded and kept talking with her.

While doing it, at one point, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Oh, little brother. What will you say about meeting with your sister?" Joanna's voice comes.

"Sorry, I am going out of town."

"Oh no. Call me back when you come back," she said. Hearing her words, I said, "OK," and hung out. After doing it, I smiled, and with music playing, we kept driving.

I could see that Paula was planning something there. As we kept going, we stopped close to one of the supermarkets. Seeing it, I looked at her, and asked, "For."

"Shopping. Nothing we have there," she said. After hearing her words, I nodded, and we came out. Seeing her taking two trolleys, I nodded and asked, "Is the fridge there big?"

"Buy all that we will need for a week."

"OK. I will deal with food. You should have a rest," I said.

"I will take fruits too," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, we started our shopping.

First, where I walked is for meat. When I took it all with me, I smiled, and I kept walking around. I could see that Ann and JJ were shopping for them. Seeing it, keep buying all that we will need.

When we had done this all, I smiled and looked at Paula. Seeing drinks and sweets in her trolley, I nodded. After taking spices and other things in, I smiled and said, "So we have it all."

"Yes. So let's go."

Hearing Paula's words, I nodded, and we walked to buy everything. After doing it, I smiled, and when we came out, we walked to the car. When we had packed, I moved the trolleys back while she walked to buy something.

Seeing her coming back, I nodded, and while being in our drive, once again began.