
Lord of Time (Ken)

Ken is betrayed to death by his best friend and lover during the time wars. However, the Goddess took his soul and gave him a new opportunity.

4DeathLord · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 3 - Rokuro's Sword Battle

There was only one hour left for that event to happen and Ken was completing his final preparations. He was the weakest of the Demon Lord's right arms, and he sensed it and had arrived 10 minutes early.

Ken thought he was changing the future because he knew the future and was stronger than before. At noon, when the sun is directly overhead, it suddenly gets dark and fogs increase.

Ken climbs to the top of the tower and looks in the direction Rokuro came from. He sees Rokuro and his demon army and they have enough to destroy the city in a few minutes, and they are more numerous than the previous time.

Before they come to the city, he informs his father, and his father knew beforehand and had prepared the army. When the demons pass through the city gate, the army suddenly appears and a quarter of the demons die.

Rokuro orders his demons to "Stay behind" and Ken asks his father: "How did you know?" His father said, "You've been acting weird for a month and you've gotten so strong.

I didn't sit still, I trained and got stronger." Rokuro looks at the city, Ken tells his father to "Escape" and his father shakes his head and says, "I'll leave it to you."

Ken uses his space sword ability to cut space right in the middle of the demons, slicing all retreating demons in half. Rokuro gets very angry and pulls out his sword and runs towards Ken. Ken also runs towards Rokuro and the surrounding buildings collapse as their swords clash.

Good thing Ken's father had already evacuated the city or everyone in the collapsed buildings would have died. At that moment, Rokuro takes a small dagger out of his pocket and looks very dangerous.