
Chapter 31

[skeleton Spearman (Level 1)]

[camp: undead]

[racial traits: undead, empty skeleton, light weakness.]

[skill: spear thrust]

[inherent ability: primary Combat Mastery, primary spear mastery, primary shield mastery.]

[undead]: this weapon is already dead. It cannot have morale, emotion, immunity, toxin, disease, blindness and mental magic.

[hollow skeleton]: no fatal weakness.

[light weakness]: Light magic has a 20% damage bonus to itself.

[spear stabbing]: (equipped with spear) stab the target with spear, causing huge damage.

(Note: skeleton soldiers with antiseptic treatment, when equipped with spears, will be enough to resist the charge of any force, ignoring all the charge bonus.)

From the appearance, there is no big difference between skeleton Spearman and skeleton soldier.

But the properties have changed.

Skeleton soldiers' inherent ability is sword and shield mastery, that is, they are more familiar with sword and shield.

The skeleton spear hand has become a combination of spear and shield. When the equipment is contradictory, there is an attribute bonus.

In fact, when attacking the ancient castle, the advantages of arms matching have been shown.

Skeleton soldiers who only rely on the combination of sword and shield are beaten by bloodthirsty bat wolves and have no ability to fight back.

Only a slight change was made, replacing some of the soldiers' weapons with spears and crossbows.

The situation on the battlefield has changed.

From being beaten to beating the bloodthirsty bat and wolf, and finally killing them all.

Therefore, the higher the rank of the arms, the better, but the collocation of all arms is also particularly important.

It can play an important advantage and effect on the battlefield.

Then Fang Hao recruited five more times.

[triggered by a hundred fold increase, successfully recruited skeleton Spearman * 505.]

Enough wooden shields and iron spears were made to equip 606 skeleton spearmen.

"Well, you go to patrol nearby and hunt back when you meet wild animals." Fang Hao ordered.

Skeleton spearmen turned and walked out of the territory.

When the skeletons go out.

Fang Hao reopened the Lord's book. He got several drawings in the castle.

[construction drawings of level I city wall: Wood 1200, stone 500, thatch 300, hemp rope 800.]

The city wall plays a vital role in a city.

In two days, when the protective cover disappears, it will be the last barrier to protect the territory.

Therefore, the sooner the city wall is built, the better, the higher it is built.

Directly choose to build.

A square light enveloped the territory. The next second, a 2-meter-high log wall was built to protect the territory.


It turned out that the first level wall was made of logs.

It seems that if you want the wall to be stronger, you need to improve the level of the wall.

[secondary wall: Wood 2400, stone 1600, thatch 500, hemp rope 1600.]

The use of materials has doubled.

Fortunately, Fang Hao has many labor skeletons. As an ordinary Lord, he has to save construction resources for a long time.

The secondary wall was completed.

The height of the city wall is heavier, and the height has increased by more than 5 meters.

[level III city wall: 3600 timber, 3000 stone, 1000 thatch, 2800 hemp rope.]

The materials of the third level wall have increased a lot again.

The quantity of wood and stone has increased by more than 1000 units, which is terrible.

Click upgrade.

Five minutes later, the construction of the three-level wall was completed.

The city wall is about 5 meters high, and the material is made of all wood, which has become the material of half wood and half stone.

The lower three meters are stone, and the upper is still thick logs.

The city wall can already be patrolled and guarded by manpower.

After the construction, Fang Hao continued to check the architectural drawings of the new harvest.

[guard Pavilion]

[category: special buildings]

(Description: the arms / heroes placed in the guard pavilion have a total attribute of + 2%, and can sense all dangers in the garrison area.)

[required materials: Wood 500, stone 300, thatch 120, hemp rope 100.]

In Fang Hao's view, the function of guarding the pavilion is more like a guard.

Or door god.

You can guard a specific area, and all attributes of the placed arms or heroes are increased by 2%.

Although not high, the buildings can be upgraded.

When the level of the building is improved, the added attributes will naturally increase significantly.

After thinking about it, I decided to build the [guardian Pavilion] in front of the Lord's wooden house.

At present, he is the only living person in the territory, and other skeleton soldiers do not need any special protection.

He is the one who needs protection most.

Confirm construction.

The light appeared, and a simple wooden pavilion appeared in the open space in front of the Lord's wooden house.

[please select the guardian building, level 3 Lord cabin / Level 3 warehouse.]

The guard Pavilion will automatically detect nearby buildings and let them choose.

Choice, Lord cabin.

[guard Pavilion] the light shines again, and a ripple envelops the Lord's wooden house.

[please select 2 troops / 1 hero to be placed.]

Skeleton soldiers.

The arms in his hands are all first-class at present.

Which is more suitable as a guard, a soldier or a Spearman.

Obviously, the Spearman's weapon may not be suitable for use in this pavilion.

He chose skeleton soldiers.

Two skeleton soldiers came silently, separated on both sides and guarded the Lord's wooden house.

Fang Hao looked around the pavilion.

It feels OK.

When the territory is rebuilt, put the pavilion aside.

Next, I just want to build a skeleton conversion field.

The stomach has made a grunt of protest.

When I looked at the sky, I found that it was close to dusk.

The setting sun burst out crimson clouds through the gaps in the clouds.

This is the time.

Raise the fire and slice the meat in the warehouse.

The spirit field has been built, and skeletons are arranged to be cultivated every day.

Wait a few more days, you can eat vegetables. It's true that you can't stand eating meat every day, especially without all kinds of spices and eating meat alone.

While turning over the roast meat, I turned on the regional channel and watched people chat.

"What weapons do your soldiers use? Today, a prairie wolf was trapped in a trap. The soldiers and I hacked for a long time before they were killed, and two others were injured."

"Don't mention it, I'm worse than you. I cooked a pot of mushroom soup, went out to the toilet, and came back. The farmers all lay on the ground and spit white foam. Now I'm like an old woman and detoxify them according to Dr. Zhang's instructions!"

The doctor here is a new profession.

These people have some medical knowledge that ordinary people don't have before.

When you encounter problems, you can spend resources to consult them, and these people will give you some guidance according to the corresponding knowledge.

"I love my brother upstairs. I haven't eaten big mushrooms for a long time."

"Is there a little sister upstairs? Where is the territory? Do you want to develop together?"

"Don't listen to him, miss. Let's talk privately and discuss the problem of mushrooms getting bigger."

"No more nonsense. I urgently need spears and bows to kill Warcraft in the water. Exchange hardwood shield drawings for those who are sincere!"