
Lord Of The People: Lord Talent Is Learning?

The world is destroyed, and the era will be restarted, survival qualification called the lord is issued to everyone. Territories, heroes, arms, treasures, resources are distributed to everyone as thousands of servers are opened. Qin Muye looked at his panel which screams of a cannon fodder. There is neither a god-level talent, nor hidden hints, or anti-sky career. “If that’s the case, then there is only one way to live.”

Infinity_Snake · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Territory: Mage Tower(Broken)

[Due to force majeure, the world was destroyed, congratulations on obtaining the survival qualification of "Lord Era"]

[You are assigned to the server: Magic Continent No. 9527, the total number of lords on this server: 1000]

[You got the binding item: Territory stone]

[Note: Use the Territory stone as soon as possible to obtain the territory, "Lord Era" will semi-digitize you and generate the territory, otherwise there is a chance of encountering monster attacks in the wild]

[Please note: Territory Stones will obtain initial resources such as different buildings, arms, etc. when the territory is built in different regions, terrains and other external factors.]

[Please note: If the territory stone is not used within one hour, you will be disqualified.]

Qin Muye opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment and the purple diamond-shaped stone in his hand. He was about to cry but had no tears.

"Just about to embark on living a life of a winner but now it is gone. Who have I provoked?"

"Can't this happen after two days, at least I would have enjoyed my spent money."

Qin Muye quickly adjusted his mentality, since he couldn't change the world, he could only adapt to the world.

He looked around and found that the start was actually quite good, with mountains, rivers and plains, and more importantly, he found a dilapidated ruin not far away.

It looks like some kind of tower-type building, with two and a half floors, and only half of the third floor was left. It looks like it was smashed by something.

"The server I'm on is Magic Continent No. 9527. Will this tower building be a Mage Tower?"

The memories of the previous life kept recalling, and after looking around again, Qin Muye decided to take a gamble and made that tower his territory.

Judging from the surroundings, the location of the suspected mage tower was not chosen randomly. The surrounding environment is good, there are water sources, plains, and a mountain behind it. At least in terms of resources, there is no need to worry.

So basically, there is no better place than this, at least from Qin Muye's point of view.

It's not impossible to change to another place, there are quite a few other places, but he only has one hour, and now that the time is gradually decreasing, and he doesn't want to know what will happen if he loses his qualifications for the game.

Therefore, he resolutely moved towards the suspected mage tower, while breathing as evenly as possible.

He focuses on studying hard on weekdays and rarely exercises. He knows how poor his physical fitness is, so he has to move at a constant speed, neither fast nor slow, because while the Mage Tower seems to be very close, but it is not.

Fortunately, there was plain all the way, and there was no vegetation to cover him. He was also afraid that a wild monster would suddenly pop out, and he would really be cold then.

On the way, he also saw some resources scattered on the ground, but he didn't pick them up, because he tried it and could pick it up but couldn't take it with him unless he wanted to carry it with him all the time, so he might as well put the territory first, come down and then pick it up.

Arriving at the entrance of this dilapidated mage tower, only half of the door remained, as if it had been cut by some kind of sharp blade. Qin Muye entered along the door, and saw a few scattered tables, chairs and benches.

The lighting is good, not too dark.

"There's nothing like a hole in the sky, and the ground floor must at least be thousand square meters." Qin Muye couldn't help but look sideways.

The first floor seems to be a hall, and then follow the stairs on the side to the second floor. There are many rooms here, but most of them are extremely damaged.

It didn't have much value, except that he picked up two books that he couldn't understand. The text on this book was all mumble jumble for him, he got dizzy just trying to read it.

Glancing at the countdown, there were still thirty-two minutes left, he was not in a hurry, he has to look for something good.

After coming in, he determined from the damaged equipment scattered on the ground that this is very likely to be a mage tower. What if the mage tower is refreshed after he put down the territory, so if he can search it first, see if you can something good.

Anyway, there is enough time, still half an hour, can't be wasted.

He walked around for a long time and only got those two books, which made him feel a great pity.

So in the end, he could only go back to the first floor, and then put the territory stone down.

[Do you want to put your territory here? Yes or No]

"Yes!" Qin Muye looked at the words that appeared in front of him, and decisively chose yes.

[Expanding the territory for you...]

[It is detected that your area is mage tower (broken), after the territory is expanded, your initial resources will be designated as related resources and certain buildings will be inherited]

[Digitizing and awakening the lord talent for you]

Qin Muye looked very excited when he saw this scene.

"Awakening the talent of the lord? I understand this. Is it a hundred-fold increase, text prompts, and upgrades? I like this."

After watching the territorial stone melt into the ground, an invisible radiance unfolded, forming a protective shield.

[The expansion of the territory is completed and the semi-digitization is completed, welcome to the "Era of Lords"]

[You got: 7 days of novice protection (in 7 days, neither other lords nor wild monsters can attack and pursue you and the territory, remaining time: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes)]

[You got: 30-day adaptation period (wild monsters will not take the initiative to attack the territory within 30 days, and give the lord 30-day primary reconnaissance, remaining time: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes)]

[You got: Primary reconnaissance technique: Can detect the information of the enemy that does not exceed your own level]

"It turns out that the barrier is protection, then there is a novice stage, and an adaptation stage. It seems that the world is very dangerous."

Qin Muye first opened his own territory panel and checked his mage tower territory.

[Territory: Mage Tower(Broken)]

[Level: 1]

[Repair Cost: 1000 units of ore, 1000 units of wood]

[Note: The Mage Tower is in broken state and cannot be upgraded, it needs to be repaired first.]


[Material Warehouse LV1: Used to store various materials (Extension: 10 units of minerals, 10 units of wood)]

[Magic Pool (dried up): Energy Core of Mage Tower (Repair Cost: Earth Elemental Core/Water Elemental Core/Fire Elemental Core/Air Elemental Core 1 each, 10,000 units of minerals, 10,000 units of wood, 100 units of gems, 100 units of crystals, 100 units of sulfur, 100 units of mercury)]

Qin Muye looked at the building column, especially the large string of repair materials at the back of the dried-up magic pool. The whole person was a little confused. Except for the four cores in front, the rest of the materials seemed a little familiar.

"I can tell from the primary reconnaissance technique, it's not a hero and invincible." Qin Muye complained.

The mana pool cannot be upgraded now, probably like his territorial mage tower, it needs to be repaired first.

However, he estimated that the difficulty was not small. It should give him a big surprise after the repair but that will be for later.

[Common resources]

[Food: 100]

[Minerals: 100]

[Wood: 100]

[Special resources]

[Gem: 0]

[Crystal: 0]

[Sulfur: 0]

[Mercury: 0]

"Well, the initial resources are estimated to be the same for everyone, and the next step should be construction."

Qin Muye looked at his inventory, which contained two architectural drawings, probably related to the Mage Tower.

[Farmland blueprint: After learning, you can build a farmland, cost: 10 units of food]

[Spirit Workshop Blueprint: After learning, you can build a monster workshop, cost: 50 units of minerals, 50 units of wood]

"Ah, this... is a little different from what I imagined?" Qin Muye looked at these two drawings and felt that the game mode has become different.