
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

It isn't a hangover

Two months, and three weeks later.

I woke up at one point. Knowing that it is our last day of holidays. Soon we need to come back home.

As I moved my head a little, I looked at Paula.

Remembering all that had happened last night, I shook my head. Knowing it, I started thinking about what we had done during these long vacations.

After the USA, we visited Argentina and Brazil.

From there, we had a week's break in Australia. We spend most of our time visiting places.

Good, that they had winter now there, so all become perfect. Not too hot. Just perfect. After this all, it became worse for me.

Japan is two weeks there from one place to another. Good, that the AC keeps working, but if we come outside I could not stand it.

So hot, and humanity so high. If not, this visit there would be perfect. Great food, and places, which we visited. Just perfection.

After this, we had a few days' stay in a few Asian countries, and finally, we came back to Europe.

From Greece to Italy, and finally now to Austria. Where we are staying.

Thinking about it all, I could feel Paula moving. As I looked at her, she said, "My head."

"So, why did you drink so much?"

"No idea," she said while moving up, and she added, "It isn't a hangover."

"So what?"

"I slept in such a difficult position. Don't ask more," Paula said while moving up. Seeing it, I nodded, and as she smiled, she walked to the bathroom. Seeing it, I keep waiting for her to come back.

While doing it, she showed up, and finally, I could use the bathroom. When I was done, I came out, and while seeing her taking all that she wanted to have for breakfast, I nodded and said, "So this."

"Yes," she said while smiling. Seeing it, I nodded and started creating from this. While doing it, I finished, and we had our breakfast. After doing it, I massaged her neck, and while seeing Paula smiling, she said, "So soon, the university is starting."

"Yes. You know what I have there," I said while looking at her. Thanks to Professor Anderson, and my high school headmaster sister, I have created a plan for all my weeks. It will be spent there from six to ten hours a day.

While thinking about this, I shook my head. Paula has a much lighter schedule.

As I looked at her, she smiled and added, "So we know this all. Now we can slowly check, and soon we will go out."

"We need to make sure to throw a few things out."

"Oh right," Paula said, while smiling, and when she walked to the bedroom she came back with empty boxes. Seeing them, I looked at her, smiling. When she shook her head, she had done this, and after taking it all out, she walked to throw it into a place where they would be taking it, away.

Seeing her coming back, I came closer, and as Paula hugged me, she said, "So now, Jack, we can check and crawl out. Ann should be ready soon."

I nodded, and we walked to check if we had it all. When we had done this all, I looked at Paula, and as she smiled, she looked at me, and we moved slowly out with everything. As Ann and JJ had come not long after we packed all the bags in.

When we did this I looked at Paula, and as she comes back, she checked if all was packed.

When she came back, we started our drive to the airport. After coming there, I smiled and looked at her.

When she grabbed my hand, I nodded, and we kept driving for some time. When we had finally come to our destination, we came onto the plane and our flight had become.

Almost two hours in the air.

When we landed, I could see cars ready. One for Paula and the second for me. Jeep is waiting there.

While looking around, we came out, and after Paula hugged me, she said, "So see you tomorrow. I will call you."

"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, Paula nodded, and after a quick kiss, she walked to her car. Seeing her driving away, I looked at JJ as he finished packing everything. While knowing it, I smiled, and after he had done it, we moved into the car.

After being there, I looked at him, and said, "So home sweet home."

"So directly there."

Hearing his question, I looked at him and said, "No. Mall, and shopping first."

"Ok," he said, and when I nodded, we started driving to the mall.

After coming there I came out, and while looking at JJ I said, "So I will go."

"Ok. I still have bags here. So you don't need to buy them."

"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded, and I walked inside. When I grabbed the trolley, I started my shopping.

When I kept going around, I bought almost the whole trolley. When I had done this all, I smiled and started waiting in line to buy them all.

When I kept waiting, I bought everything. When I did this, I came slowly back to the car. While there, I smiled and started packing everything. When I was done, I smiled, and when I sat in JJ started driving to my place.

After coming there, I smiled, and when I took all I said, "I will give back the bags next time."

"Ok," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and as I smiled, I walked with all inside. While there, I looked around and walked to put the first washing.

While packing, all I could see was that Paula probably hides in my bag her underwear. While knowing it, I shook my head, and after sending her a text message about this, I came back to packing.

When I had done all there, I smiled and looked around. While doing it, I moved slowly to unpack everything. When I did it, I smiled and strolled to where my PC was.

Almost three months without checking my stocks.

While knowing it, I shook my head, and not long after when I started it, and checked all had become.