
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

First dance

After coming outside, I could see rice going on around us. Seeing it, I looked at it. 

Few coins in it.


Seeing it, I shook my head. 

When we passed, we had no idea how much was there, but all will be cleaned.


Seeing it, I smiled, and as Paula looked at me, she whispered, "Like always. Tradition must be."




As she smiled, we walked into the car. With gifts, we will deal with them after the sale. Knowing it, I looked at Paula, and as we sat in an old Ford, who knows from which year, I suppose the thirties. Maybe earlier.


As the engine started running, I smiled, and as Paula lay on my shoulder, she said, "You know what next will come."




As she smiled, she looked at me. Seeing her look, Paula kissed me. While Seeing that we are first, the rest cars are going after us.


Seeing it, I kept looking at what was happening. While doing it, all at one point, we had come to our destination.


Seeing it, I came out, and after moving my hand, Paula smiled, and when she looked at me, she walked slowly out.


Seeing her, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, I smiled, and while looking at her, I smiled. And the next tradition had come.


When her grandmother looked at us, she said what is always there. 

When we smiled, ate a piece of bread, and drank a glass of vodka.


When we had done this, we threw the glass back, and when they shredded, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, she smiled.


Seeing her look, the music played. Seeing it, we came inside.


While looking at Paula, I nodded, and as she smiled, and when we looked around, gifts had come.


While seeing it all, I could only smile.


As I observed Paula, she smiled, and while looking at her, we thanked everyone. While doing it, I smiled, and after we had done all here, we kept moving gifts to JJ and Ann.


As they are helping us with them.


While looking at Paula, I could see that the queue would soon end.


Few people I did not know. So probably the closest business collaborates with our parents.


Seeing it, I smiled, and when they mostly talked with Paula, I only kept nodding.


While doing it, all the time passed.


After ending it, all Moms came and said, "Your first dance."


When I nodded, Paula smiled, and while being on the parquet, I looked at her, and we started dancing. While doing it, all we had done.


As the music started playing, Paula looked at me. Seeing her look, I asked, "You don't change."


"I will later."


I only nodded. As Paula smiled, and while looking at her. I smiled, and we moved to our table.


While we were there we sat, and while looking at Paula, I smiled, and while she looked at me, she said, "I made sure all you can eat."




"Jack, I made sure too," Mom's voice came. Hearing her, I nodded. As she smiled, we walked slowly to eat.


As the music kept playing, I looked at Paula. While we kept doing it, she took me to the parquet.


While seeing her, I smiled.


As we kept dancing, time passed. While walking around, I could hear, "Josh you truly surprised me with this invite."


"Oh, no problem Joe."


Hearing Dad's words, the godfather's voice comes, "Yes. Jack comes here."




As he looked at me, a person named Joe said, "Jonathan, I could see that Henry stopped wasting money."


"He will, and always is."


Hearing Godfather's words, I smiled, and while looking at him, Henry said, "Oh, Jack helped me with all."


"Oh, so you have something from Josh?"


"He is better than me. So watch out for Joe. When Jack's company will take your position in the ranking," Dad's words come. Hearing him, I said, "Oh, I need money for a living and other things."


Hearing my dad laugh. As he looked at me, Grandpa had come, and I could hear, "Oh Jack. I can see you talking in a good place."




Hearing me, he smiled, and while looking at him, we talked. As Paula moved more to talk there.


Seeing it, I smiled, and with time passing, she took me from there. I could feel that alcohol hit me a little.


While feeling it, I looked at her, and as she smiled, we started dancing. While doing it, all the time passed. Who knows when?


When we had done all this, I smiled. While looking at her, time passed.


Take a quick break for a drink or to eat something, and come back to the parquet.


I danced a lot with Paula. After this, I danced with Paula and my mom.


When we had done this all at one point, I could see that Paula had disappeared.


Seeing it, I got up, and while looking around, I smiled and could finally rest.


As the music kept playing, I took a glass of drinks and walked out.


As it is too warm here. While there, I took a sip of juice, and as I smiled, I kept waiting.


As I am not far from the doors, Paula should see me.


Therefore, I will wait for her to come. Therefore, I can calm down a little.