
Lord Of The People: Lord Talent Is Learning?

The world is destroyed, and the era will be restarted, survival qualification called the lord is issued to everyone. Territories, heroes, arms, treasures, resources are distributed to everyone as thousands of servers are opened. Qin Muye looked at his panel which screams of a cannon fodder. There is neither a god-level talent, nor hidden hints, or anti-sky career. “If that’s the case, then there is only one way to live.”

Infinity_Snake · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Magic Spirit Transformation Plan 1.0

"Yawn~ It's been a bit of a struggle recently. Fortunately, he can use meditation instead of sleep, otherwise he would really die."

Today was the seventh morning. Qin Muye yawned and ended the meditation session. The magic power still did not increase, but he recovered to full capacity through meditation.

Last night, he worked overtime all night to study the subject of monsters, which can be said to be very rewarding.

This is all due to his lord's innate learning ability and academic research. Of course, there may be intermediate enlightenment, intermediate academics, and his own 6 points of knowledge attributes.

These have given him the ability to learn and understand beyond ordinary people.

He has perfected a brand-new spirit workshop renovation plan, and the efficiency is basically the same as that of hacking.

This also reinforces his belief of specializing in this art. He only needs to be responsible for studying and realizing the benefits of his studies.

At that time, when he went to higher levels, he could directly surround himself with a large number of powerful heroes and troops, while hiding in layers of protection and gain experience.

"The next step is to verify my conjecture."

Qin Muye looked at the spirit workshop on the side. Today is the seventh day. Under normal circumstances, the spirits in these spirits workshops will be refreshed tomorrow, so he wants to take this time to rebuild the monster workshop.

This was his first time working on a building of "The Age of Lords".

If this is successful, subsequent transformations will be easier.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a pen, otherwise I would be able to record these data." Qin Muye sighed and walked into the spirit workshop.

As for the big spirit factory (advanced spirit monster workshop), Qin Muye had already given up on it. If his transformation can be successful, the price/performance ratio will knock the big spirit monster factory out of the way.

"The transformation plan 1.0 of the magic spirit monster has begun. The first is the transformation device, which is the core device and needs to be adjusted manually."

Qin Muye looked at the magic circle-like field in the monster workshop. It involved magic transformation, spiritual transformation, ideological stamp and other technologies. He also knew about these technologies from the experimental manual and architectural drawings. What did he know? What to move and what not to move.

"Fortunately, I have 72 points of magic power, otherwise I might not be able to use it." Qin Muye released his magic eye, and the flow of magic power of the entire spirit workshop appeared immediately in front of his eyes.

A large amount of data was calculated by him, and his brain was overloaded, which accelerated the blood in his body, and the skin permeated the brilliance of magic.

"found it!"

Qin Muye was so excited that he quickly found the node he needed, and then the magic power poured out of his hands, and began to transform the structure from the part to the whole.

[Please note that a subtle change has taken place in one of your spirit workshop]

"It can be transformed, it seems that I have seized a silver lining..." After Qin Muye glanced at the prompt, he did not continue to pay attention, but focused on the transformation of the core transformation device.

He knew that the adaptation period was definitely not as comfortable as the novice period, so he had to take the territory to a higher level as soon as possible.

It takes years to strengthen oneself, but if it is a hero and a unit, it is different.

As time passed by, the sweat stains on Qin Muye's forehead accumulated more and more. It wasn't because of difficulty, but because he was nervous. After all, this is an exquisite magical device. The reminder that floated out made his heart palpitate more and more.

When the last magic stroke is completed, the prompt will come as promised.

[One of your spirit monster workshops has changed, and the properties and skills of the monsters produced have been enhanced]

[Please name the unit and the unit]

[You got a brand new building: Unnamed unit building]

Qin Muye wiped the sweat from his face,

Came with a smile.

"It's done, let's change the name and take a look at the properties."

The spirit workshop was changed to the magic spirit workshop, and the spirit was also renamed the magic spirit.

[Arms name: Magic Spirit]

[Army Tier: Tier 1]

[HP: 20/20]

[Magic Value: 20/20]

[Attack Power: 7]

[Defense Power: 7]


[Lucky Garden: Lucky +1]

[Magic Physique: Attack +5, Defense +5]

[Magic Intelligence: Magic Value +20]

[Magic Resistance: Magic damage reduced by 5%]

[Elemental resonance: For every 1 point of health reduction, an additional 1 point of elemental damage will be added when attacking]

[Loyalty and Taming: Morale never falls]

[Introduction: The spirits born from a transformation experiment by chosen lord have attributes and skills that are completely incompatible with their weak. More importantly, this chosen lord doesn't seem to have any intention to stop yet? ]

"Tsk, soaring into the sky."

Magic resistance is derived from the ability to hedge against magic power, and the real power is the element resonance, which he improved by imitating the bloody madness. After being injured, the elemental magic in the body of the monster is burned to increase itself, but the effect is completely unexpected.

I checked the recruitment requirements for the magic energy monster, and it changed from 30 gold coins to 100 gold coins. You must know that the big spirit was also 100 gold coins, but can the big spirit be able to compare with his magic spirit?

"The next step is to transform the remaining 5 spirit workshops into magic spirit workshops."

And other spirits have to evolve into magic spirits.

This can of course be upgraded, but it needs to bring these spirits to the magic spirit workshop.

"Also, I have modified the input port and output port of the core device, so that more magic energy monsters can be produced. If I guess correctly, the number of magic energy monsters I can recruit tomorrow is at least ten times."

'I just don't know if "Era of Lords" recognizes it. If it does, there will be 600 magic spirits tomorrow, and even heroic units will be piled to death by me...'

Qin Muye had finished transforming another spirit workshop and was going to transform it into a magic spirit workshop. One magic spirit workshop consumed about 10 mana points, and he has a total of 72 points, now there are still 6 spirit workshops left.

He always felt that after this early morning, earth-shaking changes were likely to occur, so he had to prepare as soon as possible.

He was 3 days late from the other lords at the start of the game. If he didn't hurry up now, he would be too late. If he wanted to survive or even live better, he had to fight.

He is not good at management, fighting, and gathering, but if he continues to be lazy, it is really impossible unless the great gods to carry him.