
Lords of the North

The novel is set in the expansive and mystical land of Osua, a realm where the ancient arts of swordsmanship and arcane magic coexist. The northern reaches of this world, known as the Northern Wastelands, are a harsh and unforgiving place, shrouded in perpetual mist and home to ancient creatures and forgotten magics. This land is dotted with small, resilient villages, imposing castles, and sprawling, blood-stained battlefields.

hongtao_zhang · Krieg
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98 Chs

Chapter 96 station

Ken stood on the steps with a solemn expression.

Then something in the notes was touched, and the experience points poured out, condensed into threads along the armor, gloves, and the edge of the battle axe, and quickly flowed into Kuima's body.

[Follower: Kuima]

[Identity: Ice Blade Plucker]

[Attitude: Worship as if it were a god]

[Qualification: 3.5 Wisdom: 2.2]

[Magic Affinity: Torrent]

The Fei Wolf roared excitedly, the soldiers stared at the platform intently, and the archers were even more proud of it.

[You inspired the team, and the loyalty of the residents increased. ]

The advancement is over.

Kuima calmed down while panting.

He seemed to be stronger, with symmetrical and tight muscle lines, but the most worrying thing was the pair of clear and transparent eyes. When it stared at something intently, a torrent of light emerged.

"Are you okay?"

Ken asked softly.

"You are my most trusted companion. If there is a problem with this crystal, I am afraid I will never forgive myself in this life."

"Everything is fine. I am honored to serve you."

Quima smiled gratefully.

He knelt on the steps sincerely, bowed and swore to the war banner: "I am willing to die for Santonkaya."

[The battle axe points to the road ahead, and the arrowhead will surely seal the throat. ]

Ken looked up at the army that was looking forward to it.

"Try it?"

Quima nodded.

He took the [Bound Tendon Longbow] of [Excellent] quality, and the thick steel arrowhead was placed on the string in an instant.

This weapon was used when it was advanced before. It has good power and accuracy. It is scarred by battles and the bow arm is brittle. It is a severely worn and quasi-scrap product.

He frowned, a vortex brewed in his pupils, and he gently loosened his fingertips...

Ken subconsciously retreated.

The vision in Kuima's eyes dissipated, and the aura emanating from his body instantly converged, but the powerful force shot out, condensed at the top of the arrowhead, and instantly passed over everyone's heads.

A bone wind chime hanging on the top of the sentry tower.


It exploded into pieces in an instant.

"Hiss, look, he just pulled it lightly, how many steps does it take?"

Langzi scratched the bump on his head.

He participated in the battle to encircle and suppress bandits, and he knew very well what Kuima's strength was a day ago.

"One hundred and fifty steps."

The giant turned around and saw Meng lying on his back in the fur of the wolf.

He raised his hand to the back of his head and was looking at the wind chime fragments on the sentry post in thought.

The tribal spearman needs to judge the timing of the beast's attack, so he is particularly sensitive to distance.

"Neat and decisive, he has indeed transformed."

Meng actually praised Kuima! ?

Langzi listened to the other party's calm and strange tone, and felt a little itchy on his back under the rough linen lining.

Dongjiaoge tribe, ancient motto 2:

Respect the progress made by accumulating strength, face your opponents, and never lower your requirements for yourself. The stronger the goal, the happier the challenger.

The banquet to celebrate the triumph was held as usual.

Meng still did not attend.

He rode the wolf out of the village before the moon became clear, blending into the lonely snowy night, with a bone-handled sword hanging on the side of the saddle, like the exposed claws of a beast.

The first brick house in Santonkaya was officially completed tonight.

It is located in the northwest corner of the village. It is exquisite and solid. It was designed by Burke Bartlet, the chief engineer of the Kingdom of Norin, and combined with the requirements of users, so that the workers stepped up to build it.

[Facility: Blacksmith Shop]

[Level: C]

[User: Arthur]

[The prototype of the tribal workshop. Although it is extremely simple and there are not many apprentices, the craftsmen who wield the hammers are outstanding. ]

Ken pushed open the solid door inlaid with black copper.

The floor tiles are heat-resistant Hagendile rock, which was found by scouts in Luojun Valley. The output is not large, and after polishing, it can barely cover the entire room.

[Facilities can improve the business format of the tribe and will be graded according to actual performance and the level of the user. ]

The transparent window design, the wall is full of display racks, on which are roughly processed seed materials.

Several strong apprentices are busy placing tools.

Some of them are porters who have worked as coolies among the refugees, and some are the strongest shieldmen in the army.

"Battle Banner."

"Get busy, this house will be managed by you in the future."

Ken responded to the apprentice's greeting.

He paced in the shop, measuring the size with his legs, and smiled with satisfaction.

"It is indeed spacious, but it is not good enough. I have seen Burke's drawings. He left enough space for expansion. When the tribe prospers and has more manpower, I will build you a workshop according to the specifications of Duwa Village."

"No need."

Arthur knelt in front of the furnace and responded calmly.

He did not look back, and waited for a moment before explaining: "The architecture of the Duwa tribe is not reasonable enough. In comparison, I am more accustomed to the layout of the dwarf workshop."

Ken smiled and nodded, and sighed and said: "It's really rare."


"You rarely say such a long sentence."


Arthur stopped talking and looked angry.

In fact, he was busy doing one thing, which was to give this exquisite blacksmith shop a sufficiently important core.

Ken retreated silently.

Arthur took out the luggage he had carried all the way and placed it in the center of the room.