
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

My view had ended

As we kept eating, we had done it all at one point. As I looked at Paula, I asked, "Did you have a nap?"

"Yes. After coming back here, I had a nap. Now I read."

"Why no lights?" I said. Hearing me, she smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot to put the light on. Especially as this was on a tablet."

Hearing her, I nodded, and as she smiled, she kissed me.

When she had done this, I looked into Paula's face. As she smiled, she said, "So watching."

"Oh, we can. First time cleaning."

Hearing my words, she nodded, and we walked to the couch. After being there, we started cleaning everything. While doing it we had done it at one point.

As Paula hugged me, she smiled and looked at me. As she smiled I looked at her, and we moved to the couch. After sitting there, I smiled, and as Paula started all, she lay on my shoulder, and we kept watching.

While doing it, all the time passed.

As I looked at her, I said, "Sleep."

"Oh, we can. Bath before."

Hearing her, I nodded, and as I kissed her cheek, Paula smiled and said, "So let's go."

As I smiled, I walked to the bathroom. While there, I smiled, and we moved to have a longer bath.

When we had done this all, I smiled and looked at Paula. As she smiled and started drying her hair. Seeing it, I kept observing her. While doing it, she smiled and looked at me.

As Paula smiled, she said, "So you like to observe me."

I could only nod and look at her. While doing it, all the time passed. When she had done this, I smiled, and we moved slowly outside. After coming to the bedroom, I looked at Paula. As she shook her head, she started changing.

My view had ended. Therefore, I started changing too.

After ending it all, I smiled and walked slowly to bed. When I lay in my place, she lay too.

Seeing Paula smiling, she said, "So sleep."

I nodded, and after she kissed me shortly, I smiled, and not long after we fell asleep. While doing it, all the time passed.

As the morning had come, I woke up at one point. Seeing Paula sleeping, I moved slowly from the bed, and after turning the alarm off, I walked to the bathroom. When I was done, all the time to make breakfast had come.

Thinking about this, I come in, and while looking at what we have, I started making it, after all?

When I had done this, I could hear that Paula was in the bathroom. Knowing it, the time to make drinks came.

As the kettle kept working, Paula's voice come, "Juice today."


After saying it, I smiled and kept waiting for her. As she came, she smiled, and we started eating while sipping apple juice.

After ending it, all I looked at her and said, "So changing, and university."

She only nodded. I could see that she did not want to go either. Knowing it, I smiled, and after a quick kiss and cleaning plates, we walked to the bedroom. After changing, we came out.

Today we met Ann as she passed to us what we always receive from them.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after sitting in the car, our drive had become. While doing it, I said, "As I will be coming back, I will stop to do bigger shopping."

"Ok. I might stop to buy a few things too. I will inform you."

"Ok," I said to Paula. As she nodded, I smiled, and with only music, we kept driving.

After coming finally to our destination, I looked at Paula, and said, "So lunch together."

"I have many lessons today."

"Ok," I said shortly. As Paula smiled and kissed me, I looked at her, and we came out.

After coming out, we walked in our directions. While doing it, I come into the building where it all begins.

As I waited close to the classroom while sipping coffee, I could hear, "Oh, Jack."

As I looked at the person who said my name, I could recognise him. As I was his teacher for a month.

I looked at him, and he said, "Can you help me with something?"

"Oh," I said, and when I looked at him, he passed me a notebook with a piece of paper. Seeing it, I looked at it and said, "This is good. Look, you should go from here."

I kept telling him the steps I would use. When I had done this, he nodded and walked inside. Seeing it, I smiled, and not long after, it all began.

As I looked around, I smiled, and all kept going. When we finally did this lesson not long after, another had become.

With time passing, I walked to buy lunch. As of today, I will eat alone. As I smiled, and not long after coming in I bought one, which I like.

While having it, I smiled and walked to eat. As I smiled, I started eating. While doing it, all the time passed.

After ending it all, I walked out. While seeing Martha, she looked at me and said, "So, Jack, how is it going there?"

"Good," I said. When I smiled and looked at her, and as we talked for some time, I smiled, and finally, I walked to my lessons.

I will be a little late. After coming inside, I looked at everyone. After sitting in my seat, I looked at the paper in front of me.

Seeing what was here, I smiled, and a surprise test had come.

While seeing it, I smiled and started doing it, all. It will be an easy score after first looking at what is here.