
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Both fathers visit

Four months later


After waking up, I looked at my side. Not seeing Paula, I started looking at where she was. 

Just after a few seconds. I remembered that Paula had a girl's night with Emily and Lucy. Knowing it, time to creep up.


Exams start in two days. Thinking about this, I could only smile.


I need to take only two. As I could not skip them thanks to what I had done and perfect scores on previous exams.


Thinking about this, I could shake my head.


While looking at everything here, I finally moved up. Thinking about what I will have for breakfast.


After checking what was in the fridge, I looked at what was there. I smiled and made breakfast. While knowing it, I smiled and moved to the couch.


As I looked at what was happening around me. 

I started watching cartoons. No idea when Paula will come back so I can enjoy the time here alone.


While I kept watching and eating breakfast, I finished eating and not long after, moved onto the couch. As I lay, I kept watching.


Thinking about my entire phone at one point started ringing. Seeing that it was Dad calling, I answered and said, "Yes."


"Jack, are you at home?"


"Yes," I said.


"Ok. I will be there soon," he said. Hearing his words, I looked at cartoons, and not long after, he hung out. Hearing it, I could only shake my head. Thinking about it all, I smiled and started thinking about why he was coming here.


As I was doing it, time to change, and when I had done this, I moved to change. After doing it, I started cleaning a little.


While doing it, all the ringing doors come. Hearing it, I moved to the doors.


After opening, I could see mine and Paula's dad.


Seeing them, I said, "Please come in."


"Oh, where is Paula?"


"Out with Emily and Lucy. Having her girl's night. Probably sleeping still," I said. 

Hearing my words, I could see both fathers nodding. Seeing it, I smiled, and when they came inside, I asked, "Tea, coffee?"


"Tea," Paula's dad said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and as I looked at mine, he said, "Juice."


"Ok," I said and walked to make it all. When I had done this, I came back, and while looking at them, not long after, I found out why they had come here.


As it is about a company, which they made. It started growing. Money, which I had invested in it, goes up like ten times. Knowing it, I kept listening while trying not to smile.


As all kept happening, I knew why they had come.


More funds. As it will be Paula and mine soon, they want it to grow as much as possible.


Knowing it, I talked with them about plans for the future, and how much more. As they want to expand to other places. Therefore, they need money.


They could always use family money, but as it is hidden from outside people, only mine can be used.


Thinking about plans for the next three months, I nodded. Knowing all that could happen, I made sure to send money, which they needed.


As I kept thinking about this all, we had done this topic and moved into my and Paula's wedding. It coming fast.


Each day is closer. While thinking about this, I kept talking about this all. When we had done this, we chatted for some time, and not long after, they walked out.


Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming to where my PC was, I started it and sent money.


After doing it, I smiled. The company, which they made, is growing so fast. They joined a field which had never been explored. By any of the family. Thinking about this, I could only smile.


Rise is great. I hope all will be well soon, and as they will find a CEO to deal with Paula, I will only look after it.


Paula will probably take care of this. What I am studying now can be good, but she has experience with it.


Thinking about this, I looked at my account. As I send money now, I do not have a lot to work on. I can only sell some stocks to have funds to work on all.


As I kept thinking about this, I could hear doors opening. Hearing it, I closed it all, and as I came out, I could see Paula coming in. Seeing her look, I smiled and came closer. Seeing her look, I came closer, and after kissing her. When I did this, I said, "Bath."


"Come with me."


Hearing her words, I smiled and walked with her to the bathroom. Not long after, we had a longer shower with some exercise during it all.


When we finished, I looked at her. Seeing my look, Paula smiled, and while looking at her, she said, "So watching."


"How was your night?"


"Great," she said, and while changing, she said, all. Hearing her words, I could only nod. After she had done this, we went to the couch.


Looking at her, I asked, "Did you find a dress for the wedding?"


"Oh yes. They are working on it. Do not worry."


Hearing her words, I smiled, and after a quick kiss, I smiled and added, "Great. I have mine done too."


"I know as I walked with you for it," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and while looking at her, I kissed her shortly and said, "So, watching."


"Yes, Jack. Let's do this."


As I smiled, Paula started the series, and we started watching it all. While doing it, all at one point, we took a break. As lunchtime had come.


Knowing it, I looked at Paula, and as she smiled, we made lunch, and while eating. Paula's phone started ringing.


Hearing it, I looked at Paula and when she talked in French. I think. All come to an end.


Seeing her look, I asked, "What had happened?"

  "More measures for my dress."


"Oh," I said, and as she smiled, I said, "for sure you will not drive there."


"You're not coming with me," she said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and as Paula looked at me, she said, "I will go there with Ann."



"Oh soon," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as Paula changed, she smiled and said, "So I will be back in an hour."


"Ok," I said, and after kissing her shortly, I smiled, and she walked out. So now, I have an hour without her. Therefore, I started watching cartoons for Paula to come back.