
4- A new family.

Hey there fellas, gazer's here.

Yeah I know, I've gone for awhile now but hey! I'm back unlike last time, so without any more delay let's get into it!


The sun was reaching the horizon, bathing the sky in a beautiful pinkish-orange color.

On a trash covered beach laid a boy, his clothes were ripped and torn making them look more like rags.

Hiroki was in agony, he can't believe that he actually survived against this monster.

He was bloody and bruised but a single look at the system window made it feel a little worth it.

[Name: Hiroki mori/yamazaki

LV: 9(686/900)

Title: Holy spawn


HP: 37/1870

MP: 23/490

STR:57 (+)

SPD:53 (+)

END:49 (+)

SEN:48 (+)

INT:49 (+)

Grade: Awakened

Enchantment token: +13 uncommon (?)

Experience token: +5 uncommon (?)

Awakening token: 0 (?)

Fortune token: +2 (?)

Rejuvenation token: 0 (?)

Credits: 5850 (?) ]


Perfect copy LV: max<Awakened >

Wind's touch LV: 6(65/600)

Gamer's mind LV: max

muscle burst LV: 1(62/100)

Gaia's blessing LV: 4(389/400)

Mana hypersensitivity LV: 3(38/300)

Vitality weave LV: 4(288/400)<Awakened >

Danger detection LV: 1(92/100)

Resilience LV: 3(95/300)

Adaptability LV: 4(42/400)

Eyes of deduction LV: 2(3/200) ]

Hiroki grinned at the progress he made in a single day. He looked at the new skills and decided to check what's their effect.

[Exclusive trait: Perfect copy

Rank: Awakened

Type: passive(exclusive)

Lv: max

Info: the blood of a copycat flows in your veins. Your body is now like a shadow, flowing and formless. Use the gift of your lineage to its fullest.

Effects: able to copy anything after seeing it once.

+200% perception

+500% flexibility

+5 to all stats

Copied martial arts:


Boxing (64%)

Taekwondo (42%)

Muay thai(54%)


Yamazaki-style kyokushin karate(28%) ]

'So, I can copy martial arts techniques huh. the percentage must be the rate of techniques I've copied from these martial arts.'

Hiroki thought as he read the description of his skill.

'I used to train in Judo and boxing so their progress being high makes sense while the other three being so high must be due to gun using them on me.'

'The reason for the Yamazaki-style kyokushin karate having such a low progress rate must be due to him not using it on me for some reason.'

Hiroki concluded and checked the next skill.

[Exclusive trait: Vitality weave

Rank: Awakened

Type: passive(exclusive)

Grade: journeymen

Lv: 4(288/400)

Mana cost: 0 MP

Info: your Vitality has become more potent.your body will not succumb easily.

Effect: your body will heal at a faster rate.

Everytime you heal, your body will become a little stronger.

+25% HP recovery/hour

+2 to all stats

+400 HP ]

'Ayo is that a omori reference? Jokes aside, this skill is totally broken, it healing my 25% HP can be life saver.'

[Skill: Danger detection

Rank: uncommon

Type: active/passive(stat exclusive)

Grade: beginner

Level: 1(92/100)

Mana cost: 100 MP

Info: your senses has evolved to survive against the hidden dangers of the world.

Active effect:[Perpetual acceleration]: increases your perception time by 2.5 times for 5 seconds.

Cooldown:6 hours

Passive Effect: +25% spatial awareness

+15% evasion rate

+5% critical hit evasion

+20% perception ]

'I thought it was peter parker but it was him! Jake thayne! Haha."

"Another broken ability, these stat exclusive skills are really something else.'

[Skill: Resilience

Rank: Common

Type: passive

Grade: journeymen

Level: 3(95/300)

Info: your body has been hardened through battles making it more resilient to physical attacks.

Effect: +15% physical defense ]

"Battles? All I did was get pummeled for hours. The effect are good but nothing much in comparison to the stat exclusives."

[Skill: Adaptability

Rank: Common

Type: passive

Grade: journeymen

Level: 4(42/400)

Info: your mind and body have become more attuned allowing them to work together more efficiently.

Effect: +20% Adaptability ]

"This must be because of the Awakening. Since then I have been able to control my body more efficiently."

"Now, the skill that's been helping me since the beginning."

[Skill: Gamer's mind

Rank: ???

Type: passive

Level: Max

Info: the biggest weakness for a gamer is to lose control of their emotions. The system will remove this weakness to further develop the player.

Effect: your mind will stay calm, no matter the situation.

Absolute resistance to mind related attacks. ]

After checking all the new skills hiroki was satisfied with his progress.

His good mood turned savor as he looked at the now night sky.

"damn it's getting late and I don't even want to go back home to those whores...."

He wouldn't go back but he smelled like sweat and dog shit so he had no other choice.

Gun was quite surprised from the way he described his family like that and asked him.

"Tell me, Why don't you want to go home?"

Hiroki was reluctant to tell him, but on second thought he decided to reveal the truth to gun since he knew that gun would find out everything about his life anyway.

So hiroki, with not much reluctance told his story.

Gun eyes widened to the point that he took his glasses off and said the very legendary word to describe the situation.

"Bruh, what the hell?"

Hiroki couldn't help but burst out laughing, gun's lips were in a straight line and his black eyes were so wide open that they looked ready to pop out.

Confusion and disbelief was written all over his face.

"No way. inferior? The silver saint? The man who fought and defeated the fist gang and the old man without a scratch."

Gun then looked at him with a bewildered expression.

"And you're going back there? Are you serious?"

Hiroki sighed and explained with a defeated look.

"It's not like I want to. But I don't really have a choice other than going back."

"No way I'd let my successor live in a whore house. Come, lets get your things from there."

Gun said with a displeased expression

"You're yamazaki gun's successor, you should live with the people who will be under your command in few months.

He said while lifting hiroki up by the hood of his jacket and putting him on his feet.

"Woah! But I still don't understand. Why did you choose me? And why do keep calling my father this *silver saint*?"

I asked. I knew that my father had relations with yamazaki but why was I chosen to be the next clan head?

"For your first question. Your talent, you being the son of Gin no hijiri tōshi already gives you the edge in physical and mental prowess compared to normal humans."

"The second reason is your father. Gin mori or his real name, Gin yamazaki was my elder brother."

Hiroki's eyes widen at his words. He knew his father would be someone significant from the way gun was talking about him.

but he didn't expect for him to be the elder brother of shiro oni.

"As for his title gin no hijiri tōshi or the silver saint. I'll tell you about them after you complete your training."

Gun said as we walked out of the trashed beach, a car was parked near the stairs reaching up to the road.

"Hey gun, why were we In that junkyard anyway? Was there some specific reason?"

Hiroki asked with confusion. Gun's shoulders twitched a little as he said.

"Uhhh, it was to test your Adaptability in a unstable field. Yeah that's the reason."

Gun said hurriedly. His eyes didn't match the awkward smile on his face though.

"Hmmm yeah that makes sense, it's not like you brought me here so you could kill me if I refused to become your successor."

Hiroki said in sarcastic tone as he looked at the now whistling gun.


It was around 3 in the night when hiroki and gun arrived at his house.

Gun stayed in the car as hiroki went to get his stuff. At first he thought about going from the window but remembered that he himself locked them before leaving for the daily quest.

Hiroki walked to the front door and opened it using the key he had and went in.

He quickly and silently walked into his room and quickly packed his belongings.

He didn't have much, just some clothes and a photo of him and his father.

He walked out and started making his way towards the exit but stopped in front of the store room.

After contemplating for a few seconds he slowly opened the door and walked in.

Few minutes later he walked out with a black box in his left hand and a guitar case hung on his shoulder.

He gently closed the front door and made his way toward the car.

After putting his stuff in the trunk he entered the car as they drove away.

"The yamazaki clan huh, I'm curious how they're like. Are they like gun?"

Hiroki thought sitting in the conductor seat while fiddling with the box in his hands.

"Well, whatever they're like it will be better than that whore house."

After driving for atleast 3 hours we arrived at a gaint old Japanese style estate.

"So... this is my new family."

Hiroki said as he got out of the car. A hand landed on his shoulder as he looked at gun.

"Let's go."

The sprawling mansion loomed before him, its traditional Japanese architecture a stark contrast to the apartment he once called home.

Gun's hand on his shoulder guided him forward, and Hiroki felt a sense of trepidation mixed with excitement.

As they entered the mansion, Hiroki was greeted by a sea of unfamiliar faces.

Yamazaki clan members, ranging from young children to grizzled veterans.

The moment their eyes fell on the figure of gun, they all bow and greeted him, their voices in sinc.


gun looked at them with neutral expression, his eyes were hidden behind his glasses as he spoke in a authoritative voice.

"I have a announcement to make. As you already know that I will need to return to Korea soon."

Gun didn't raise his voice yet everyone in the large compound could hear him. He pushed hiroki forward and continued.

"that's why I, gun yamazaki declare hiroki yamazaki as my successor!"

After the revelation everyone in the compound went silent, it was so deafening that you could even hear the sound of a pin dropping.

Saying that hiroki was nervous would be an understatement. He was only able maintain a calm facade due to [Gamer's mind].

Why wouldn't he be? His life depended on these people, if the refuse to accept him, he'll die from the penalty.

After what felt like a eternity which was only a couple of dozen seconds, all of them shouted in the same sinc.


Hiroki let out a sigh of relief. They had accepted him, but what confused him was that he didn't get the completion notification for quest.


Hiroki was then escorted to a pair of wooden doors by the servants since gun had some business to take care of.

Hiroki entered his new room. It was 3 times the size of his previous room decorated with luxurious furniture with a touch of modern technology a king size bed was in the middle of the room.

Hiroki laid the comfy bed as the exhaustion of yesterday began to caught up to him.

Before he could drift off to slumber realm he heard a Ding.

"Oh for fuck's sake!"


[A daily quest has arrived]

[Time to get stronger]

[push ups: 0/150

Sit ups: 0/150

Squats: 0/150

Run: 0/15km ]

[Time remaining: 19:00:26]

[Rewards: (1) 3 enchantment tokens (common)

(2) 200 credits

(3) mystery box ]

[Penalty upon failure: you will receive a penalty quest]

Hiroki sighed then a thought crossed his mind, where did the mystery box and the rewards from the previous quest go?

Hiroki suddenly had an epiphany as he readied his palm and uttered a single word.


The moment he said that, the screen changed and a screen with countless slots appeared. The mystery box and draw ticket were in the first 2 slots.

A loud smack resounded in the room as hiroki's palm made contact with his face.

"I'm so stupid. Almost all systems provide a Inventory, why didn't I thought of that?"

He sighed and walked to the bathroom door situated to the left of the room.

"I should atleast clean up so I don't keep smelling like shit."


And done! As you can guess, I've adapted to the new schedule and have created some time to write chapters.

I have a favor tho. Can you guys write some comments? Life in the college is boring as shit for a loner like me.

It can be about anything, please just write a comment so I can know that you're interested and I'm still mentally stable.

Well then now that I've yapped enough. abyss gazer, signing out!