
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

How are they treating you?

When Grandpa had done storytelling, I looked at him. Seeing me look he giggled, and Sophia said, "Oh little brother. I had no idea that you were like that."

"What. If you don't learn you will have no future."

"Still. You have your stocks," she said while smiling. As I looked at her godmother said, "Teacher I will go now. We have one hard case now. I hope all will be good."

"Do not worry," grandpa said. Hearing his words, I smiled, and when they walked out, I looked at Grandpa. Seeing my look, he smiled, and said, "So how are they treating you? We are alone now."


"Parents and grandparents," he said while moving up. Seeing Grandpa doing it, I said, "Please sit. All is going smoothly."

"Jack. I know when you are lying."

"Oh, my parents are lovely to me. After they found out who I was, all went well. For the most part," I said. Only one, which has not for me been this, forced engaged to Paula. Good that we were a couple so this was not hard for us.

"Oh, I hope so, well now."

"Oh, it was over a year ago," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded, and added, "I hope they are treating you like your sisters. I only met Sophia now. So I have no idea how you two are. If I am not mistaken, we're going."

"They are doing great. I just moved to the side. I could earn more while using the Williams surname but I do not want to. Going on my own. Grandpa, you should remember the most valuable stocks."


"They are my sister's company," I said. Hearing my words, Grandpa nodded. Seeing his look, I smiled, and said, "It rose much more than it was."

"Good. I hope you are doing well with it."

"I own much more money now," I said. Hearing my words, Grandpa nodded. As I smiled, I started observing him while I did not want to start talking about blood-related grandparents.

As Grandpa looked at me, he smiled, and said, "Great to know this."

"Yes. It kept rising each hour."

Hearing me he nodded, and said, "Good that you found something like that in this."

As I nodded, he moved closer, and while looking into my eyes he smiled, and added, "So how was it, with your fiancée."

"Oh great. We kept trying to keep it hidden."

"Good," he said. Hearing Grandpa's words I smiled, and while looking at him he added, "I still have some shares for my old company. They are for you."

"Grandpa. What about" I started saying but he stopped me, and said, "After what they had done I don't want to talk with them."


Hearing my words he nodded, and as I smiled, we talked for some time. While doing it, I could see a doctor coming.

Seeing us, he said, "We will go for more checking."

"Ok," Grandpa said, and when he got up, I smiled, and while looking for a doctor. As he looked at me he said, "Jack you should come back home."

"Oh I will," I said. When he smiled and walked out. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I took all I walked slowly out.

When I got into the car. While looking at JJ he smiled, and when I sat inside, he said, "So home."


Hearing my words, he nodded, and as I smiled out the drive there had become. After coming there I came out, and while looking around I walked slowly back inside.

When I got there, I smiled, and while looking around I could see Mom coming out from the elevator. Seeing her, I smiled, and said, "Hi."

"Jack where you were."

Hearing her words I smiled, and said, "Visited grandpa."

"Who?" Dad asked. As I looked at him, I said, "Sorry I kept calling him like that from habit."

"Oh. What had happened" Mom asked, when they came inside. Seeing Dad holding the bag I took it. While looking at what was inside Mom asked, once again "What had happened?"

"Oh, he fainted yesterday. Today he has more checking."

"Ok," Mom said. Hearing her words I smiled, and said, "Maybe Godmother will know more about what is happening."

"Why?" Dad asked. As I looked at him, I said, "She bought the company from him."

"Wait. Smith. Stephan Smith" Dad started saying. As I nodded, I said, "Same person."

"Oh shit," Dad said. Hearing his words, I smiled, and said, "He will be good."

"I hope so. Now it's time to move on," Mom said. Hearing her words, I looked at her. As she smiled, she wanted me to check my body temperature.

Seeing it, I had done this, and when I had done this all I smiled, and said, "All good."


Hearing her words, I nodded, and we talked for some time. While doing it, all I looked at was Mom and Dad. As they started packing and walked out.

While looking at them I closed the doors, and when I smiled, I looked around.

After moving slowly to the table, I checked what they had brought here. Seeing dinner for me, Paula I smiled and hid it in the fridge. After doing it, smiles show up on my face. As I took some jelly, I sat on the couch, and while eating them, time to watch cartoons had become.

While I kept playing, at one point I smiled. I had feelings about one company.

While having it, I moved to the PC, and after starting I looked around.

While thinking about this I smiled, and while working I checked how many stocks I had.

While seeing it, I smiled and started selling them. While doing it, I had done it at one point. After doing it, I smiled, and while seeing that they had sold me smiled, and looked at what I could buy.

While doing it, all the time passed. When I smiled, and after I moved slowly out as once again I invested money time to wait for Paula.

I hope my feeling about selling stocks was good.

Another way I might have big losses. Thinking about this I shook my head, and after sitting once again on the couch I looked at all, and as I smiled, I started watching cartoons.