
Los muertos vivientes

Greedy cities, scheming schemes, arrogant families, and brutal gangsters represent fair prosecutors, whether to keep their conscience or fall into darkness forever. ... He woke up from the dream, he was a resurrected corpse.

Daoisth72EkS · Horror
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4 Chs

First Time 1

Number 244, on the corner of Horseshoe Avenue, is the Seventh Street Courthouse.

Black roof, slightly old wooden two-story building, vines spiraling up along the corners, covering most of the green of the walls in summer, in this season there is nothing left, the withered brown and yellow stems make the whole building The building looks bleak, with only the sculpture of the just saint Mutu in front of the door, which is not very finely crafted. A reminder that this is a solemn place.

Although it was just an ordinary third-class court and could only handle some trivial cases, it was the first step in Fulan's career after all.

Maybe one day Fulan will enter the noble court and make a fair decision on an important case that even His Majesty the King should pay attention to.

Fu Lan visited the No. 1 Noble Court in the New District of Feiduxi City. One courtroom there was larger than the entire Seventh Street Courthouse and could accommodate three hundred people.

It is said that there is also a mage who is proficient in spiritual magic in the noble court, who can easily make the most stubborn and cunning people tell the truth.

God, magician! Folan had never seen such a mysterious person.

No matter which country you are in, magicians are as rare as an oasis in the desert.

Just talking to them a few words is something worth showing off.

The heating was heating up in the courtroom. Fulan took off his windbreaker, wrapped it in a sheepskin bag and stuffed it into the drawer of the desk. After nodding to several recorders who greeted him, he walked towards the chief judge's office.

I don't know if it was because of the bad weather, the wooden planks of the cloister began to rot, or because of the excitement, Fran felt as if he was stepping on smooth sheep felt, soft and fluffy.

Today marks his first court appearance as a prosecutor.

Baron Ross Silva, the presiding judge, is a lean and energetic old man. Seeing Fulan, he closed the big book spread out in front of him and signaled him to close the door.

"Sir Fryer, what do you think of the case you are in charge of?" the presiding judge pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked.

Foran has been studying the upcoming lawsuit for a long time.

Two baronial young masters who had just been drunk in a bar blocked a young girl in an alley. They did what every villain loves to do, beat, abuse and rape.

The girl's father came after hearing the news, and then something even more tragic happened.

The drunken boys beat and kicked the girl's father until he was stopped by a patrol, and by then the poor old man had breathed his last.

Judging from the superficial evidence, this is a very simple case of violent injury, even if the defendant is a nobleman, it is difficult to escape the sanction of the law.

According to the noble code, any low-ranking noble who causes the death of a commoner can only enjoy the right to avoid death, which is replaced by huge compensation and long-term hard labor.

But here's the crux: the victim, the girl's elderly father, was not purely human, but a subspecies known as Gothians.

Gothic people look no different from ordinary people at first glance. They usually have tiny scales on hidden parts of their bodies, or slightly protruding bony horns on their foreheads.

In the classics of the Illuminati Church, the first Gothic was the traitor Youda who betrayed the Son of God. The blood of the traitor was cursed, and his descendants have since then possessed inhuman characteristics.

As time goes by, although the Goths are no longer captured and killed arbitrarily like in the early days, they are still regarded as a lowly class.

Imperial laws never recognize non-human races as citizens enjoying rights. famous.

As a result, the young masters who are still in the detention center became proud, and declared that in order to maintain the dignity of human beings and the emperor, they would never make any compensation.

After all, the huge amount of indemnity stipulated in the code is astronomical for ordinary aristocratic families.

After all, the dead is a living life. How to make a reasonable judgment, which not only maintains the justice of the law, but also does not discredit the royal family, is a headache for any judge.

This is also the reason why the case was devolved to the Third Class Court after being delayed by the First Noble Court for several months.

The Seventh Street Court, which was not qualified to hear such cases, naturally became a lamb on the head.

And Fran believes that he has also become one of the lambs.

A fledgling rookie prosecutor, a perfect victim.

"This is a good guy. Unfortunately, from now on, he will say goodbye to the position of the court. Maybe the severance payment can give him more money." The chief judge has already imagined the ending of Forlan. "Prosecutor, I hope you can be strict about your identity, and don't behave ridiculously in court." He looked at Fulan with pity.

"I see." Fulan nodded with satisfaction.

He knew that this was a trap, but he also knew that this was a great opportunity.

Putting on a black robe representing judgment and solemnity, and a light gray wig woven from horsehair, standing in front of the mirror, Fran felt extremely majestic. "The stage has been set, my first performance must not be messed up." When he pushed open the door leading to the trial hall, he prayed secretly.

The hearing booth was already full of people, and many big figures condescended to come to this dilapidated place. The two defendants stood in the dock nonchalantly, whispering from time to time. Another lamb in the script: the presiding judge, is an immediate The old man, who was about to retire, was sitting weakly in his seat, announcing in a vague voice, "The court is open."

In the courtroom, lawyers and prosecutors are always like fighters facing each other in the arena, and they will never stop until they completely defeat each other.

Lawyers for the villains cross-examine the prosecution witness, the girl who lost both her virginity and her father.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you of Goethe's blood?" asked the lawyer.

"They were the ones who killed my father."

"Please answer my question, do you have Goethe's blood?"

"They killed my father."

The girl repeated the words with a sob.

"All the evidence shows that you have half Goethe blood, and your father is a standard Goethe."

"They killed my father!" the girl yelled angrily, her beautiful gray eyes seemed to spew fire, and her white teeth bit her lips to bleed, "Why don't you accuse the murderer, go to trial Their crime, to pick a good day for the gallows to open, and to care what blood my poor father is?"

Looking at the girl who was out of control, the lawyer smiled with satisfaction, and he gracefully gestured for the end of the cross-examination.

Fulan didn't speak, and kept his head down, writing something on the paper.

Then the lawyer called several witnesses, and he proved to everyone that the victim was really a Goethe who was not protected by the code. The lawyer even shouted, "If my client is guilty, then this absurd court and everyone here Do you want to ignore the majesty of Emperor Como and challenge the dignity of the royal family?"

Foran remained silent from the beginning to the end. In the eyes of everyone at the table, the prosecutor had already failed. A rookie who was completely banned by lawyers was destined to become a joke in the judiciary.

Folan did not speak the first sentence until the presiding judge asked whether he wanted to acquit the accused.

He said, "The merciful St. George VII, the father of the present Holy Majesty, once added a law to the law: the slaughter of any precious animal is prohibited."

As we all know, the last emperor was a monarch who liked painting and poetry. His sensual and artist-like temperament made him love everything in the world. An announcement of an endangered animal. In the south of the empire, the bird of heaven, which is suitable for decoration as a lady's hat because of its gorgeous plumage, is under the protection of this law, and it has been hunted and nearly extinct. .

"The defendant actually flouted the last emperor's will and slaughtered precious animals like Goths. Can you tolerate such a crime?" Fulan shouted.

The noisy courtroom suddenly fell silent, and everyone was dumbfounded. The rookie actually used the animal protection law in a criminal case!

"According to the defense, Goths are unprotected low-level creatures. God, what did you do? Rape an animal?" Fran exaggeratedly shouted, "Only heretics can do such a dirty thing." In the light of God, this move will be sent to the stake!"

The Church of Light, which is above all kings and lords, clearly stipulates in its teachings: all bestiality is prohibited.

It is not uncommon for nobles to lose their titles because they favored orc slaves.

Sitting in the auditorium, the Bishop of Feidu District, who was invited to listen, closed his eyes devoutly, made a sign of the cross on his chest, and murmured, "May the holy fire of hell wash away the evil deeds of sinners."

The lawyer, who fell from heaven to hell in an instant, suddenly felt that admitting murder seemed to be a much lesser crime than the prosecutor's accusation.

"Thank you for getting justice for my father, but I curse you because you have insulted my father's reputation." The Gothic girl said to Fu Lan when she was leaving the court, and then kissed the rookie prosecutor, Fu Lan felt a bit of bitterness , That's the smell of a girl's tears.

"I know that young man can do it, but I didn't expect it to be so good." Baron Robert blushed and boasted to the senior prosecutors who were also watching, "It's not like a novice at all."

Foran's first lawsuit in his life, he won it beautifully.