
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Never let you play

After coming to the doors, I opened them, shortly. Seeing Emily and Lucy there, I smiled. 

As Paula probably didn't want to tell them today, I could only look at her. When Emily came inside, she punched my side, and said, "I told you something. Why did you hurt Paula."

"What" I could say. As Paula looked at us she got up, and said, "Don't hit him."

"Why did everyone rush to Williams' place?" Emily said. As Lucy closed doors I could see that Emily wanted to punch me once again. Before saying something, Paula said, "If you hit the father of my child, I will never let you play with him or her."

"What did you say."

As Emily's punch went to the side and hit the wall, she looked at me. As I looked at her moving her look to Paula, she asked, "What did you say."

"Father of my child."

"No later. If I hit him, I can't take care. Oh shit," Emily said. As she probably hasn't understood what Paula means, Lucy's voice comes, "Wait. Paula."

As her hands started shaking, she continued after a longer break, "Father. You mean."

"I will be a mother soon," Paula said. As Lucy ran to Paula, she hugged her and said, "Oh my god. This is great news. I will be an aunt."

"Wait. You mean you are now," Emily probably finally understood what Paula meant earlier. 

As I smiled, she looked at me, and while seeing her hand I said, "I will need to check."

"It is only broken skin. Do not worry about this. You are telling me that Paula is pregnant."

As I nodded, she continued, "I will be an aunt. Do you know the gender?"

"Paula don;t want to know. So I will pass on this too." 

Hearing my words, Emily said, "Girl. Let me hug you."

As this was happening, I walked for AD. While having it, I came back, and while I passed it to Lucy, she nodded and took care of Emily.

Seeing it, I could only smile and walk to the kitchen. When I took a package of cookies and juice, I came to the couch. 

When I left all there, I smiled, and Emily said, "Give us some time."

Hearing her, I nodded and said, "I will be in the room."

"Ok," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and while looking at her I smiled and walked to where my PC was.

While being there, I smiled, and not long after I started my work here. While doing it, all I had done at one point. As Paula showed up. 

Seeing her look, I smiled, and while seeing her look, I smiled and asked, "So."

"They walked out."

Hearing her words, I nodded. Seeing my look, she smiled, and not long after I came after her. 

As I looked at Paula, she hugged me and said, "So what will you say about it?"

"Oh, don't think."

Hearing my words, she smiled and added, "Oh, I am not thinking about this. Just thinking about some pizza."

Hearing her words, I looked at her. 

Seeing her look, I smiled and said, "I will make one."

"Ok," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and while looking at her, I smiled. 

Seeing her I walked to the kitchen. After checking everything, I said, "I will be back soon."

Hearing what she wants to eat. Hearing her, I nodded and walked to the shop. 

After buying everything, I came back. Seeing Paula lying on the couch with cookies in her hands, I took an empty box and walked to make it all.

While doing it, she hugged me. 

While doing it, all I had done, and when I had done it she kissed my cheek and said, "So let's wait."

I only nodded. Seeing her look, I smiled and walked slowly to the couch. While we were there, we continued watching the series. 

While doing it, I took a quick break to prepare pizza. While doing it, all at one point, I had done it, and after leaving it to bake, I smiled, and came back to Paula. 

While seeing me, she smiled, and seeing her look, I smiled, and we kept watching until the pizza was ready.

Seeing it, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, she lay on my shoulder.

We spent some time like that until it all came to an end. When I took it all, and cut it, I came to Paula, and we ate. After ending it, she smiled, and seeing her look, we moved back to watching.

Time passed.

When night had come we watched, and after a quick shower, we changed, and after lying in bed not long after, we fell asleep.