
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

My plac. My rules.

As time passed, night had come.

While thinking about what we should have for supper, Paula said, "Jack."


"What will you say about Chinese?" Paula asked while looking into my eyes. Hearing her words, I said, "Oh, we can."

"Ok. I will call Ann to buy from the place which is the best," Paula said while smiling. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "Can you tell Ann to tell JJ where for you the best places are for food? Just in case when she will be sick or on leave so he will know where to go."

"Ok," Paula said, and when she called Ann, she said, "All. After it all, I smiled, and when she lay on my side, I smiled, and we spent more time watching the series.

While doing it, at one point Paula walked to the doors and came with food.

Seeing it, I smiled, and we ate and continued watching.

While doing it, all the time passed.

With time passing, I smiled, and seeing that night had come, I said, "So sleep."

"Yes," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and we moved to have a shower, and after all this, we moved to sleep.

As Monday had come, I woke up at one point. While looking at Paula sleeping on my side, I smiled and after doing all that I needed; I did into the bathroom and walked to make breakfast.

When I did this, I smiled, and with plates, I came to the bedroom. While seeing Paula sleeping, I smiled and woke her up. Seeing me, she smiled, and we started eating.

While doing it, we finished, and after moving to cleaning all Paula walked to the bathroom. After coming back to the bedroom, I smiled, and after packing everything into my backpack, when I smiled and changed. I looked into her eyes.

Seeing my eyes, Paula smiled, and when she kissed me, we came out.

After meeting JJ outside, I smiled, and not long after, we sat in the car.

While looking at Paula, I smiled, and when I packed our bags, she started driving into our place.

It did not take too long, and after she parked, she kissed me and said, "I will be too busy during lunch."


Hearing me, she nodded, and when I smiled, we came out and walked into our gates. Based on her words, we will meet after coming back home.

While thinking about this, I shook my head, and after coming into the university grounds, I walked to where my first lesson will be.

After coming in not long after, all had begun.

I will be in a university until I'm twenty.

Feeling exhausted as I meet with everyone, which is part of Professor Anderson's part.

While walking slowly out, I come into JJ's car.

Seeing me, he said, "So we can go."

"Yes," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded, and as I smiled, we drove back home.

After coming there, I could see that JJ was not happy. As he kept looking into mirrors, he stopped at one point and said, "Stay inside."

"Ok," I said, and when I looked at him. He came out.

Seeing someone coming in, I could see that they were cops.

When JJ talked with them for some time, he kept nodding.

After coming back in, he said, "Stupid."

"Yellow light," I asked. Hearing me, JJ nodded. Seeing his expression, I nodded, and we once again started driving.

After coming back finally, I smiled, and when I came out, I strolled back to my place.

Before opening the doors, I could hear laughter.

No idea what it can be. While thinking about this, I opened the doors, and while seeing Emily and Lucy sitting on the couch, I asked, "Who has such a stupid laugh?"

"Lucy," Paula said while coming out of the kitchen. Hearing her words, I nodded, and she said, "I will heat food for you."

"Thanks," I said, and after a quick kiss, I strolled to the bathroom. When I was done, I came out, and while seeing the food ready, I smiled and started eating.

I could see that girls took the whole couch, so for sure there was no place for me there. While thinking about this, I finished eating, and after cleaning I said, "I will go to sleep. Be a little quiet."

"Why?" Emily asked. Hearing her words, I said, "I would kick you out."

"Oh, if you dare" she started saying, but I stopped her while saying, "My place my rules. I need to sleep to be fully ready for exams tomorrow."

"Two," Paula asked. Hearing her words, I nodded, and after taking my pyjamas, I walked to the bathroom.

When I was done with a quick shower, I changed, and not long after, I fell asleep.

This week will be so hard. At least two exams each day.

I could only shake my head.

When I lay in bed and closed my eyes not long after falling asleep.

The next three weeks passed almost the same.

From Monday to Friday is long in a university while having sometimes two or three exams a day.

On Saturdays, I spend a lot of time at university with a group as we almost come to an end. Last Saturday came to almost finishing. Now professor needs to check all and write papers.

Sunday's whole day with Paula.

As now Tuesday had come, I could only smile. Light lessons for today only left and from tomorrow's Christmas break.

As I kept thinking about this after waking up, I looked into Paula's eyes. As she is now awake, she said, "You will spend tomorrow the whole day in bed."

"I need" I started saying, but as she moved her finger into my lips, she said, "You are exhausted. Don't eat well, and what is most important is overworking yourself."

"Still the best year," I said while smiling.

"Your body will not handle it."

Hearing her words, I could only nod. I will need to think about how to take and hide a gift for Paula.

While thinking about this, she said, "I will make breakfast. Wait here."

"Ok," I said, and after a quick kiss, she walked away. Seeing it, I smiled and started waiting to see what she would create for breakfast without burning the entire kitchen.