
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Don't want to talk about this

As we kept driving for some time, we finally came to our destination.

Seeing Paula driving it, a smile showed up on my face. While looking at her, she said, "Act."

"Got it," I said only, and when she nodded, I looked in front of us.

Not long after, she parked. Seeing it, she said, "So let's go."


Hearing me, she nodded, and as I smiled, we came out of the car and started our walk slowly to the doors. Seeing them, Paula smiled and strolled inside.

Looking at Paula, she keeps smiling. Seeing her expression, I could see her mom sitting and drinking something.

"Mommy. We had come," Paula said while coming closer to her. Seeing them hugging, Paula added, "Oh, tea. Good one."

"Yes. Yesterday it came. Do you want some? " Paula's mom asked. Hearing her words, I keep looking at them. While doing it, Paula shook her head and asked, "Why did you call me to take Jack here?"

"Oh, you should spend some time together. So go to your room," Paula's mom said, and as she looked at me, she said, "Lunch and dinner will be here. I know what your allergies are."

"Ok," I said, and as she nodded, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she smiled, and I followed her.

After coming to her bedroom, she locked the doors, and while looking at me, she said, "I will change into casual clothes."

"Ok," I said, and as she nodded, she started changing. It took her some time, but after she had done it. I smiled. Seeing her look at me, she came closer and said, "So, let's learn."

"Oh, what you bought in the bakery? You forgot to take it."

"Oh shit," Paula said, and as she looked at me, she smiled, and after taking her phone, she called someone.

I wanted to tell her, that I can go, but she said, "Ann, at the back of my car are cookies. You can take them to eat with JJ."

After hearing it, I smiled and looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she smiled and hung out. After doing it, she said, "They spend much more together."

"Oh, especially while we are at school. Almost the whole day together."

"Yes," Paula said while smiling. Seeing her look at me, she kissed me shortly and said, "So let's learn."

"Ok," I said, and we started doing it. While we kept doing it, for some time. Paula shook her head. As I looked at her, she said, "I will be back soon."


Hearing me, she nodded and strolled out. I smiled and lay on the bed. While being like that for who knows how long, she finally comes back. Seeing her expression, I asked, "Something had happened."

"Oh yes," she said while putting in two glasses and orange juice.


"Jim drank my juice," Paula said, and as she filled the glass, she started cursing. Hearing it, I shook my head.

As I kept observing her for a few seconds, she did and drank a little. Seeing it, I smiled, and as Paula looked at me, we came back to learning.

While doing it, her mom started knocking while saying, "Paula open."

Hearing it, Paula came to the doors, and after opening them, she said, "Something is happening Mommy."

"Oh, yes. Lunch," Paula's mom said. Hearing her, I smiled, and while Paula turned, she said, "Jack, let's go."

"I am going."

Hearing me, she nodded, and after we walked slowly downstairs, I could see Paula's grandma there.

"Grandma. What are you doing here? " Paula said.

"I came from a meeting with Williams and Cole."

"Oh, with my grandparents," I said. Hearing me, she nodded and said, "So, as I know both of you are here, so I come."

"Grandma, is your health ok?"

"Do not worry Paula. All is great. So now let's eat," Paula's grandma said. Hearing her words, I looked at Paula, and as she nodded, we sat and started eating.

While doing it, for some time, I had done as last. No idea why, but somehow I keep eating slowest. While thinking about this, I shook my head.

Looking at everyone, Paula said, "Oh, Grandma, can we talk on the side?"

"Ok. Let's go."

Seeing Paula and her grandma walking somewhere, I looked at Paula's mom, and she said, "So how is school?"

"Good. We will have a maths test tomorrow."

"Oh, Paula should do max," she said.

"I hope she will.it is a race with an extra quest to who will have max," I said.

"Good to know. So Jack tells me how your parents are doing."

"Oh no idea," I said while looking into her eyes. Seeing this, she smiled and said, "So you don't have a good deaconship with them."

"Not all is good. We just keep up with how it always was. Meeting once a week, maybe more. It is good now," I said.

Hearing me, she nodded, and while looking into my eyes, she asked, "Grandparents."

"I don't want to talk about this now."

"Ok," she said, and while looking at me, she asked, "Jack, tell me something."

"Yes," I said while looking into her eyes.

"What are your plans after school?"

"Oh, I will go study. With this and earning, I can live. When I do this, I will probably find a place to work or I will create my own company," I said.

"What about Paula?" she asked.

"No idea what Paula is thinking? I cannot see her sitting at home and being a housewife. She will probably choose her learning path," I said.

"So you will not stop her?" Paula's mom asked.

"Maybe in a few things, I would. Just everything depends on the situation, and what is more important is her feelings about everything," I said. Hearing me, Paula's mom nodded, and as she looked at me. Paula's dad showed up.

Seeing him, he looked at me and said, "Oh, Jack, you had come here."

"Yes," I said, and as he sat, we started talking. While doing it, he mostly keeps asking me about my investments.

While he keeps doing it, for some time. I keep discussing it until Paul comes back. Seeing her smile, she said, "Oh, Jack. You keep talking here for a long time."

"Yes," I said while looking into Paula's eyes.

"So you both can go."

"Thanks, Grandma," Paula said. Hearing her words, I got up, and as I looked at Paula, she started walking away.

Seeing it, I looked at her, and when we came outside, Paula said, "So we are out."

"Later," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and when we got into the car, she said, "I talked with Grandma. Pushing a few things on the side, we need to do a few things."

"Oh, which are?" I asked.

"Visit a few places this year. We will pass on this for now. Good, that we still have most of the year in front of us."

"Yes. So where are you now? " I asked.

"You need to go to university. I will give you a lift. After ending all there, we will come to the flat to have dinner from here," she said.

"Ok," I said, and as Paula smiled, she started driving to uni.