
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Can you calm down our child

A few weeks later.


After waking up, I could smile. Looking into Paula's sleeping face, I could smile, and kept observing her. As today is the last day before Christmas break.


Knowing it, I observed her and at one point finally got up.


After using the bathroom, she opened her eyes, and said, "Can you calm down our child."


"Oh," I said shortly, and after coming closer to her, I talked to our son, which started kicking.


While looking at Paula she smiled after the kicking had come into the end. Seeing her face, I kissed her cheek, and asked, "What would you love to eat?"

 "What we had yesterday."


Hearing her words, I nodded. Looking at her, I could only smile, and not long after I came into the kitchen, I started preparing food for her.


When I had done with breakfast for Megan, I had done one for me.


As I cannot eat due to the allergy she wanted.


When Paula showed up she smiled, and said, "So let's eat."


"Of course."


Hearing my words she nodded, and not long after we started eating. After ending it, we cleaned and changed. Today is the last day to go to university.


Knowing it, I smiled, and while looking into Paula we walked to change. When we had done all there, I looked into her.


Seeing my look, she smiled, and we walked into it. After ending it, I smiled, and while looking into Paula she kept choosing what she would be wearing.


Few clothes are too small for her now.


While observing her she had done all this, and seeing her look after what she had chosen, finally, she said, "So let's go."


Hearing her, I could only nod.


When she smiled, we came out, and after being in the car, JJ started driving. As it is snowing now I do not want to be a driver while Paula is a passenger.


While thinking about this I smiled after we had come to our destination.


Looking at Paula, she said, "I will be out before lunch."


"Ok. I will come home after it all ends."


Hearing me she nodded, and not long after we came out from the car. Looking at her, I could only smile, and not long after we came to our destinations.


While in the building I shook my head. Thinking about all I could smile, and not long after all had become.


With time, passing all came to an end. During my day at the university.


After coming out I smiled and walked into the car.


Looking at JJ I asked, "Do you have it?"


"Yes. On your side."


Hearing his words, I nodded, and after checking if it, was what I had ordered I said, "Thanks for transporting it."


"You know. Using your home as a delivery place was a good idea. As always, someone is there."


"I know. Now time to wait for the twenty-fifth."


"Yeah," he said. Hearing his words I asked, "Do you bought something for Ann."


"Let's not talk about this."


Hearing JJ's words, I nodded, and while thinking about this I said, "For everyone in your group I will send a gift. Two thousand should be good."



"From my own money. They should know that I am grateful. I will send this money to an account, to which you have access. So you will send it to everyone. Outside of rest knowing," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded.


Seeing him looking on the route I smiled, and not long after at this account, I sent one million. Just in case money should be there.


When I had done this, I looked outside and drove back home.


When we got there, I could only smile, and not long after, I came inside. Hearing laughs coming, I looked at girls.


Seeing them, I said, "Something to eat."

 "Oh, hubby," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and while looking into her, she said, "You have it all in the kitchen. Can you cook?"


"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, she nodded, and I walked to check what he wanted. Seeing it, I could only shake my head, and not long after I started cooking.


While doing it, a few times Emily joined, as she was sent here by Paula to help me.


When we had done it all here, we moved everything to the table, and not long after we started eating. While talks kept on going.