
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Not be an easy teacher

Jack POV

School for me passed like always. Only a few times I could see that Paula wanted to talk to me, but her friends stopped her.

Mostly did not know why they did this, but I shook my head. As of now, I have my first training.

Knowing that I walked to the meeting place where Marko was waiting for me. After sitting in his car, he asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said.

"I will not be an easy teacher."

"Don't worry. I suffered too much. This will be easy," I said.

"I will not look like you are friends with misses," he added while looking deep into my eyes.

Hearing his words, I wanted to say that I am their brother, but I stopped myself and only nodded.

Seeing it, he started the car and drove to the place where I was once.

As we kept driving, he added, "First, I will check your physical condition."

"Ok. I have it all with me," I said while patting the bag. Hearing me, he nodded and then started telling me plans for today.

As I kept hearing his words, I did not know that something like that could be real.

No idea from where he took it, but after ending, I looked outside.

I need to calm down. My mind just goes around the places.

As I kept calming down, we came to our destination. Seeing it, I smiled, and then I followed him.

After we came to one building, I changed into a tracksuit which Joanna bought for me. Seeing three lines on the side, I shook my head, and after coming out, I looked at Marko.

As he smiled, he said, "team two."

"Yes," many voices come. Hearing them, Marko said, "JJ comes here."

"Yes," the guy who has like two meters come. As I looked at him, Marko said, "Test his physical condition."

"But if he is joining, we should have all about him," JJ said. Hearing his voice Marko said, "No. Miss, send him to us. So don't be too harsh."

"Ok," JJ said, and when he came closer to me, he said, "JJ."

"Jack," I said. When I shook his hand, I could feel that he was strong. He almost broke my hand.

Seeing it, I looked at him, and he said, "Student."

"Yes. Last year in high school," I said.

"Oh. Good old times. So follow me."

"Ok," I said shortly, and walked after him.

When we came to our destination, I looked at him, and then he said, "Run."

"Ok," I said, and then I started doing it.

I tried to keep good peace.

Time slowly passed. I could feel that slowly I started breathing heavier and heavier.

Knowing it, I keep running.

At one point, I fell to the ground. No more for me.

I cannot run anymore.

Deep breaths.




When I finally moved up a little, I could see JJ coming to me, and then he said, "Ok. Not as bad as I thought."


"Now. Quick break, and we will check your strength," he said and turned. Seeing it, I shook my head and slowly got up.

Seeing him a few meters away. I started following him.

When we came to our destination, I drank a little water with something.

No idea what was there, but it tasted strange.

"Ok. Next one," JJ said. Hearing his voice, I nodded and started doing what he told me.

When I was finally done with this, he said, "Good. I know all about you. No idea why the team leader accepted you here."

"I just want to self-defence."

"Oh. Still tomorrow at sixteen," he said shortly. Hearing his voice, I nodded, and then I walked to change.

After doing it, I smiled, and then I walked slowly outside. As I looked at Johnny, he said, "so you had done all."

"Yes," escaped from my lips. I could feel each muscle. No idea if I will walk tomorrow.

When he looked at me, he started laughing. Seeing it, I shook my head, and when we got to his car, we started driving.

After coming back to the school area, I came out and said, "thank you."

"Tomorrow at what hour?" he asked.

"I will try to be here around fifteen. No idea how long I will spend in court."

"Oh, so tomorrow?" he asked, and when I nodded, he drove away. Seeing it, I somehow walked to the bus stop.

Not long after, I started my trip back home. I suffered a lot. After finally coming there, I lay in bed and then started resting.

During this, Joanna laughed at me when she saw me looking at her.

This did not help at all. She only keeps laughing louder. Seeing it, I could not even move my hand.

Nothing I could do.

When the next day came, somehow I got out of bed. When I looked around, I could hear that someone was in the kitchen.

"Oh, Jack, you are awake," Sophia's voice came.

"Yes. What are you making?" I asked her.

"Oh, breakfast. Do not worry. Go use the bathroom. All should be soon," she said while disappearing.

Hearing it, I smiled, and then I strolled to the bathroom. When I had done all there, I came out, and when I looked at her waiting for me, she said, "So we will go soon."

"Ok," I said shortly. Hearing me, Joanna said, "you had training yesterday. Do not worry. Food should be good."

"Thank you," I said, and when she hugged me, I smiled, and then I walked to the table. I could see a few dishes there. Not too many, but enough for us. Seeing it, she smiled, and then we started eating.