
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Can you repeat?

I do not know for how long I was out.

The water on my face woke me up.

I could see a light on my face. This blinds me for a short time.

First, what comes to my mind is Kean. He might do something to me.

As I shook my head, a little woman's voice came, "who are you?"

"Jack Smith," I said shortly.

"Ok," she said. I could feel something cold on my cheek. As I looked there, I could see kitchen knives.

"What are you doing here?"

"Living," I said.

"With Joanna?" she asked while moving it.

The cold from it scared me. I only nodded.

Probably I might pee myself if she keeps moving it.

"I asked," she said.

"Yes," I said. I tried to move a little. I could not. As she tied my legs and arms to a chair.

"Don't think about escaping," she said.

"Ok," I said shortly.

"Now. Next one. Are you living here alone?" she asked.

"Yes. We are the only ones here," I said.

"Good god. What is she thinking? "The woman said.

"What?" I asked.

"Being with younger people," she said, and then I hear knives land between my legs.

It has not hurt me but scared me. I pee myself.

Feeling it, I looked at her.

"Now. What you had done to her?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Tell me what," she screams.

"I hugged her twice," I said.

"In bed?" she asked almost immediately.

"No. In the kitchen," I said.

"You saw her naked?"

"Hell no," I said, and then I added after a few seconds, "how I would dare."

"Oh good. She might not fall for you. How much for leaving her?" she asked, finally.

"What?" I asked.

"How much do you want? I saw she sponsored you. So I will pay you double and leave her," she said.

"But," I started saying, and I could feel knives on my cheek, "if I see you with my sister, you are dead. Are we clean?"

"But," I said.

"I asked. Are we clean? No man can be close to her. I will never let her. We are three," she said.

"Oh," I said, and then I nodded. Seeing it, the woman said, "pack your things, and get the fuck away from my sister's place."

"Ok," I said, and when she realised me, I got up. Seeing her, I could see that she is similar to Joanna.

When she looked at me, she said, "change first, and take a shower."

"Ok," I said, and then I strolled to the bathroom. There I took a quick shower, and now something broke in me.

Joanna might not be my sister. This woman does not know about me.

Knowing that I walked out of the shower and walked to the bedroom. As I looked around, I packed a few most important things. Having them, I strolled out.

As the woman looked at me, she said, "Cry, baby."

"What else can I do? If all the surrounding people lie," I said.

Hearing my words, she got up and came closer to me. Seeing her look, she said, "Say this again."

"Everyone lies," I said.

"What did Joanna promise you?" she asked.

"Family," I said, and then I took my mask. This disturbed me from cleaning my eyes.

"What family? You will never be with Williams," she said.

"Oh, if I wanted to be," I said.

"You said, family," she said.

"Yes. Lie about being my sister," I said.

My words stunned her.

Seeing that I can escape freely, I started walking to the doors. Before I opened them, she grabbed my hand.

Seeing her, she said, "Tell once again."

"What," I said.

"You are Joanna," she asked.

"By her words, I am her brother," I said. As I looked at her, she said, "young dad from photos. No, it is impossible."

"What," I said.

"I hope you are telling the truth. If not, you will disappear," she said.

Then she took her phone out. Seeing it, she said, "come here as fast as possible."

When she hung out, she said, "I hope you are telling the truth."

"She made DNA," I said.

"We will do a new one," she said. Hearing her words, I looked at her.

At one point, I could see a woman coming in. When I looked at her, Joanna's sister said, "Take him with you. Hospital now."

"But," said the woman who came in. When I looked at her, she said, "Can you hide your face?"

"Ok," I said, and when I did this, she said, "come with me."

"Ok," I said. As I have my most important things, we walked slowly downstairs.

As I looked at the car there. Joanna's sister said, "Come in. we will go now."

"Ok," I said. When I sat there, I looked at them. I could hear that they were calling someone.

Slowly I started thinking about what I can do now.

If all Joanna had done was a lie. Having a genuine family.

I tried to not think about this. At one point, the car stopped, and then the woman said, "Go out."

"Ok," I said, and then I did this. I could see a small building in front of me.

"Follow me," she said and started walking. I could not say a word, so I followed her.

After coming inside, I could see the doctor there. Seeing me, he said, "Oh, miss Megan, you brought your brother."

"What?" a woman named Megan said while stopping her walk in mid-air.

"Yes. I made a DNA test," the doctor said, and then he asked, "What is wrong with the young master?"

"Can you repeat?" Megan said.

"Is there something wrong with the young master?" he said.

"Previous one," she said.

"I made a DNA test," he said. Hearing it, she turned and then looked at me.

Seeing her look, I started worrying about what she could do now. Seeing her coming closer, I started becoming scared.

What she can do to me?

Hit or what.