
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Skeleton Training Ground: Undead Conquest

Upon entering the one-time dungeon known as the Crypt of the Undead: Skeleton Training Ground No. 961, the mission immediately refreshed, outlining the task ahead.

The objective was clear: eliminate all undead forces within the training ground. The reward, though modest, offered a thousand experience points, a decent boost in the early stages.

Ethan's luck wasn't particularly strong today. He didn't encounter any hero units or champion-level foes, which were said to have a 1% chance of appearing.

These would have been formidable adversaries, but it seemed the dungeon was designed to be a beginner's challenge, with such powerful entities unlikely to show up unless one was truly fortunate.

After the teleportation into the skeleton training ground, Ethan found himself in a vast, empty space. Three groups of skeletons were training nearby. Among them, three elite skeleton soldiers stood out, clad in leather armor and wielding long knives.

The ordinary skeleton soldiers, on the other hand, were barely clothed in rags and armed with rusty blades, a stark contrast that made the difference between the two groups quite clear.

Despite their appearances, Ethan's primary reconnaissance skill revealed the true nature of these foes:

- **Unit Name:**

Skeleton Warrior

- **Unit Tier:**

Tier 1 Elite

- **HP:** 10/10

- **Attack Power:** 3

- **Defense Power:** 2

- **Skills:**

- **Undead Creature:**

Immune to poison, mental magic, and fear, but cannot be healed or resurrected.

- **Indifference:**

No morale.

- **Empty Body:**

Chance to dodge ranged attacks.

- **Elite Warrior:**

+1 to both attack and defense.

Ethan noticed that while the elite skeleton soldiers were classified as "warriors," the regular ones retained the title of "soldiers."

This led him to ponder why his spirit monsters, despite reaching championship level, remained classified under the same name.

The moment the skeleton warriors and their soldiers spotted Ethan and his champion spirit, they charged. Thirty skeletal figures raced toward them, a formidable force for most.

However, Ethan knew better than to engage directly. Turning swiftly, he bolted away from the horde.

"I'll leave it to you. I'm counting on you!" Ethan shouted over his shoulder to his champion spirit monster as he ran.

The champion spirit grinned ferociously. "Don't worry, Master. These bones are no match for me."

With that, the champion spirit rushed headlong into the fray, brandishing its standard longsword. The skeletons stood no chance.

With a defense of ten points, the champion spirit was virtually untouchable. Its attack power of fifteen ensured that any skeleton struck by its sword was instantly reduced to a pile of bones.

The three elite skeleton warriors were the first to fall, sliced in half by the spirit's powerful strikes. Despite being cut down, the undead creatures weren't immediately vanquished.

They continued to crawl toward the champion spirit, their half-bodies moving relentlessly. Unfazed, the spirit stepped on their skulls, extinguishing the soul fire within and finally ending their existence.

Ethan observed this with growing interest. The undead creatures were remarkably tenacious, fighting without emotion or hesitation. Their only vulnerability was the soul fire burning within their skulls. Even if dismembered, they would continue fighting as long as the fire remained lit.

With the elite warriors dispatched, the remaining skeleton soldiers posed no threat to the champion spirit. The battle quickly turned into a one-sided slaughter, with the spirit methodically decapitating the skeletons, ensuring they could no longer pose a threat.

However, Ethan's brief moment of relief was interrupted by the sudden appearance of five skeleton soldiers heading straight toward him. He cursed under his breath and took off running again. Facing them head-on with his limited abilities wasn't an option.

Seeing his master in danger, the champion spirit grabbed one of the skeleton soldiers and hurled it at the oncoming group. The impact was tremendous, shattering all six skeletons into pieces.

Ethan cautiously approached the wreckage, noticing that despite the damage, some of the skulls were still moving, driven by the flickering soul fire within. "The core is the skull," Ethan muttered. "Once separated, the rest of the body loses control."

He gave instructions to the champion spirit. "Cut off the heads first. Then we can deal with them at our leisure."

The champion spirit nodded, smashing the remaining skulls underfoot with a satisfied grunt.

As the last skeleton fell, Ethan allowed himself to relax, though only slightly. "This place is incredible," he mused, looking around the eerie training ground. The thought of using undead creatures as laborers crossed his mind.

"If I could get my hands on a building that recruits skeleton soldiers, it would be perfect for all sorts of manual work."

Undead creatures like skeleton soldiers didn't tire and had no need for food or rest. They would be ideal for tasks like gathering resources, farming, or mining.

The only requirement seemed to be the right living conditions, possibly a source of death energy. The training ground was certainly a suitable environment, with its cold, graveyard-like atmosphere.

The champion spirit approached Ethan, bowing slightly. "Master, the area is clear."

Ethan nodded, glancing at the skull he still held. "Not quite yet," he replied. "Let's take a look around first. There might be more to gain here before we finish the job."

He tossed the skull to the spirit, who caught it easily, its jaws snapping shut around the still-burning soul fire. Ethan felt a twinge of unease, wondering what might happen if the training ground weren't cleared in time.

Would the difficulty increase? Would more elite warriors appear,or would the skeleton soldiers evolve into something far more dangerous? These questions lingered in Ethan's mind as he surveyed the eerie surroundings. He knew this world was real, not just a game, and that meant anything could happen. The unpredictability of the environment kept him on edge, always wary of the next challenge.

Ethan decided to explore further, unwilling to leave any stone unturned. The Crypt of the Undead was vast, and he suspected that there were hidden treasures or secrets buried within its depths. He motioned for the champion spirit to follow, and together they ventured deeper into the training.

After a while, they came upon a large chamber, its entrance marked by two towering skeleton statues. The air here was thicker, charged with a palpable sense of foreboding.

Ethan's instincts told him that something important was inside. He entered cautiously, the champion spirit at his side, ready for anything.

The chamber was filled with rows of motionless skeletons, their weapons and armor much better maintained than those they had faced earlier.

At the far end of the room stood a massive altar, draped in dark, tattered cloth. Upon it rested a glowing crystal, pulsating with a sinister, dark energy.

Ethan approached the altar, his heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement. He recognized the crystal—it was a Soul Core, an item of immense power capable of raising an undead army.

This was exactly what he had been hoping to find, a key to unlocking new possibilities. However, he knew that taking it would likely trigger a response from the dormant skeletons surrounding them.

Carefully, Ethan reached out and grasped the Soul Core. The moment his fingers closed around it, the skeletons began to stir. He had expected this, and he was ready. "Get ready," he instructed the champion spirit, who immediately moved to guard his flanks.

The skeletons advanced slowly, their movements deliberate and synchronized. These were not the mindless soldiers he had faced before; they were more disciplined, more dangerous.

But Ethan was undeterred. With the Soul Core in hand, he felt a surge of confidence. He knew that victory here would be a significant step forward in his quest for power.

The battle was fierce. The skeletons fought with a level of coordination and skill that caught Ethan off guard. They moved as one, attacking from all sides with a precision that made them difficult to counter.

But the champion spirit was more than a match for them. Its blade danced through the air, cutting down the undead with relentless efficiency. Ethan supported from a distance, using his abilities to weaken the enemies and strengthen his champion.

One by one, the skeletons fell, until finally, the last of them crumbled into dust. The chamber fell silent once more, the only sound the soft hum of the Soul Core in Ethan's hand.

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, but his mind was already racing with possibilities. With the Soul Core, he could begin to build the undead army he had envisioned.

As they exited the chamber, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The Crypt of the Undead had been a challenge, but it had also been a valuable learning experience.

He had gained new power, honed his skills, and, most importantly, he had taken the first step towards building an unstoppable force.

As Ethan prepared to leave the dungeon, he glanced back one last time. The training ground, now devoid of life, seemed to hold a different kind of significance.

With a final nod to the silent, eerie surroundings, he turned and stepped through the portal, ready to continue his journey with newfound determination and the Soul Core's dark potential at his side.