
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

He woke up too much

When we had finished eating, I looked into Paula, and I smiled.


Seeing her look, she said, "So let's go watch."


"Ok. Not too loud."


Hearing my words, she nodded. Looking into her, I could smile, and we kept watching. While doing it, at one point, she took Simon in her hands, and we walked upstairs.


When we got there, I moved a little away from the bed. Closer to the place, which is prepared to change Simon. While seeing all prepared, Paula nodded, and we lay in bed. While being like that, she said, "Go have a shower. I will wait here."


I only nodded and walked to have a quick shower. When I had done all there, I came back and lay on Paula's side. Seeing my look, she smiled and walked to the bathroom.


I could hear a cry coming at one point. Hearing it, I took Simon up, and after moving him to the side; I kept signing and started changing him.


When I had done all this, I could see Paula rushing out. Seeing her having wet hair on her back, she took him and started feeding him. When she had done this, she spent some time with Simon on her chest.


Seeing it, I kept smiling, and while she started signing, I joined too.


At one point I took Simon, and after putting him in bed, and when we finished signing, she ran back to the bathroom.


Seeing it, I smiled, and when I lay she came to me at one point. While lying we not long after fallen asleep.


During the night, we woke up four times.


When morning came, I looked into Paula, and as she opened her eyes, she said, "He woke up too much."


"Oh, I have the same while being in a new place."


"Oh," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and not long after I used the bathroom, and changed. When I had done this, I walked to make breakfast.


After coming to the kitchen, I had done everything here. I smiled, and when I came outside, I could see Paula coming here with Simon in her hands.


Seeing it, I looked into it. I could hear an unknown sound. Looking at Paula, she said, "Oh Simon. Look at daddy."


"Oh my lovely son," I said while coming closer. Looking at him opening for a few seconds, I smiled.


While observing him, I smiled, and not long after Paula started signing. Hearing her voice, I smiled, and when we were done all here, I smiled, and not long after, she put him back in bed.


Seeing him sleeping, I smiled, and with Paula, we moved to eat. When we had done all here, I looked into Paula's eyes.


Seeing my look, she smiled, and after kissing me, I walked to wash it all. When I had done this, I came back, and seeing her standing close to Simon's bed, I came closer to her.


When I hugged her, I said, "So watching."


"Yes," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and we spent some time here. While doing it, I could hear one-point doors opening.


Seeing Mom coming inside, she said, "Oh, where is my grandson?"


"Sleeping peacefully," Paula said. Hearing her words, Mom smiled, and she walked to check on Simon. Seeing her standing there, I asked, "Something to drink."




Hearing her, I nodded and walked to make one.


When I had done all I came back, and seeing her looking at me I could smile.


When she came and took a sip, she said, "So, how was your first night here?"

 "He woke up so many times," Paula said. Hearing her words, Mom nodded, and said, "He will do it, less soon. Probably in a few months, he will stay awake more and more."


"I hope so," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and when doors once again opened Paula's Mom came inside.


Seeing her, I smiled, and we talked until Simon had woken up.


When Mom changed him, Paula fed and Mom and took care of Simon. As they talked to him for some time at one point, they started signing.


When it all came to an end I smiled, and when we had done it all here I smiled, and seeing Mom looking at me, she said, "Jack, go to my car. Here are the keys. Take toys for him."


"Ok," I said.


"Oh from mine too," Paula's mom said. Hearing her, I nodded and walked to take it all.


After taking the bags, I came back. When I smiled, I looked around.


As Mom came closer, I looked at them, and they showed us what they had bought.


Seeing it, I nodded, and when we had done all here, I smiled, and not long after we started checking everything.


When we had finished, Mom stayed here while I walked as Professor Anderson called to me.


When I had talked with him for a long time, I started coming back. I want to see what is happening. Simon probably is still sleeping. Therefore, I will listen to what they are talking about.