
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

I am listening to you

As Paula looked at me. She smiled and said, "So, Jack."


"I have a few things which we can do. I was saying earlier," Paula said.

"I am listening to you," I said.

Hearing me, Paula smiled and said, "What will you do during Christmas?"

"Oh, no idea. I will see when the time comes. I know it is closer, but I do not know. Really. New Year too."

"Oh ok. So," she started saying, and after moving a little, Paula smiled and continued, "So maybe we will find time to meet each other."

"Oh, we can. We will need to think about this," I said.

Hearing me, she nodded.

I smiled, and when Paula once again hugged me, she continued, "We will see how it goes. Mommy is thinking about going somewhere."

"Oh," I said, only while looking into Paula's eyes. Hearing me, she smiled and continued, "We will see. Now another thing."

"Which is?"

"What do you want to do now?" she asked. I smiled and said, "You should decide. We can learn, watch something or do something else."

"Oh, so learning for now. Later we will watch it. Maybe I will find something good. I am thinking about some series."

"Oh, we can. So, about what do you want to learn?" I asked. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and when she took the book out, I looked at her.

Seeing it, I smiled and said, "oh, this."

"Yes. Let's do this," Paula said shortly. Hearing it, I nodded, and when she smiled, she sat on my side, and like that, we started doing it once again.

No idea what we can do together.

Perhaps I should search for this on the net.

No idea what we can do.

Time slowly passed. Seeing Paula not having anything else, she said, "So watching."

"Oh, we can. Before this, we will have supper."

"I will eat at home," she said. Hearing it, I nodded. Therefore, I will need to make myself when I come back.

While knowing it, I looked at her as she kept checking what we could see. As we kept doing it, she found something.

"So we will watch this."

"Ok," I said, and when she hugged me, I looked into her eyes.

Seeing my look, Paula smiled, and we started watching. I could see that she chose some series. Seeing it, a smile shows up on my face, and we keep watching it.

As I could see that time slowly came back home, I said, "I will clean it all."

"I will help."

Hearing her words, I nodded, and I took all. While having it, Paula and I clean the shelves. After doing it, she smiled and said, "So you will go home soon."

"Yes. I need to check if I have done it all. I will probably be at the same time as always."

"Ok," she said, and when she grabbed my side, she looked into my eyes. Seeing it, she smiled and kissed me.

Feeling her lips, Paula smiled and continued, "I hope we can meet alone tomorrow. Here, not at school."

"I hope so. Not for long, as I will have my training," I said.

Hearing me, she nodded, and as I looked at her, I said, "So I will go now. See you tomorrow at school. When you come back home. Call me."

"Ok," she said. Hearing it, I smiled and strolled out. After coming outside, I looked around. I could see that Ann had not moved from her place at all.

Seeing it, I smiled and strolled to the bus stop.

Not long after, my trip back home began.

As I kept driving there, time passed. Seeing it, I smiled as I could see my place.

While looking at everything, I smiled, and after moving slowly inside, I could hear car breaks.

Hearing it, I turned, and while seeing that JJ looked at me, he smiled.

Seeing it, I shook my head and walked inside. No idea why he breaks so hard.

After coming in, a smile showed up on my face. Now I can make something to eat and maybe talk with Paula more. Thinking about this, I checked what I could make.

Seeing that I had not much in the fridge, I could only shake my head. When I did this. I took a few things and started making sandwiches.

For sure, when I will end tomorrow, I will need to go shopping.

Knowing it, I smiled, and as I looked around, I took a plate and walked to where I had a PC. After sitting in front of it, I started it.

While seeing it, a working smile showed up on my face, and I checked my email.

After doing it, I smiled and started looking at what I can buy Paula for Christmas. For sure, I will need to buy something.

Thinking about this, I keep surfing the net while eating.

As I kept doing it, Paula called me.

Seeing it, I answered, and we talked, for a short time, while I kept looking for a gift.

As I kept doing it, we had one at one point. As Paula needs to prepare for school.

Knowing it, I will need to do this soon. Thinking about this, I put it aside, searching for what I can buy for her.

I choose now one gift for Sophia. Therefore, I will need to see it in person. Knowing it, I smiled and walked to check my backpack.

After checking it and seeing that everything was packed, I took a quick shower and kept looking around. What I can buy?

Thinking now, I will buy for at least eleven people.

Grandparent's mom, dad, and sisters. For them, for sure.

Next is Paula and something for JJ.

For him, maybe some alcohol.

For grandparents, no idea. I will need to check on them more. Good, that they are well known, so I can check on the net. Not counting our first meeting, we only saw each other for a few seconds.

Most with Grandma Cole. When she put cameras here.

Thinking about this, I shook my head at grandpa. I will need to buy something. So twelve.

For him, the easiest gift.

I know he likes smoke pipes so I will buy a new one for him. Maybe with something on this.

For sure, I will need to look now for it. As this might take some time.

Thinking about this, I smiled, and after moving the rest of the thinning to the side, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When the next day came, I woke up like normal for school. Seeing that soon, I should get out of bed. I still have a few minutes but time to finally get up.

As I looked around, I came slowly to the bathroom and started doing my morning routine. After it all ended, I made breakfast and ate it.

After this, I cleaned and changed. Last things before grabbing all and going to school.

While yawning, I shook my head. As I packed everything into my backpack, I came outside and strolled to the car.

While there, JJ looked at me and said, "So, school."

"Yes," I said while yawning. Hearing me, JJ passed me the coffee. Seeing it, I said, "From where do you know?"

"You started yawning more and more. Therefore, I bought it for you. Do not worry. Company money."

"About vacations, you will say the same," I said while taking the first sip.

"Maybe. If you will go somewhere, I will need to go there. You should know what my work is," he said.

"Yes. I know. Do not worry about this. I do not have plans for now to go somewhere. Maybe after the last exams."

"Good to know. It will be hot."

"Really," I said, and as he looked into the mirror, I shook my head, and while sipping coffee, I kept looking outside.

It should help me wake up. While trying not to yawn too much, we finally come to a normal place. Seeing it, I came out and said, "After this, I will learn with Paula. For some time after this training."

"Got it," he said while showing me a thumbs up. Seeing it, I nodded and walked slowly to school.

While doing it, I keep slipping coffee. When I had done this, I threw an empty cup and strolled inside.

Once again almost nobody was there, so after changing, I come to the classroom. While there, waiting for Paula began.

She not long after showed up. Seeing her looking at me, I smiled and could see the necklace. Seeing it, she smiled, and when she came closer, she said, "I will try to wear it when I can. It will be hidden but here always."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and as more and more people started coming, she walked to Lucy and Emily. Seeing it, I looked down, and not long after, the lesson had begun.