
Lord of the Winged Beauties

In the cosmic power game, a lucky few on Earth snagged golden tickets to the floating islands of the world. It's like leveling up in an epic video game, except this is for real. Hunting monsters, boosting skills, aiming for divinity. Among all the cool careers, snagging the title of "Lord" was like hitting the jackpot. And Edward? He didn't just win; he hit the mega prize. He earned the "Lord" title and formed a powerful squad of angels. Thus began Edward's legendary conquest. Years later, as the God-King, Edward sat on his throne, backed by a sea of angels, with gods from countless worlds bowing before him. Edward proclaimed, "I am the Holy Light," his voice echoing into eternity. "The sacred and splendid beacon." "All life in the universe are my followers. Those who do not comply shall be purified by holy flames."

BlazeMaddox · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 6: They are your followers

Outside his territory, Edward calmly turned off the "Island Chat Channel."

When he learned that a Lord had randomly obtained a top-tier troop type, he wasn't surprised. After all, in a world so vast, there were bound to be others who had also been favored by Lady Luck.

"Finally, a top-tier Lord has appeared. And not just any, but one who knows how to play his cards right, starting an alliance early on and using the appeal of a top-tier troop to rally a bunch of professionals."

Despite his words, Edward's tone remained even, showing no signs of panic.

The emergence of the Golden Behemoth Lord only served to fuel his ambition, nothing more. After all, his own troop type, the Angels, were 'mythical' creatures, a unique troop type that the Golden Behemoth couldn't hold a candle to.

When he had an army of a million Angels, he was confident he could sweep away the Golden Behemoth Lord and his alliance, the "Hall of Kings," in one fell swoop.

Edward didn't dwell on it any longer.

He turned and headed back to his own territory. He had wanted to plant some crops in the spirit fields, but unfortunately, he didn't have any seeds, and no one on the platform was selling any. So, he could only hope that the two beautiful Angels would come back with some loot from their monster hunting.


By the afternoon, Virginia and Janet had been hunting for several hours and had killed over three hundred monsters. The main time sink was in finding the monsters; if there had been a steady stream of them, they could have killed even more.

Edward was preparing to recall them to the territory. Lords and their troops could communicate telepathically, so there was no need for face-to-face interaction to issue commands.

The purpose of recalling the two Angels was twofold: to give them a chance to rest, and to use the gold coins they had collected to summon new Angels.

Just then, a series of "heave-ho" noises suddenly erupted outside the territory.

The sounds grew louder, clearly heading towards his land.

Edward immediately went to the entrance of the "Lord's Hall" and looked out into the distance.

He wasn't worried about enemies invading his territory. It had been revealed on the "Professionals' Forum" that territories were generally not subject to active attacks from the monsters of the Worlds' Floating Isles until they were upgraded to "small towns." This was a hidden protective measure by the Worlds' Floating Isles for Lord professionals, to prevent them from being wiped out early on.

"It's Virginia and Janet."

Looking in the direction of the noise, Edward immediately spotted his two Angels. They were flapping their snowy white wings, flying mid-air, their bodies radiating a holy white light that made them look incredibly beautiful and eye-catching against the green backdrop.

However, the shouting wasn't coming from Virginia and Janet.

It was coming from a group of green-skinned creatures following behind them. These creatures were very thin and small, with a bizarre appearance, like little devils that had run out of a movie.

There were about sixty or seventy of these green-skinned creatures.

They were grouped in pairs, each pair carrying the body of a monster. As they moved, their actions were uniform, as if they had been trained.

The "heave-ho" noises were coming from their mouths.

As they approached the territory, their details also appeared in Edward's view.

[Common Goblin]

[Description: A low-level intelligent creature from the Worlds' Floating Isles, weak individually but extremely greedy, living by hunting and robbery.]

[Level: 2]

[Growth Potential Limit: 5]

[Special Reminder: Do not provoke goblins if you are not strong enough, or you might end up as a delicacy on their table.]


[Goblin Warrior]

[Description: …]

[Level: 3]

[Growth Potential Limit: 7]

"These goblins, totally wicked creatures."

Edward furrowed his brow and looked towards Virginia and Janet, who were flying mid-air. The two winged Angels were easy to distinguish. Virginia's figure was taller and more voluptuous, her curves quite alluring. Janet, on the other hand, was relatively petite, exuding a sprite-like cuteness. But of course, that wasn't important.

He was just puzzled about why Virginia and Janet had brought back so many goblins. Were they just using them to lug around monster corpses? In his mind, these goblins should be eliminated for their loot. To a professional in the Worlds' Floating Isles, intelligent creatures were just another type of monster.



A breeze blew as Virginia and Janet descended from the sky, landing in front of Edward. Meanwhile, the goblins continued to chant "heave-ho" as they piled up monster corpses in a nearby square, then obediently gathered together and knelt in Edward's direction.

There was no noise, no panic, and no goblins trying to escape. They behaved like a group of well-trained pets, very obedient.

Edward asked in confusion, "Virginia, what's the deal with these goblins?"

Virginia respectfully replied, "In the guidance of faith, these humble intelligent creatures have become devotees of the Holy Light."

"Whose followers?"

Edward frowned again. As a Lord, he did not want any so-called followers in his territory. Even the Angels he recruited could not worship other deities, as it would greatly affect his authority as a Lord.

However, what Edward did not expect was Virginia's response. After his question, she lifted her golden eyes, looking at him with utmost reverence, and said, "Of course, they are your followers, Lord. You are the supreme Lord of the Holy Light, the origin of the sacred and luminous faith. These weak creatures, including us, all worship and are loyal to you."