
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Boss is waiting for him

My mind is full of thoughts. I do not know when, but after we parked, I could hear, "put this on."

"Ok," I said. Hearing Jonny's voice, I nodded and looked at what he had passed to me.

Seeing a mask with a flaming skull. I shook my head, and he said, "Miss Megan found it."

"Ok," I said. Hearing his voice, I put it on, and then sunglasses. While having them, he said, "Oh, you look good. So now come with me."

"Ok," I said. I strolled out, and then I walked after him. After we got into the elevator, we drove up.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after some time, we came to our destination. Seeing it, I smiled, and then Jonny said, "Don't take it off."

"Ok," I said, and when I came out, he said, "go there."

"Ok," I said, seeing where he was pointing. Seeing it, I smiled, and I walked to the doors in the middle.

Before I could open them, I could see three people sitting there. Seeing them, one said, "To who."

"Boss is waiting for him," Jonny said.

Hearing his words, the woman they're said, "oh, important guess."

"Yes," Jonny said. Hearing his words, I asked, "Can I go now?"

"Yes," Jonny said. Hearing his words, I nodded and then strolled to the doors.

After one knock, I opened them.

Seeing Megan there looking outside, talking by her phone, I sat and then waited for her to end her call.

I waited for a quick time, and when she ended it, she came closer to me. She said, "Sorry, little brother, you need to wait."

"Oh, don't worry. I can see you are busy," I said. Hearing me, Megan nodded and asked, "Tea, coffee?"

"Oh, tea. Normal one. No sugar," I said. Hearing me, Megan nodded, and then she used the intercom and said, "Two teas."

Hearing her words, I looked at her. After she came to me, she smiled, and then we started chit-chatting.

I found out a few things about her. She is very similar to Joanna.

Knowing it, I needed to ask her one thing. "What do you like to eat for dinner?"

"Oh, I can eat almost anything. Joanna can too," she said. Hearing her voice, I asked, "no allergies."

"Oh, seafood," Megan said. Hearing her voice, I nodded and said, "I can't cook them, so they will not be."

"Oh well," she said while smiling. Seeing that, I smiled, and then I drank a little tea.

Seeing it, Megan waited for some time, and she asked, "Are you meeting with someone?"

"No," I said.

"Crush on someone," she asked.

"No," I said.

"You are lying. Same nerve thick like mom, and Sophia."

"What?" I asked.

"Your eyes started moving a lot," she said.

"Oh," I said. When Megan smiled, she added, "So tell me what happened, that Jonny needed to take action."

"Oh," I said, and when she looked deeper into my eyes, she asked, "young Kean."

"Yes," I said.

"Oh, I would destroy them fully.

As mommy and daddy are friends with them, I can't do this.

If I don't want you to be exposed. So please handle it all," Megan said.

"Ok. I will need to sue him. Officially soon," I said.

"Don't worry. I will ask Sophia to do this," she said.

"Oh, Joanna might do this too," I said.

"That is why I need to talk with her today. Sorry, but I need to come back to work," she said.

"Don't worry. I will go now and start cooking," I said shortly.

Hearing me, Megan nodded, and then she hugged me. Feeling it, I asked, "You are like Joanna."

"Oh, what?" she asked.

"You like hugs," I said.

"Oh, family. See you later," she said. Hearing her, I nodded and put on my mask and sunglasses.

Having them, I came out and started walking to the elevator.

"He is waiting in the car," Megan's voice came.

"Ok," I said shortly. As I passed close to probably Megan's secretaries, I nodded and then walked into the elevator.

After being there, I drove to the parking lot, and I could see Jonny there. Seeing me, he said, "Oh miss, done talking with you."

"Yes," I said, and when he nodded, we sat inside, and then I told him where I wanted to go.

Hearing me, he said, "somewhere else."

"Oh no. I will go shopping back home. You can come back here or go somewhere else. I can handle it."

"Ok," he said shortly.

Hearing his words, I nodded, and I removed my glasses and two masks. Around my nose, I could feel a tickle.

After touching there, he asked, "from where?"

"This guy hit. From what I know, he broke it," I said, and then once again. I put a mask on.

He said nothing more but continued driving.

After coming to the destination, I came out and said, "thank you."

"No problem. This is my job," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded and then walked into the shop.

As I have on my mind what I want to buy, I pack it, and with three bags, I walk back home.

The trip back took me some time, but after coming inside, I started cooking.

Good, that I never had plans to cook seafood. Therefore, I had a good meal with Joanna and Megan later.

Paula POV

Driving back home took me a long time. I couldn't speak with Jack after leaving the headmaster's office.

"Why am I thinking about him?" I hummed.

The driver probably heard my words, but he said nothing.

After parking in front of the home, I could see grandma coming.

Seeing it, a smile showed up on my face.

Before I walked out, I could see grandma coming out. Seeing her, I walked out and then ran to her.

"Granny," I said while hugging her.

"Oh my lovely granddaughter," grandma said, and when she hugged me. She said, "Take your bag, and come inside."

"Ok," I said while nodding. Seeing it, grandma nodded, and then I came back for my bag.

Having it, I came inside, and there. I could see grandma, drinking tea.

"Oh, Paula. What is happening with you?" grandma asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Oh, come with me," she said. Hearing her voice, I nodded, and then I followed her. After we came into my room, she sat on my bed and said, "Tell me all."

"What?" I asked.

"You asked to check some guy's background. What is happening?" grandma said.

Hearing it, I remembered this.

I tried to say something. Before my words came out, grandma asked, "You have a crush on him."

"No. Never," I said.

"I know when you are lying. So tell me the truth," she said.

"Maybe. I do not know," I said.

"Great," grandma said while clapping once.

Seeing it, I asked, "What do you mean? I thought you would be angry."

"Oh, drop this. I lose to your brother and his thoughts. I know we have an agreement with Williams, but he doesn't filth it. So you can't either," grandma said.

"Oh, this agreement. Why do I keep hearing about this? We are friends with Williams, but nothing more," I said.

"You should know. Now let's not move into this. Tell me who he is. From which family?" grandma said.

"Oh, you might know about him," I said while sitting on grandma's side.

"Oh," grandma said while hugging me. Feeling it, I said, "He saves me."

"Oh him. I know his parents. I thanked them about this," grandma said.

"No. They aren't his actual parents. From what I found out, they adopted him. Now kick him from home. I do not know what exactly happened," I said.

"What?" grandma said. Seeing her look, I said, "Please calm down. Remember about your health."

"I know Paula. Don't worry about me. So where he is living now?" grandma said, and she added, "we can help him."

"No idea where. He helped someone, and now they are helping him," I said.

"Good people still live in this world. I will handle it," grandma said, and she walked out without saying a word.

Seeing it, I could say anything more. When grandma puts her mind to something, nobody can stop her. Even grandpa.

Seeing doors close, I lay and started thinking about what I could do. No idea why, but still a smiling Jack face shows in my mind.