
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Don't look at them

With time passing, I could see Paula more, and more lying on me.


Seeing her look, I could only smile. When I had done this, she kissed me shortly and said, "Give me this."


"Ok," I said. After training with her, I could only smile, and while observing Paula's look at me, she smiled, and we continued playing.


As time passed, who knows when we had done it all? As I looked at her, she said, "So, time to go."


"Oh, where?"


"Pool," she said shortly after getting up. Seeing her stretching a little, I looked at her walking away. Seeing it, I could only smile and follow her into the bedroom.


After being there, we changed and came out. While Paula looked at me, she kissed me short and ran into the pool. Seeing it, I observed her, and when she jumped into it, I could observe her. While doing it, she shows up.


Seeing it, I took a deep breath. As Paula once again went down, I looked at her.


Seeing her jumping up, she smiled. When I came closer and went inside, Paula hugged me. When she had done this, I looked at her and asked, "So, how are you?"


"Oh great. The water is perfect now. No big sun. So we can spend some time here. After this, we will go there."


Seeing where she was pointing, I could only nod. As she smiled, I moved on the stairs, and when I sat, I kept observing her.


While doing it, all I could see were a few people. When I looked at them, I said, "Who are you?"


"Hands up," the person wearing the mask said. Seeing it, I moved my hands up. As Paula stopped and moved her hands up, she looked at me.


As I tried to take a deeper breath, I asked, "Who are you?"


"Not your business," the guy with the gun said while coming closer. When he hit me with it, I looked at him. Seeing my look, he added, "Inside."


"Ok," I said, and when I took Paula while covering her, I did not care about blood coming from my nose.


Pain is now not important.


As she looked at me, I smiled, and we walked inside. While being there, one said, "Sit there."


"Ok," I said, and while walking, I could see my phone not far away. Before I could do something, they shot into it.


Seeing it, I shook my head. Good, that the GPS was not broken. Seeing it rolling, I covered it with my feet, and when we sat, I took it.


After activating it, I put it on the couch. As they should not see it. When I did this, Paula kept looking into my face.


Seeing it, I could hear them looking for Megan. Good, that my face for the entire world is unknown. Therefore, I can peacefully stay here. I just hope now that they will not recognise Paula.


While thinking about this, she said, "You are still bleeding."


"Oh, let's not think about this."


Hearing my words, she smiled, and when she lay on my shoulder, probably the head of this group said, "Where is Williams?"


"Oh, I helped her fiancée, so she let me spend time here."


"Fucking hell," he said shortly. While looking at him, I hope JJ and Ann will react fast. People with them should too.


While seeing them coming closer and grabbing us, one said, "So we will have fun. After this, we will show something to the world."


As I looked at him, I was between him and Paula. I received a punch, probably from the gun handle, into my ribs. Feeling it, I took a deep breath.


After doing it, I looked at Paula. As she smiled and shook her head, we started walking out. While doing it, I could see a van waiting there.


Seeing it, I looked at Paula. While doing it, Ann's voice comes "ground."


As I looked at Paula, we jumped in front while landing on the ground. Not long after, the fire had come. Hearing it, I could hear that it was loud.


While looking at Paula, she said, "Don't look at them."


As I nodded, I could see that ten people ran to us. When they stayed not far away from us, I could see JJ and Ann running to us. Both with guns in their hands.


Seeing it, Ann covered Paula while JJ met me. When we ran out, we jumped into the car, and JJ said, "You reacted fast."


"Oh, if it's not a mistake from them. As they shoot, my phone and GPS go out. I wouldn't be able to do this."


"It was Paula's," Ann said. Hearing her words, I nodded. While looking at JJ as he started checking my face, I could see that the police showed up.


Seeing it, JJ said, "Good having contacts with police. We collaborated with them."


I only nodded, and while looking at JJ he said, "To hospital."


"Ok," the driver said, and I could hear him speeding up.


As Paula looked at me, she said, "Your nose looks bad."


"Oh, once again, operation on it."


"Probably," Paula said. As I looked at her, I said, "Tell Megan that they looked at her."


JJ only nodded. When I looked at Paula, she smiled, and we spent some time like that. After coming to our destination, I came out while looking at Paula walking after me. We came in, and I could see Doc coming in.


As he looked at me, all had become.


After who knows how many tests it was, it was decided for a quick operation.


Knowing it, I could only take a deep breath, and while lying on tables, I fell asleep.


After waking up, I could not breathe using my nose. As Paula showed up, she said, "We will come out today."


"Ok," I said. While looking at me, she smiled, and while moving up, I could see our parents rushing inside of my room.