
0- Life changing decision

Hello there, abss gazer here.

I know some might think that I have a novel to focus on so why am I wasting time writing a fanfiction and a NTR one at that? Well the reason is simple. I despise NTRs.

At first I didn't even know what they meant until a friend of mine explained about them.

Kokujin no tenkousei is by far the most hated manga I have ever laid my eyes upon.

That's why I wanted to write a story about it, I wanted for main character to have a happy ending unlike the the manga ending.

I will also add different NTR characters as well as some different Manga and manhwa like lookism, fight class 3 and killer peter.

now that I have wasted more 10 minutes writing this whole paragraph, let's get into it!


Hiroki was dead. Well as dead as a walking, breathing corpse can be.

He challenged the transfer student again after months of training.but the end result was the same as first time. An utter defeat.

It would have only hurt his ego if that was the end of it, But it wasn't.

The transfer student tied him up and gagged him before throwing him in a box inside a school storage room, then hiroki saw something he couldn't believe.

Ayumu, his best friend who was like a sister to him was having sex with the bastard.

While they were fucking, Ayumu began insulting him that how he was inferior to the transfer student and that he could never beat him.

After hours of sex they left the storage room, leaving hiroki broken and crying inside the box.

After few hours, hiroki was able to free his hands and came out of box. His eyes had become red and puffy from crying. He felt empty.


It had been a few weeks when he found something. Something horrifying.

Hiroki saw ayumu walking in the direction of his girlfriend, nao's house.

A dark thought crept into his mind but he squashed it as quickly as it appeared.

He watched as she entered the house, hiroki walked to back of the house and looked toward the window connected to nao's room.

Hiroki focused on his hearing and heard something that broke him from the inside.

He heard moans of pleasure coming from the room. The first voice was ayumu's and the second one....was nao's.

They were yelling the name of transfer student in between gasps and moans.

Hiroki's vision swam. He felt nauseated as he stumbled out of there and then slowly made his way to his house.


Hiroki was laying in his bed, what he heard at nao's house spinning in his mind.

Suddenly hiroki eyes widen as he slowly turned his head towards his desk.

He shakily stood up and walked toward his desk, wishing to God that what he thought wasn't true.

His reached towards its drawer as he opened it and shakily took out a CD, his hands shaking.


Hiroki sat in his chair. Tears streaming down his face as he emptily stared at the monitor, a porn video was playing on it.

4 girls were having sex with a dark skinned man. But what caused hiroki to break was the womens in the video.

His eyes looked at the girls faces. Their hair were different but he could tell who they were after focusing a bit.

It was nao, ayumu, his older sister kanoko and his mother kaede.

Hiroki didn't feel anything as he gazed at their faces which were contorted in pleasure.

That day, something broke inside hiroki. His emotions were raging inside him, but instead of flooding out like a broken dam.

They were suppressed by something inside him.


Months had passed since the day hiroki found out.

He was currently laying in his bed, His ones shiny black eyes had turned dull and lifeless, he removed the dye from his hair returning them to their black lusterless shade, they were messy and disheveled.

His face was supporting a lot of cuts and bruises from getting bullied by the transfer student's lackeys.

In just few months, he defeated the 2nd and 3rd year students and took over the school.

He did everything he could to make hiroki's miserable life even more miserable then it already was. Hiroki stopped resisting, knowing nothing will change even if he tried.

Hiroki stood from his bed and left his room. His mother and sister weren't home, most likely having sex with the transfer student.

Hiroki didn't care anymore tho, he walked in the living and took out a first-aid kit from under the TV stand then took a seat at the couch and began patching himself up.

After disinfecting his injuries he got up and put the kit in its place, walked in the kitchen and started preparing a meal for himself.

After few weeks of being with the transfer student his mother and sister's attitude changed toward him. Kaede would continuously forget about cooking for him causing him to sleep hungry for days while his sister became more violent toward him, hitting him for even the smallest mistakes.

He ate his meal in silence. it was nothing much, just some rice with vegetables in it. He wasn't allowed to "waste food".

After the meal, he picked his plate and the utensils he used to cook the food and washed them before putting them in the dryer and walking back to his room, entering and closing the door.

His eyes drifted toward his desk, a photo frame of a younger hiroki and a tall black haired man rested on it.

Hiroki turned his head and lay down on his bed and closed his eyes. His breathing became slow and steady as he fell asleep.


Next day hiroki woke up to the sound of his alarm. He glanced at it and turned it off.

It was 4:30 in the morning, he got up and left his room and walked to the bathroom.

After brushing he removed his shirt revealing his once lean built that now looked Gaunt and malnourished covered in black and blue bruises.

He took a shower and came out of the bathroom wearing his uniform.

He began walking towards the stairs but before he could reach them , the door next to him opened and kanoko walked out, her eyes on her phone as she bumped into me and dropped it.

She looked at her phone which now had a few cracks on it then glared at him and thundered.


"I'm sorry." Hiroki said in a monotonous tone.


kanoko shouted as she punched him, causing him to stumble and fall from the top of the stairs.

Kanoko huffed and picked her phone then entered the bathroom, not sparing a single glance at the downed form of her "brother".

hiroki slowly stood up, he felt a throbing pain in the left side of his chest most likely cracked a rib.

Though it wasn't something new. He had his bones broken a few times by now, some he had to fix himself and some he had get fixed by the doctor, using the money he earns from his part time job.

He checked if it was actually broken or not but thanks to some miracle it was only cracked a little.

Hiroki didn't waste much time there and left the house, walking towards his school.

After arriving at school one and a half hour earlier than school time. He opened the main entrance and made his way to his classroom.


Classes progressed as they normally do with almost no one paying attention to teachers. Except hiroki, he knew he needs to get a degree to live on his own.

Soon it was lunch break, hiroki decided not to go to the cafeteria since the transfer student's lackeys would also be present there.

He wasn't in the mood to get beaten up on the last day of school before break.

He put his head on his crossed arms and leaned on desk. He glanced at nao through the gap in his arms then closed his eyes.

They had already broke up months ago and now she's officially together with the transfer student.

Hiroki didn't ponder on the thought much and just went to sleep.


Just like that, the rest of the day passed and the students were released, the 3 months break was starting from tomorrow.

Hiroki was walking through the main entrance, thinking of going to the summer camp to be away from his supposed "family".

But decided against it considering that they would most likely go on a trip with the transfer student like they did before.

He had just walked out of school when he felt a hard punch land in his stomach making him cough from having the wind knocked out of his lungs.

"Well look who it is, why didn't you come greet us hiroki? We were looking for you."

Said a tall brown haired boy. There were 4 more students behind him.

These were the lackeys that had been tormenting him for months.

Hiroki didn't respond to his question, busy catching his breath.

He didn't get the time since he was dragged away into a side alley and was slammed against the wall.

"You know, our boss told us that you broke his girlfriend's phone. So he asked us to discipline you thoroughly."

And after that the beating started. After at least 2 hours of constant beating, hiroki looked on the verge of losing consciousness.

Blood was flowing out of his broken nose and mouth, he could feel that his previously cracked rib had completely broke.

"Why..." hiroki thought. "Why is this happening to me. What did I do to deserve this."

More and more of these questions began to flood his mind, a familiar feeling was surfacing inside of him.

Anger. No it wasn't simply anger, it was pure unadulterated fury.

Hiroki began to shake in anger. "I want power, just like that bastard. If I was strong then this wouldn't have happened. My life wouldn't be shambles."

The 5 turned to his shaking form and thought that he was crying.

"Awwww is little hiroki crying? Do you need your mommy?"

The brown haired boy said in a mocking tone as he and the other 4 began laughing.

"I..." Hiroki muttered causing the 5 to stop laughing.

"I need power." Hiroki said as he began to get up from the ground.

"Power? The fuck do you think this is, a anime? Hahaha this bitch has gone nuts guys." One of the guys yelled causing them to continue laughing.

Hiroki didn't pay any attention to them. Something was infront of his face, a black screen was floating in front him.

[ You have been chosen by the player growth system, do you accept? ]


Hiroki stared at the screen, thinking he was hallucinating, but he dismissed that thought after feeling his chest throb in pain.

"I..I accept. It's not like I'm losing anything." He thought.

[ Congratulations! You have become a player! You have received a free spin on the "roulette" for becoming a player. Would like to spin?]

"A roulette? Yeah sure" hiroki thought as the system screen changed and a roulette wheel appeared in front of him which then began to spin.


[Congratulations on receiving skill "taekwondo"]

[ Skill: taekwondo

Rank: uncommon

Type: passive

Grade: beginner

Level: 1 (0/100)

Info: a passive skill that gives you the basic knowledge of taekwondo techniques.

Effects:+10% attack speed

+25% crit damage

+5% flexibility ]

Hiroki felt a surge of information enter his head. Forms and techniques he never practiced now felt like he had been doing them for years.


Hiroki heard the notification and looked at the new message.

[ Tutorial quest has been activated]

[Take down the lackeys]


[Reward: +3 enchantment tokens, +150 credits]

[Penalty: None]

Hiroki stared at screen. "Take them down? In this state? Are you seri..." his thoughts were cut short as he felt something coming towards him. By pure instincts hiroki pushed the incoming leg to the side, then spun and landed a devastating kick to the brown haired boy's head. Hiroki's heel made contact with his temple then carrying on with momentum, slammed his head into the pavement.


[You have used taekwondo! Proficiency has increased]

[Opponents defeated 1/5]

Hiroki stared at the screen then at the guy laying on the pavement, unconscious. Slowly a grin crept up on his face. His dull and lifeless eyes started shining in a silver color, glowing with determination.

"Who's next?" Hiroki asked.


Aaand finish. Wait for the next chapter! I'll peace out now!

Abyss gazer, signing out!