
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Moving day

With time passing, the last lesson had ended.


Seeing it, I got up slowly, and while still thinking about why the professor wanted to see me, I walked to his building. After coming inside, I looked at the queue here.


Seeing it, I could hear, "Second year, what are you doing?"


"Going to meet with Fred," I said. As everyone looked at me, the person who called me in the second year said, "We are all waiting to meet with them."


"Really?" I asked. As everyone nodded, I took the phone and texted to JJ, " It will take much longer than I thought."


After sending it, I looked at everyone and asked, "So what is happening that everyone is here?"


"Oh, you see. Conference incoming. So each of us wants to join."


Hearing it, I looked at the ceiling and said, "So that is why Fred wanted me to come. I will go there and tell him that I will pass."


"Oh, why are you calling the magister by his name?"


"He calls me by my name," I said while looking at the woman. As everyone looked at her, they made space to let her go. Seeing it, she walked to the doors.


After walking inside, I asked, "Who she is."

 "His girlfriend."


Hearing it, I nodded and said, "I will tell him that I am out of this. It will take a few seconds."

 "Ok," they said. As I could see, the last two were when I was in the USA at a conference. While seeing it, I came to the doors, and after opening I looked at everyone there and said, "Hi."


"Oh, Jack" the professor started saying, but I stopped him and said, "If this is about the conference, I am out."


"Oh, not this. We will need to ask you to teach one more year, "the professor said. As I looked at him, he said, "You will pass this too."


"Ok," I said. As he nodded, he passed to me materials. Seeing it, I turned and said, "So I will go now."


"Thanks, Jack," the professor said. Hearing it, I nodded and walked back. Good, that I do not need to go once again. Just being a teacher is not for me.


While thinking about this, I contacted JJ and told him that I was going to the gates.


After coming there, I sat inside, and while having a chocolate bar, I started eating it while checking what I would need to teach.


While doing it, we finally came to our destination. Seeing it, I took it all and strolled inside. While being there, I looked at Paula.


Seeing my look, she said, "Oh hubby."


"Hello, my lovely wife."


Hearing me, she smiled, and when we came closer, I kissed her lips. When I had done this, she looked at me and asked, "Something happened."


"Oh, I will be teaching another class."


Hearing me, she looked into me, and when I showed her, she shook her head. Seeing it, I smiled and asked, "How is your math going?"


"Great," she said while taking papers from my hands. Seeing it, I smiled and asked, "Dinner."


"I ate. Waiting for supper to come. This for you will be a mix of dinner and supper. I suppose."


"Yes," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and not long after, I kept looking into her eyes. As she kissed me once again, I said, "Bathroom."


"I will let you go."


Hearing her, I smiled and walked to use the bathroom. When I had done all there, I came back and kept looking into Paula. When I came closer to her, I sat, and not long after, she started telling me what had happened in her day.


While doing it, I took food, and while eating, we continued talking about this all. When we had done this, she looked at me and said, "So now. We can watch."

 "Yes. How is the baby doing?" I asked. Hearing me, she smiled, and when her hand moved on her tummy, she said, "It is too small now. Maybe in a few months, it will start kicking."

 "Oh, I suppose it will."


Hearing me, she smiled, and after lying on my shoulder, she started a series. While doing it, we kept watching it, all. While all was happening, I could see that Paula, from time to time, kept checking her phone.


While doing it, I finally asked, "You are waiting for something?"

"Oh, from mom. She told me that the renovation was going faster than she expected. So we will see soon."


After hearing her, I nodded, and we spent time here watching. At one point, all had come to an end as a time to sleep had come.


After a quick bath, we changed and crawled into the bedroom. While lying, I smiled, and not long after, we fell asleep.


Fifteen days later.


After waking up, I looked into Paula's sleeping face. Today is a big day. We will go to check.


I will hear the heart of our child. Thinking about this I moved slowly from bed without waking up Paula.


The second thing which will happen today will be that we will move into a renovated place. Knowing that, I smiled, and after using the bathroom, I started making tea.


Breakfast is still unknown to me. She kept eating different things each day. So making it earlier is a bad idea. With fresh tea, I crawled to the table, and after taking tests, which my class had, I started checking it.


While doing it, Paula's voice said, "Hello, hubby."


"Hi. Breakfast."


Hearing me, she smiled and said, "Sandwiches."


Hearing it, I nodded and moved to make them. As I kept doing it, I had done it, and when Paula had come to the table, we started eating. After that, time to clean, and watch.


While on the couch, we started watching, all while waiting for a good time to go for checking.