Heya! Gazer's here! And I feel dejected af.
Do you guys not like this series? Am I not good? Do you guys think I should just quit and delete this account?
A week ago I wrote a announcement that I'll take a 2 weeks break to work on arc 2.
There was another announcement about a Q&A that will be held a week later, or today to be precise.
So, I asked you guys to write me some questions about anything you wish to know.
The maximum number of people who replied were...2.
I seriously feel like shit right now. Maybe I should just stop. I think I'm not cut out for these kind of things.
I should just stop and focus on my studies. I suppose that would be better for all of us.
Well, atleast I should appreciate and honor the 2 who actually did asked me a few questions.
So. The first question is from Harshit_choudhary_8029.
Q. "I have a question! When will hiroki get his revenge on the Ntr dude and what about his family? Will he get back with them?"
A. For the first question, I honestly thought that I should drag arc 1 out and make arc 2 the return to school arc. But later on I decided against it.
Main reason being another manhwa. It's called *fight class 3* I really liked the story and the sudden developments with the mystery surrounding the 2 MCs and the antagonist.
So I decided to change the format and extended the return arc to be the 3rd one. As for the second question. No. He won't get back with them. I know I may have made them worse than the original, but can anyone look at them and say their redeemable?
His sister was raped yet instead of reporting him, she enjoyed it. Not to mention she was the one to suggest her mother to have relations with a minor. On that topic, his mother was not much better, she may have been sexually stressed since her husband died a long time ago but that did not mean she could sleep with minors.
They both knew that hiroki was being tormented by the ntr guy yet instead of being supportive and helpful, they decided to torment him even more by putting CDs in his room.
I'd say this is a satisfactory enough answer. Onto the next!
The second and. Unfortunately, last question is from Kartik_rajan.
Q. "What are gun's stats? And What about other lookism character's stats?"
A. I'll be honest, I completely forgot about writing gun's status. Sorry about that.
So as a apology, I'll write his and a few character's stats from lookism.
Gun park:
[Name: Jonggun park/yamazaki
LV: ???
Title: Shiro oni
HP: ???
MP: ???
STR:??? <threshold unlocked>
END:??? <threshold unlocked>
Grade: path unlocked]
Yeah. That's it. I mean, what did you expect? Hiroki's eyes of deduction are only level 2 and he just reached level 10.
No way he can see gun's stats who held back immensely so he wouldn't accidentally kill him.
Here's a status that will give you some idea of where hiroki currently places.
[Name: Daniel park
LV: 11(197/1100)
Title: Copycat(locked potential)
HP: 2160/2160
MP: 390/390
STR: 69
SPD: 83
END: 72
INT: 39
Grade: Awakened ]
Yeah. Even the 3rd affiliate little Daniel was way above hiroki on the basis of stats. Well, except for sense and intelligence.
this should be enough to tell you that most of the main cast of lookism will have question mark for most of the stats.
With this. I'd like to conclude this short and disappointing Q&A.
Now, I want you guys to decide if you want the next chapter. If you do, then fulfill these conditions:
1st: 30 powerstones
2nd: 10 collection
3rd: 10 reviews from 10 different people
With that said, this might be my final sign out and I'm sorry if I disappointed you guys.
Abyss gazer, signing out!