
Lord of Time (Ken)

Ken is betrayed to death by his best friend and lover during the time wars. However, the Goddess took his soul and gave him a new opportunity.

4DeathLord · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 22 - Revenge from the Past

As Ken watched the battle from afar, he watched his own demise again and angrily sent the Shadow Army into the time war. He ordered them to bring his ex-girlfriend Aki and his ex-best friend Dai alive and kill anyone who was left behind. The Shadow Army does as ordered and delivers the two to Ken.

Ken has them watch as he makes his friends who died in the time war cry. They both begin to ask: "Who are you, sir? Why are you doing these things to us? We don't know you and would never misbehave with someone like you. Please don't kill us."

Ken replies, "Look closely, you really didn't recognize me? You just killed me." The two look at each other in surprise, and Ken tells them about the things they did together in their old time to make them believe, and they still don't believe him when he reveals secrets they haven't told anyone.

They say, "To a strong person like you, such knowledge can be learned, you may have learned it with money." Because they do not believe, Ken radiates an aura of anger and this time chooses a method that will make them believe.

Using his mind transfer ability, he shows the memories they spent together before they died. Finally they believe and are surprised: "We just killed you, how did you get here?" they ask.

Ken laughs when he sees them in this state, and one tells about the life of Aki, the daughter of a rich family, and the other is Dai, the most powerful person in the time wars and a descendant of the hero. Ken has never seen them in such a predicament and takes the seriousness of the situation a bit.

After he laughs, his anger returns to their face and if he kills them, he cannot take his revenge completely, he has to make them suffer and throw them to the most dangerous place in the universe. They spend a month there and get very bad. Ken comes down to the planet to check their condition and they are in a very bad shape, the monster birds have eaten their arm and they are very injured.

They cry out to Ken, pleading: "Anywhere but here, please get us out of here." Ken has an evil idea and takes them as slaves to the Shadow Empire. On their way to the Shadow Castle, Aki and Dai are surprised that Ken has improved so much.

Titania and her son Moriko see Ken returning home and go to greet him. Aki and Dai are very jealous of this situation and think that his wife is very beautiful and strong, and their child is very handsome and strong.

Titania and Moriko ask who these people are, and Ken shows everything using mind transfer rather than telling. This changes Titania and Moriko's attitude towards them, and Ken tells them, "To call them slaves would be an insult to slaves.

I will throw this garbage in the trash", cut off their limbs and throw them into the Shadow vault. Aki and Dai will be eternally tortured and will gradually suffer their punishment