
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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I had a dream

As I looked at her, I could hear, "Mom, what is happening?"

"Paula," Paula's mom said. Hearing her words, Paula looked at her and added, "Mom, might I know why exactly you came here and kept asking these questions?"

"You saw what I have in mind."

"Mom, I know you from the day I remember. Only once do you keep asking so many questions which you should know? So I would like to know what happened."

"Oh, I had a dream. Very nice dream."

"Mom to the target," Paula said.

"I played with grandkids. Jim has no plans soon to have children. I saw one of my friends posting in our group chat about her playing with grandkids."

"Mom," Paula said. Seeing her body reaction, I smiled and wanted to add something, but Paula said, "Really? You had a dream about this."

"You should know. I will not be younger. Your wedding will be in months. So I will wait for good news."

"Mom. I would like to end my studies first," Paula said.

"Oh, you can always take a year off," Paula's mom said. Hearing her words, Paula looked at her mother and said, "Something else, mom."

"Oh, come tomorrow for dinner."

"Ok," Paula said, and as her mother got up, she walked out. Seeing it, I looked at Paula, and after taking a deep breath, I said, "I was so scared."

"Do not worry," Paula said while kissing me shortly. When she had done this, I smiled, and she said, "So watching."

"Yes," I said. As she smiled, we moved to the couch and started watching the series once again. The rest of the day passed on us, being on the couch and watching the series while having a quick break when Paula walked in and ordered pizza.

She doesn't want me to cook. When I smiled and turned to all of us not long after falling asleep.

As the next day came, we woke up as always. While looking at Paula as she is still sleeping, a smile shows up on my face. I observed her for some time until I finally walked to the bathroom.

When I was done, I came back, and as I looked at the hour, I could see that she should sleep for like two or three hours.

I woke up too early today. Thinking about what I could do, I made tea and walked to my PC. As I looked at it, I shook my head. After doing it, it's time to make some money.

I lost totally as time passed. As I was fully focused on this, all I could feel was a hug. Not long after, the kiss on my cheek had come. As I looked at Paula, she smiled and said, "You have some money on account."


"Oh, right. You will need to pay them soon," she said.

"Yes," I said shortly. As Paula nodded, she smiled, and after kissing me once again, she added, "I will go make breakfast. I will need to go shopping. As I want to have something to eat."

"Ok," I said while looking at her. As she smiled and looked at me. I could see Paula walking out. While seeing it, I smiled and moved back to what I had on my screen.

Good, that I take notes on all. Therefore, I know how much I will need to pay taxes. I will need to make a call to the person who helped me a year ago with all this. Good that I have his number saved.

While thinking about this tomorrow during lunchtime, I will call him and make an appointment on Saturday.

As I kept thinking about this, I could hear Paula coming back. Hearing it, I smiled and turned it all off. When I had done this, I smiled and came slowly out. Seeing her look at me, she smiled and said, "Sit. Food will be soon."

"Ok," I said shortly. As she smiled, I sat, and not long after, I could see what we would have for breakfast.

Seeing it, I nodded, and as she smiled, we started eating it all. While doing it, all the time passed. After ending it, all the time passed, and after ending it, Paula smiled, and she said, "So."

"I will clean it all."

"Ok," she said, and as I smiled, I walked to clean everything. When I had done this all, I came out. While seeing Paula sitting on the couch, I came to her, and while seeing her look at me, she said, "So let's watch."

"Ok," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and while looking at her, I sat on her side. When she smiled, we started watching the series. While doing it, all at one point, we made lunch, and with it, we continued watching.

Slowly, the time for us to go out started coming. Paula looked at me and said, "We need to change and go."

"Yes," I said. As Paula smiled, we crawled out. As I looked at her, I kissed her cheek, and after doing it, we all moved slowly out. While observing Paula, she looked at me and said, "We will go with JJ and Ann."

"Oh, why."

"I might drink there," she said.

"As I don't have a driving license, we will come back with them," I said, and as she nodded, we got into the car. While being there, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, she said, "So we can go now."

"Ok," JJ said, and as he smiled, we started our drive to our destination. While doing it, I hope we will not be questioned, and be alone with Paula's parents. Now I hope my grandparents will not come.

This is a question, which I will know when we come to our destination.