
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

He sues you now

Month later.

This month passed badly.

Once again, in high school, I was targeted. Somehow, I survived it with Sophia's help.

With Paula, I spend most Sundays. On Saturdays, I visited home.

My grandparents' situation is the same, but maybe it will be better soon. With these hopes, I could live now. After waking up unexpectedly, not at home or my place but in the flat.

Looking at Paula on my side, I shook my head.

While remembering yesterday.

Seeing her breathing slowly, I wanted to kiss her.

Yesterday I had no idea what had happened to her, but some demons woke her.

As I kept observing her for some time, I finally got up. Looking at her sleeping, I covered her back with a blanket and strolled to the bathroom.

February is much colder than January. Thinking about this, I could only shake my head and have a refreshing shower now.

It took me some time. I could enjoy it alone. Not like yesterday. We had it together.

After it was all over, I came out, and after drying. I walked to put on fresh clothes.

Seeing that Paula took most of the bed, I shook my head.

She looks so funny now.

Somehow, she moved in the middle. Her hands took all the bed, and her legs were in a strange position.

It looks strange but so funny. While looking at Paula, I wanted to take a photo of her, but I stopped myself.

Time to make breakfast. Thinking about this, I walked to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

While doing it, Paula's phone started ringing. After coming closer, I could see 'mommy' written.

Seeing it, I took it and walked to the bed. Paula probably heard it as I started coming closer.

As she woke up. While seeing her, I smiled, and after passing the phone, I said, "Mom."

"Thanks," Paula said, and as she answered, she said, "Mommy, hello."

Looking at her, I do not want to make any sound. While she looked at me, she moved her hand while she was eating something.

I nodded immediately.

Seeing it, she nodded and said, "Yes, I will have breakfast soon. Do not worry. Yes. I will eat homemade, not bought breakfast."

Hearing it, I smiled, and as Paula took the blanket off, she looked at me.

Seeing her look, she said, "Yes. I will go to my fiancé. I will contact him. Do not worry."

After saying it, I suppose something will be happening. When Paula finished talking, she moved closer to me and asked, "So what will we have for breakfast?"

"I am making it. So go take a shower and change."

"I will," she said, only before giving me a long kiss. After she did this, I smiled, and my phone started ringing.

Hearing it, Paula took it, and while looking at the screen, she said, "Sophia."

"Oh yes," I said, and when I took it and answered, I said, "Yes."

"Oh, Jack. We might have some problems."

"What is happening?" I asked.

"You remember the mayor kid case?"

"Oh, what now?" I asked.

"He sues you now," she said.

"Oh well. Sister, can I ask you to represent me" I asked.

"I will. The only problem is that on the other side is my mentor. So this will be a hard one," she said.

"No problem. Just tell me when everything will be ready. So I will come," I said.

"Ok. Byby. Oh, right, you're going to Evans today. Do you need a lift?" she asked.

"Paula called. So I will go with her."

"Ok," Sophia said, and after hanging out. Paula looked at me.

Seeing her look, I made sure that I did call, and after kissing her forehead, I said, "I will go make breakfast. Do your morning routine."

"Got it," she said, and when she turned and walked away, I looked at her. She started moving her hips more.

What is in her head?

As I looked at her until she had disappeared into the bathroom, I walked to the kitchen and started making our breakfast. While doing it, finally time to fry bacon and make eggs come.

While I kept doing it, Paula had come, and while she looked at me, she said, "You going hard on breakfast."

"We exercised yesterday a lot."

"Mostly I. You just keep lying," Paula said while coming closer, and as she kissed me, she added, "And I loved it."

"Good to know," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and when I continued cooking, Paula prepared bread and plates.

When she was done with it, she started the kettle, and as it kept slowly ending, Paula made tea for coffee and me for her.

When she had done this, I smiled, and after ending all. I put all on the plates.

Seeing her walking away with our drinks, I took plates and sauntered after her. When we sat, she smiled, and we started eating.

Maybe I added too many spices. Thinking about this while eating, I had done all of it.

As I kept sipping tea while looking at Paula, she smiled, and as she moved up, she sat on my lap.

Looking into her eyes, I asked, "Do you know why we are going there?"

"Oh, no idea. Mommy sounds nice. So maybe she wants to know more about you."

"Maybe. Especially as they are planning soon to tell everyone that you are engaged to William's found son," I said while smiling.

"Oh, this will be later. We will need to have talked with Emily and Lucy about this," she said.

"Oh, what now?"

"They might think that I am spending time with you while I have a fiancé," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "This is a good idea."

"Oh well. We will need to tell them who you are."

"So let's move this until all will go public that you have finance," I said.

"Good idea," Paula said, and as she kissed me, my phone started ringing. Seeing who, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Jack, can you come today to uni?" the call came from Fred's number, but the professor's voice came.

"Oh, sorry, but not soon. I do not know how long I will spend in one place."

"Oh, call this number when you can come. You might help while having a fresh mind, "the professor said.

"Ok. I will come when I will be able to," I said.

"Ok," the professor said, and he hung out. After doing it, I looked at Paula, and she said, "So you will go there."

"Yes. They need me," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as she kissed me, she said, "So you will wear this."

"Yes," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and when she kissed me, she said, "So we can go soon."

"Oh, first of all, cleaning."

"I know," she said, and when I smiled, I took it all. While looking at Paula, ending her coffee, I smiled and walked to clean it all.

When I keep doing it, I have done almost everything. Only Paula's glass was left to wash. While I keep waiting for her, she finally shows up.

Seeing her, I smiled and after taking it. I washed it.

When I had done this, Paula looked at me and said, "So maybe after the cinema tomorrow we will come here."

"Oh, to learn," I asked.

"Maybe," she said while smiling. Looking at her, I said, "Oh, this."

Hearing me, Paula smiled. Looking at her, I kissed her cheek and said, "We will see about this. So let's take it all, and we can go."

"Ok. I informed Ann about this. She should inform JJ."

I only nodded. Seeing my look, Paula smiled, and after kissing me shortly, we came out. As I looked at Paula, she started changing.

Looking at her, I keep smiling. She may be doing it, especially so slowly. While I kept looking at her, I said, "Oh hell."

"What?" Paula said while looking into my eyes.

"My teeth's mark is still on you."

"Oh, this. I need to remember to not show it to anyone," she said while smiling. Hearing it, I shook my head, and when she finally had done. We came out.

While looking at her smiling, I shook my head.

When we got into the car, Paula said, "So let's go. Oh right, quick shopping before going back."

"Oh," I said, and when she smiled, we started our ride. While we kept going, she stopped close to the bakery, and after buying something, she came back.

I do not know what she bought, as it is in a paper bag. While looking at Paula, she said, "You will know when we will come."

"Ok," I said, and as she smiled, she put it in the back. Seeing it, I looked at her, and when she smiled, she started driving once again.