
Lord of the Witches

[A crossover between Lord of the mysteries and Release that witch.] [Quotes are frequently used so don't read if you don't like to read quotes.] [Release rate:-3 chapters per week.] [I don't own Release that witch or Lord of the mysteries.] [The theme will be a little dark and twisted along with a slow-paced story where I would focus more on character building.] [Those who have not read either of the two novels need not worry as I shall explain everything in detail.] [We will discover more about our M.C as the story progresses along with his goals and wishes.] [The first volume is about the future of Kite whereas I first world (Second volume) is the past. It may seem like the story is going fast but actually, I am only telling you about the past world. Also, I know that I have not given much screen time to the M.C in the beginning chapters but after some chapters, everything will be clear for you. Near chapter 50 the story will truly begin from M.C pov so please bear with it as I need to make a fitting background for all characters thus require so many chapters to focus on them, after all, they are the important characters of the story which will even go to the next volume (Lord of the mysteries world).] [No harem and the female lead will be Nightingale....] [Only constructive criticism is required other reviews will be deleted since I don't need your opinion on how MY story should proceed.] [Plz support my novels and check out my other novels.] [Recommend:- "Painful love:- Blessing in disguise" is a good romance, an original story being written by my friend so please check it out too.] [Won't be dropped but the release will be slow as I mentioned above since I will focus on my main novel.] [Please vote, comment and rate the novel.] [Average word counts:-800-1000 words.] [Discord link:-https://discord.gg/tQ7FCHH]

Legendary_Person · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter :-29 The Army (Part-2)

The below content contains some spoiler from Lord of the Mysteries so please proceed on your own risk. Please comment and leave a review for the novel. Thanks for reading guys.-----------------------

"Thrust !!!!,Pull !!!!,Thrust !!!!,Pull!!!!...Attention !!!!..." a hoarse very reverberated throughout the place, the warmth of sun for the last time before the upcoming [Months of Demons] acted as baptism for these people, rather soldiers that were going to face the biggest struggle in anyone's life....to survive, to return home, to their loved one's ,to fulfill a promise.

Sweat dripped down their face, eyes determined and filled with confidence ,ripped bodies filled with overwhelming power ,they wore black colored armor, a helmet made of gray mithril. Black gloves witch glowed with a mysterious light, metal boots. A silver dagger which greatly resembled [Marine crops] tactical knife along which a long [Rifle].

"Take positions !!!!!...." roared a large man wearing uniform identical to that of the soldiers, two lions protruding out from the shoulder guard along with a silver star embedded on his chest. The man had a savage face presence along with a commanding air. His name Iron Axe, due to him being from [Sand country] some of the people weren't that happy with him being the commander of this squad that he leaded.

But him being the most experienced individual, who killed some demons in the last [Months of Demons]. A rifle is a portable, long-barreled firearm designed for accurate long-range shooting, to be held with both hands and braced against the shoulder for stability during firing, and with a barrel that has a helical pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the bore wall. With the help provide by Anna, Roland was able to mass produce these weapons.

In the collection of [Extraordinary items] which he possessed ,the [Ancient Scholar's Past] was his favorite. The third sequence of [Fool-pathway] is [Ancient Scholar], having the ability to borrow power from their past, also are able to summon materialistic items from the past like ice-cream which he once summoned for contacting with Angel of Fate Ouroboros, to escape from Angel of Time Amon.

(A/N:-The beginning of 6th volume of lord of the mysteries, near the end of volume 5 Klein became sequence 3, Ancient scholar.)

The ability of the item was nowhere near a true half-angel like Roland, rather Klein who could summon over 5000 angels with the support of a god or even hide in the [History hole] but it still had the power to summon the projection of his past self from that world for 15 min, but Roland is that strong yet to do so....even then summoning simple weapons wasn't that problematic.

The only problem was that, you will be weakened by 90% for 2 weeks plus you can't use spirituality for a week. In the previous world it wasn't of much use due to its power but in this world it was exactly the opposite. With the current abilities he had, summoning 100-sets of armor and weapons wasn't that hard.

Barov and Carter ,they couldn't understand how he could get these things but after Kite said that he was the one who provided them with the weapons, their confusion went away. Nightingale and were still not convinced but due to the lack of knowledge them had to ultimately drop the topic.

The [Mausoleum] was also being build, apparently in this world their was no concept of mausoleum. The [Mason-guild] were a little confused upon seeing the design which the fourth prince presented them with but since the prince had already paid in advance they had no reason to refuse, usually it would have taken a huge amount of time to build something so complex with a throne and altar in the center but with the help of cement, the process was going on smoothly but still, making the design ,throne and altar would take sometime to finish being constructed.

Azik had came back from the [Graveyard], the potion had been mostly digested just one last step and he would be able to level up to sequence-8 of [Death-pathway], [Grave-digger]. [Grave-digger] can enter the spirit world and the land of the dead, allowing them to observe their enemies from a high vantage point. The beyonders Corpse collector ability is enhance, their skill becomes more refined and they gain the ability to communicate with a small number of spirit that are close to them to help them."Grave Digger" can quickly find out the weaknesses of undead and spiritual creatures by "observing" the face of the unfamiliar undead and spiritual world creatures. This ability is called "eye of death".One of the notable ability that get stronger is their Spirit vision.

By being in the [Graveyard] ,he was actually improving his digestion speed for the upcoming level. Roland had passed on a notice to recruit people in the [Army] of the [Border town], so that they could lend off the incoming demons. Currently with the help of Kite's [Bard's slogan], people were being motivated to join the army and be trained under the supervision of Kite, as the [God-general].

Finally the [Months of Demons] was just around the corner, the training along with the equipment was good enough for them to act coordinately and kill the [Demons] with their [Rifles]. Finally for the first time would the people of [Border town] wouldn't starve or wouldn't need to abandon their homes.