
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Can you help me?

As I kept driving, I came to my destination. Seeing it, a smile showed up on my face.

Having it, I looked around and walked to the shop. While I was there, I bought food for dinner. I will cook today.

Not let Paula order food. She can check my cooking.

Knowing it, I smiled as I walked through all the doors. I took the key. While having it, I could see a small metal attached there. Seeing it, I used it.

Good that it is at the doors.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after moving inside, I smiled and hid it all in the fridge. When I did this, I looked around and sat on the couch.

While there, I looked around and started doing homework. While I kept doing it, I could hear someone come inside.

As I moved my look from notes, I could see Paula. Seeing me, she smiled and asked, "History."

"No. Physics," I said. Hearing me, Paula came closer, and as she hugged me, she said, "So help me."

"Ok," I said, and as Paula looked at me, she smiled, and we started doing it. When we had done this, she looked at me and said, "oh, good. Now, what do you want for dinner?"

"Oh, I bought food. So I will cook," I said.

Hearing me, she looked into my eyes. Seeing this look, I said, "I know how to cook."


"So, can you help me?" I asked. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and we walked to the kitchen. While there, she keeps asking me about history.

While I keep answering her questions, I keep preparing everything. When I had done this, I left it all in the oven, and as I looked at Paula, she smiled and hugged me.

Feeling it, I looked at Paula. When she moved, she smiled and said, "Jack."


"So we need to wait?" she asked.

"Yes. Do you have an idea what we can do?" I asked her.

Hearing me, Paula looked into my eyes. Seeing this smile show up on my face, she added, "let's wait on the couch. Why do we need to stay here?"

"Ok," only escaped from my lips until she kissed me and recognised me from the hug.

When she had done this, I looked at her walking away. Seeing it, I do not know why. Once again, she kissed me.

Looking at her disappearing, I came after her, and after we sat, she lay a little on me and said, "So you have any plans for today?"

"Oh, homework and maybe training."

"Ok. I need to check the place where I will have my bday party. Do not worry. Not far away is the bus stop," she said, looking into my eyes.

Hearing it, I nodded and said, "Oh, thanks. You want something for a late gift."

"Oh no."

"Ok," I said, looking into her eyes. I will for sure buy something for her.

Seeing my look, Paula nodded, and she lay more. While there, she keeps asking me about history.

As I kept answering all the questions we had done, I could hear the oven. When I got up and prepared everything.

Paula looked at me and said, "Maybe I should improve what is here."

"No. Leaves how it is. All is good," I said.

"Oh, I have a few things which I will buy. Just in case," she said while grabbing her plate.

Seeing it, I nodded, and when Paula smiled, we came to the table and started rating. While we kept doing it, we had done it at one point.

"I will clean," she said while licking her lips. Seeing it, I nodded, and when Paula smiled and grabbed my plate, I said, "I will help."

"Ok," she said, and together, we walked to the kitchen. While there, I helped her.

When we had done this, Paula looked at me, and seeing her smiling, she hugged me and said, "So couch. Let's stay there for some time."

"Ok," I said, and when she nodded, we walked there. After sitting, I looked at her. Seeing my look, she sat on my lap and hugged me.

Feeling it, I keep observing her. Seeing her hugging me, a smile showed up on my face, and as she started TV just to let something play in the background, we spent time like that together.

When finally Paula moved, she looked at me and said, "Are you ok with me being like that?"


"Good," she said while moving back. Seeing it, I looked at her, and when she grabbed my hand and moved to her side, I looked at her.

Why did she do this?

As I kept looking at her, she smiled, and after ending this, her phone started ringing.

Hearing it, I looked at her walking on the side.

I could hear a few words. As Paula walked to another room. No idea what she is planning now?

Thinking about this, I looked at her, and when I checked the phone, I could see that JJ had written nothing.

Seeing it, Paula came back, and as she looked at me, she said, "I need to go back home."

"Oh, something is happening."

"No. Just mom wants me back. No idea what she is planning," Paula said while coming closer. As I looked at her, she gave me our longest kiss and said, "See you tomorrow."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and as she walked out, I waited for some time like that.

As I kept waiting, I texted JJ, 'I will come out soon.'

'Ok. Waiting street on the left,' he answered. Seeing it, I smiled, and after cleaning everything here, I came out.

As I looked around, a smile showed up on my face. As I kept walking, I could see JJ's car.

After sitting inside, he said, "So finally, you come out."

"Oh, come on," I said.

"I had a good nap. So where now Jack?" he asked.

Hearing this, I said, "Training. I need to continue with it."


Hearing his words, I looked at the phone. Maybe I should take a Paula picture. As I kept thinking about this, I could see a text message from her saying, "Are you going out?'

'Yes. Going to have training.'

'Good,' she answered while sending me a lot of kissing emojis. Seeing it, I smiled, and as I sent her some, she kept sending it back.

As we kept doing it, we came to our destination. Seeing it, I wrote, 'I need to go. I will text when I will have time.'

After this, I put a waving hand emoji.

After doing it, I could see Paula's salute emoji. Seeing it, I shook my head, and after leaving my backpack there, I came to change.

When I did this, not long after, my training began.

Now JJ put me into muscle one. No idea why he thinks I should do this, but still. I keep following what he says.

For the first time, we had much shorter training. Feeling my shoulders, he smiled and said, "It will be good for you. Trust me."

"What do you mean?"

"Girls like muscle guys. So keep up with training. Maybe a six-pack will come soon," he said while laughing.

Seeing it, I looked at him. Seeing my look, he smiled and said, "So now. We can go back."

"Yes. Shower, and we can," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and I walked to refresh.

After I had done this, I came out and walked back to the car. I could feel my shoulders.

I need to not think about this. After being inside, JJ passed me, drank, and said, "This will be good for you."

"Ok," I said, and when he smiled, he started driving back home. Seeing it, I finished drinking and moved my look outside. Perhaps I should go to the mall today to check what I can do for Paula.

As I keep thinking about this, I did this. After JJ parked, I looked at him and said, "I will go on my own to the mall. Don't send anyone."


"Thanks," I said. Hearing me, JJ looked into my eyes and said, "You have plans for something."

"Just a quick walk around. Check a few things."

"Ok," JJ said, and after I nodded, I trudged back home. After coming finally, a smile showed up on my face. While having it, I started staring.

Good rest from yesterday's dinner left. After heating it, I started eating it while sitting on the couch.

While I was there, I watched some news.

Seeing that hour passed from the moment. I started the TV. I could feel my shoulders more.

I know I need to stop thinking about this. Therefore, I walked out in time to check what I can buy for Paula and maybe do some quick shopping.

Thinking about this, I came out, and while seeing JJ there, he smiled and came out. Seeing him, he said, "I will follow you."

"Ok. Just not so close," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and after he walked to the shop, I started my walk to the mall.

As I keep walking, once again this red car is there with people. As I looked at them for a quick second, I could see JJ coming out of the shop and walking after me.

Seeing it, I smiled and continued my walk to the mall.

After coming inside, I looked around, and while seeing a few shops, I started walking around. Seeing one interesting thing.

Which I can buy for Paula. I looked at the price. I will spend more than half of what I send on my card.

Knowing it, I looked at it, and after adding earrings, I bought it. While having, it packed into small boxes, a smile shows up on my face.

No idea if everyone will give gifts to Paula, but I will give them for sure. Maybe when not everyone is looking at us.

Knowing it, I came out, and good that I saw a few times she wore necklaces. Earrings to complete.

As they are perfect for it.

Knowing it, a smile showed up on my face, and I walked to the electronics shop with electronics.

While I was there, I bought a mouse and a keyboard. As I kept looking around, I took cable, which I needed to connect to my laptop and TV.

It should help me if I want to read something, and not have anyone to see it. Potentially it will be the best for quick learning seasons.

After buying it, all smiles have not disappeared from my lips, and after buying a few snacks, I came out, and my walk back home began. Good, that I hide what I bought, as gifts in my pocket inside my jacket.