
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Go ask for something

As I kept being like that, I smiled and moved up.

I calmed down a little. Good that I keep with deep breaths.

As I looked around, all I could do now was move from my chair and lie in bed. Maybe I will play something on TV.

While thinking about this, I took the phone. After checking text messages. I smiled. Seeing that Paula sent me some, I texted her back.

Seeing her answer, I smiled, and after lying, we kept texting each other. While we kept doing it, she called me.

Seeing it, I looked at the phone, and when I answered, I said, "yes."

"Oh, Jack. Can you start face cam?" she asked.

"Ok," I said, and after moving to where I have a PC, I sat and accepted it. After doing it, I looked at Paula's face. Seeing it, she smiled and pointed at something.

Seeing it, I looked at it for a quick second, took the paper, and started explaining all to her.

No idea why she goes with higher math, but I can explain it all to her. While I kept doing it, I had done it at one point. Seeing it, she smiled, and after placing the phone better, I did not need to hold it. I looked at her.

Seeing her smiling, she looked at me, and we talked for some time.

Feeling that all I had wanted before talking with her, I kept smiling and said, at one point, "I will be back."

"Oh, where are you going?" Paula asked.

"Bathroom, and make supper."

"Oh, so I will wait. Maybe I will go ask for something to eat," she said. Hearing it, I smiled, and as I looked at her, I moved my phone and walked out.

After using the bathroom, I made quick sandwiches, and while having them, I smiled, and after moving with them, I came back.

While there, I smiled and sat. After moving my phone, I could not see Paula.

Therefore, I started eating. At one point, I could hear Paula's steps.

As I looked at it, I finished eating and looked at her. Seeing the salad in her hand, she smiled and started eating it.

We spend some time looking at each other. After we had done this, after Paula finished eating, we continued chit-chatting.

As time passed, who knew when I looked at her, and after ending it, she smiled and said, "I need to go."

"Ok by," I said, and when she smiled, she sent me a kiss. Seeing it, I smiled too and did the same. After doing it, I looked at her smiling and she hung out.

After she had done this, I put the phone to the side.

"So good" escaped from my lips. While smiling, I crawled into the bathroom and took a shower.

After ending it, I changed into pyjamas, and not long after lying in bed, I fell asleep.

As I kept sleeping, I woke up at one point. I could hear loud knocking.

As I looked around it, it did not stop. Hearing them finally, I moved up and walked to the doors. Seeing an unknown person there, I said, "Who are you?"

"Old madam calls you. I am the driver."

"I don't know you. Go away," I said while turning. When I did this, he said, "Open this door. Another way."

"What. I can call the police. You are disturbing people living here," I said. I had no plans to talk to him anymore.

I want to sleep. As I keep walking to the bedroom. He once again started knocking. Hearing it, I turned, and after coming to the doors, I said, "what now?"

"Throw them away," he said, and I could hear that something was happening with the doors. Hearing it, I ran to the bedroom while grabbing my phone. While there, I locked them and called the night shift.

When they answered, I said, "fast to my place."


"Thanks," I said, and when I looked around, I pushed a shelf and moved it in front of the doors. After I had done this, I sat and kept waiting. While I was doing it, I checked if I still had the Marko number.

Seeing it, I shook my head. When I had done this, I could hear them still struggling with doors. Hearing it, I called dad. While I keep doing it, mom-sleeping voice says, "yes."

"Mom, did you know if grandma is planning something?" I asked.

"No idea. Why are you asking?"

"Someone sent by her is trying to come into my place," I said.

"What!" Mom screams. Hearing it, I moved the phone a little from my ear as mom kept swearing.

While hearing it, dad's voice came, "honey, what is happening?"

"Go for mothers now," mom said. Hearing it, I moved better there. As I keep thinking about this mom's voice, "Did you contact someone?"

"Yes. Who is outside should be there soon," I said.

"Good. Probably the police will come there too," mom said. Hearing it, I said, "I suppose."

"Honey," dad's voice comes.

I do not know what is happening there but mom said, "Ok. I will deal with this. Jack comes to the doors if they are there."

"Ok," I said, and after moving it, once again to the place, I came out. After coming to the doors, mom's voice came, "speaker."

"Moment," I said, and when I did this mom screamed, "stop this now."

"Miss" I could hear a one-person voice. Hearing it, mom said, "Jack opened the doors. When I had done this, I could see those who were downstairs running here with guns. Seeing their mom's voice come, "all of you stay here. Police will deal with you. Fourth is someone here."

"Yes, madam," one said.

"Take Jack to his property now. I will deal with everything later," mom said. Hearing it, I said, "I will grab a few things."

"Do it. You will not go to school today," mom's voice came. Hearing it, I said, "Ok", and ran to change.

In my backpack, I put on underwear, one spare clothes and a laptop. After having it, I came out, and when I looked at who grandma sent here, I looked at JJ people.

Seeing me, one said, "We will go, young master. You will deal with them."

"No problem," the second one said. Hearing it, I put a mask on and walked after him. When we came out, I could see that the police had come here.

Seeing it, I smiled, and we kept walking out. We came into the car, and our driver had become.

As I kept yawning like hell, I tried not to fall asleep while driving.

After finally coming to our destination, I could see someone waiting there.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming out, I could hear, "Young master, today you can't come out."

"Oh, ok," I said, and when he smiled, I walked after him inside. While we were there, we came to one room.

Seeing that it is all decorated here, I smiled and looked around. When I lay in bed after changing, I had hoped that today I will have a good sleep.

As I kept sleeping, the alarm woke me up. As I should go to school. After doing my morning routine, I came downstairs and left my backpack on the side. When I had done this, I could hear, "where are you going, Jack?"

"Oh, dad," I said, turning to him. Seeing my look, he said, "Where?"

"Oh, school," I said.

"No chance," he said.

"Ok. Therefore, I will be back in my bedroom soon. Just I will go make some breakfast," I said.

"All will be ready. So leave your bag there and come here," dad said. Hearing it, I nodded and strolled back to the room. While there, I took the phone and texted Paula, 'I will not come today. Not feeling good. I hope tomorrow I should be fine.'

After doing it, I smiled, and when I came downstairs, I looked around. While I kept doing it, I could hear text messages. Hearing it, I checked and could see 'ok. See you tomorrow,' and a lot of emojis.

Seeing it, I smiled, and when I hid the phone. Dad came out.

Seeing me, he said, "So you left it all."

"Yes. Can I know why this has happened?"

"You put her people into prison," he said.

"If grandma wants to install cameras in my place of living, she can. Just not everywhere. I had no private space. They follow me everywhere. What if I am someone under police monitoring?" I said, looking into dad's eyes.

Hearing me, he nodded and said, "Oh, this I didn't know. Sorry about this. They will be punished."

"I hope so. I hope I can come back to a normal life. This is so annoying. Being monitored by someone who you do not know. Only good thing is that in the bathroom, they installed nothing. Knowledge of someone observing you when you are taking a shit or having a shower is not nice."

"Once again, I am so sorry about this. I will repair the doors. Do not worry," dad said while looking at me. Hearing it, I nodded and said, "Ok. Just put it in the same place, and take the old one."

"Ok," he said, and when I smiled, I could hear the woman's voice "master. Breakfast is ready."

"Ok," dad said, and when I looked at him, I could see it coming to the table. Seeing it, I smiled, and after sitting, I started eating. As of now, I once again need to calm down.