
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

I have come back to the country

As we kept driving, I could see that on the lights, JJ kept looking at what had changed in the car or he just kept taking out his things.

When we finally got there, I said, "Thanks. I will see how all will go. You will probably need to drive me back to my place."

"I don't think so."

"Oh. So I will contact you tomorrow," I said while walking out.

Seeing him nodding, I took my things and strolled inside. Before coming inside, I could see that the doors were closed.

For the first time, I cannot open them properly. Seeing it, I used a ring.

Not long after, I could see someone opening them. Seeing the butler, I smiled and said, "Hello."

"Oh, young master. Everyone is out."

"Oh, I will go to my room. If Mom or Dad comes back, tell them, that I am there," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded. After coming slowly in, I left my shoes and slowly walked with my bag and backpack into my room.

When I finally lay in bed, I stretched a little. Sitting for so many hours is so exhausting. Feeling a crack coming from my elbow, I shook my head.

After doing it, I took the controller, and before starting the TV, I walked to the bathroom. When I had done all, that I needed with a quick shower. I finally came out.

As still, nobody is there. I changed into only fresh clothes, which I have here.

As my bag is full of dirty stuff. Good, that's what I have here.

When I did this, I started watching TV, and while watching it, it was on a channel with cartoons.

Seeing it, a smile showed up on my face, and after crawling into bed, I started watching it all.

With time passing, I could feel that soon it would be time to eat. As time changed so much, only for late supper.

While knowing it, I shook my head. Maybe travelling with so much time difference is a bad idea.

While having this thought in my mind, I crawled from the bed. After coming out, I walked to the kitchen. While seeing nobody there, I looked around and started making food.

While doing it, at one point the chef's voice came, "Young master, what you are doing?"

"Food. Do not worry. I will clean it all later."

"You could call someone to help," he added.

"No, thanks. I will handle it. Do not worry about anything," I said while moving food onto the pan.

While I kept doing it, I finally finished frying. Seeing it, a smile showed up on my face. After adding a little spice, I took a plate and put food on it.

After doing it, I looked at it all, and when I added water, I left it on the side. I can wait to clean it later. Now it's time to eat.

After finding space for it, I started eating while waiting for the kettle to end.

I could see that the chef wanted to clean, but I said, "I will make it dirty. I will clean it."

"But young master," he started saying. Hearing his words, I shook my head. Seeing it, he nodded and stayed on the side. Seeing it, I make tea, and with it, while standing, I keep eating.

After ending it all, I moved to clean.

As he kept observing me, I tried to clean it as best as I could.

When I had done this, I smiled, and while looking around, I took a bottle of orange juice. Seeing the chef look, I asked, "who they are?"

"Nobody. Who wants to take it?"

"Great. Therefore, I will go now. You have much more spices here than I could imagine. I will need to try some new ones. As I haven't seen anywhere," I said. Hearing my words, the chef nodded, and as I smiled, I strolled out.

While not hearing anyone who could come back. I strolled back to my room. When I lay in bed, I started watching once again cartoons.

With time passing, I yawned. Maybe travelling exhausted me so much. Thinking about this, I sipped a little juice, and after my last use of the bathroom, I lay in bed and fell asleep.

At one point, words woke me up "he is sleeping so peacefully."

"Mom, be quiet," Mom's voice comes. As I opened my eyes, I moved up and said, "Hello."

"Oh Jack, did we wake you up?"

"Yes. Something is happening," I asked while looking at Mom and Grandmothers. Hearing my words, Mom said, "Oh, nothing. You can come back to sleep."

"You should wait for us to come back," Grandma Williams said. Hearing her words, I smiled and said, "Oh, I keep waiting. As I had no idea where you were or when I came back, I just fell asleep."

"So, what are you doing here?" Grandma Cole's voice came.

"JJ told me that I need to come here." I started saying, but Mom said, "I told his bodyguard that he should come here."

"Helen," Grandma Cole said.

"What Mom? I wanted to see my son after so long."

"Let's talk outside," Grandma Williams said. Hearing her words, I nodded and looked at them before walking away. While seeing that, just before midnight passed. Seeing it, I shook my head.

As I could hear their voices outside. I had no idea what they were talking about there.

While hearing it shook my head, and as I watched at the TV, I started it once again.

When I could see that the cartoons had ended, I shook my head and moved slowly to change channels. While I kept doing it, I could not find anything interesting here.

Seeing it, I turned it all off, and when I took the console out, I put it in charge and started playing. I could see that Paula's last time online was during a flight. Therefore, she probably is now busy.

Knowing it, I smiled and started playing.

With it, time passed.

When my eyes started closing, I turned it all off and while leaving it, charged.

Seeing it once again, I fell asleep.

When morning came, Mom woke me up. Seeing her, I nodded, and after changing. I came slowly downstairs. Seeing everyone at the table, I smiled, and when I sat in my place, I started eating.

During it, talks keep ongoing.

As I keep hearing them, I keep only listening. No question comes to me.

When everything had come to an end, I stayed here waiting for any questions.

While hearing that, almost everyone had come into work or somewhere. I walked to my room.

When I took my things, I took the phone and called the professor.

When he answered, "Hello."

"Hello, Professor. Jack Smith is calling. I have come back to the country."

"Oh, Jack. Good, that you are calling. Can we meet today?" he asked.

"Oh, we can. What hour and where?" I asked.

"In university in an hour?" he asked.

"Ok. I will be there," I said, and as the professor hung out, I smiled, and when took my things. After this, I send a text message to JJ that I am coming out.

After doing it, I walked slowly downstairs. When I got there, I could see Mom. Seeing my look, she asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

"My place, and to meet with the professor."

"Ok. Have a safe trip," Mom said while kissing my forehead. Seeing it, I nodded, and when I came out, I waited for a few minutes for JJ.

After coming into the car, I told him all about what was going to happen. Hearing me, he nodded, and he drove to my place.

After being there, I changed and put on clothes to wash. When I had done this, I came out, and JJ started driving to university.