
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Made food together

Paula POV

After lingering in the kitchen, I looked at Grandma. Seeing my look, she started giving me orders about what I should do. While hearing her, I smiled and started doing it.

Mostly I will take care of preparing. Not cooking.

Knowing my skill to do this.

As I looked at Grandma as we kept doing it, all we had done with preparations, and Grandma started cooking.

Seeing it, I smiled, and while we kept being like that for who knows how long, I tested if all will be OK.

I could see that once Grandma wanted to add something that Jack could not eat. Seeing it, I stopped her. Seeing my look, she nodded, and as she smiled, and continued doing it. After ending it all, I looked at Grandma.

Seeing my look, I packed it all into three boxes, and when she brought the bag here, I smiled and looked at her. "So let's go. I will have talked with them."


"What. I know how they are. If they don't want to take care of Jack, I can cook for him. You will be helping me," Grandma said while smiling, and as she moved her hand on my head. Seeing her look I smiled, and as we came out, Mom's voice come, "Where are you going?"

"Visit Jack," Grandma said.

"Oh," Mom said, and as I looked at her, I said, "He is sick. Grandma helps me with cooking, so we are going to visit him."

"Good girl. Take a mask with you," Mom said while taking one from the shelves. Seeing it, I nodded, and as Grandma laughed, I shook my head. While having it in my hand, I put my jacket on and hid it. When I had done this, Mom said, "Where are you going?"

"Williams's main home," Grandma said.

"Oh, OK," she said, and as I nodded, we came out. While looking at Grandma, I smiled, and when we sat in her car, she said, "To Williams."

"Yes, ma'am," the driver said. Hearing it, I smiled, and as Grandma looked at me, I said, "Thank you."

"No problem," she said while kissing my forehead. When she had done this, I nodded, and while looking outside, our ride continued.

It took us some time. While looking at Grandma when we came to the gates, I could see security coming to us. Seeing the person looking, Grandma said, "Let us in."

"Hello," he said, and Grandma nodded not long after the gates opened. Seeing it, I looked at her, and she said, "I visited it a few times last month."

I only nodded. Seeing my look at her, Grandma smiled, and we drove. After parking, we came out, and while Grandma looked at me, I came closer to her. Seeing it, she nodded, and we started our walk to the doors.

Just before coming to them, I could see someone opening them. Not knowing whom Grandma nodded, we walked inside. While looking at her smiling, she looked at me and said, "Oh, where are they?"

Seeing the woman nodding, she smiled and started walking. Seeing it, I followed Grandma. After we came to the living room, Grandma said, "Oh, here you are."

"What are you doing?" Mister Cole asked.

"I heard from my granddaughter that her fiancé is sick. So we made food together and came here," Grandma said. Hearing her words, he nodded and said where is Jack's room.

Hearing it, I nodded and started my walk there.

It took me some time to find his room, but it's good that he keeps watching something. Thanks to this, I could find his room.

After opening the doors, Jack voices, "Who?"


"Paula," he said, and as he moved, I smiled. Seeing Jack, I closed the doors. When he looked at me, he took his phone and started writing something.

Seeing it, I come closer, and while seeing, 'act. No idea if cameras are here!'

Seeing it, I nodded. I started thinking about why he wrote something like that. Looking at him, I nodded, and while looking at him. I took my mask out. Seeing it, Jack started giggling.

Hearing it, I smiled, and after putting it on, I said, "Food here."

"Oh, thank you."

"No problem," I said, and as I passed it to him, he said, "I will try, not sure if I will eat it all."

"Oh, just eat something," I said. Hearing me, Jack nodded, and while looking at him, checking what I brought, he said, "Can you go for a fork?"

"Got it," I said, and when I came out and walked downstairs, I could see a woman who opened the doors for us. Seeing her, I asked, "Might I have a fork?"

"For," she asked.

"Jack to eat."

"Oh, young master. Got it. I will bring it soon," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she walked away, I could hear, "Really Martha?"

Hearing it, I shook my head. Therefore, Grandma is going hard here. While knowing it, I smiled, and while having a fork, knife, and spoon with me, I nodded and strolled back to Jack's room.

Jack POV

As I kept looking at what I had in front of me. Paula had come inside. Looking at her, I smiled and said, "Thanks."

"No problem," she said. I could see that she doesn't like wearing this mask.

After taking everything from her, I started eating. I tried each dish while Paula told me what was in them. When I had done this, I smiled and said, "Thanks. I am full."

"Jack. You should eat more," she said. Hearing her voice, I shook my head and added, "I will eat it more later. Just not hungry now."

"Oh OK," she said. Hearing it, I smiled and looked at her. I don't know what else to say.

"So what you had at school?"

Hearing me, Paula smiled and started talking about what had happened. Hearing her words, I nodded and looked at her.

It took some time for her to end.

When she finally did this all, I smiled, and we started talking. While doing it, she smiled, and we continued talking.

I tried to not go into more things, which we would always do. Especially as I have no idea if someone is watching us here.

As we keep doing it, Mom comes in. Seeing her looking at us, she smiled and said, "Oh, you are having a good time together."

"Talking about what was at school. As we are in the same class."

"Oh, right. I forgot about this. Jack, you want something to drink? " Mom asked. Hearing her words, I shook my head. Seeing it, she nodded and walked away.

Seeing the doors closing, I nodded, and we came back to talking. While doing it, Paula asked, "Bathroom."

"There," I said while pointing at the doors. Seeing it, Paula nodded and walked there. Seeing it, I smiled and kept waiting for her to come. While doing it, she came back, and we continued our talk.