

Once Hector returned home and put away his weapons and cloaths he put the organs into his dog's bowls and went to take a few hours of sleep.

The next morning he woke up refreshed and prepared for the day ahead. He planned to create a few abyssal charms so he would be prepared if something happened.

He planned to make at least two charms for blocking divinations, and depending on his remaining spirituality he would make a corruption charm and an explosion charm.

They could be used in tricky situations which could happen as he planned to broaden his targets beyond East Borough to other districts.

Hector thought about it for some time and decided that he would visit Cherwood Borough the middle-class citizen lived. It was also where Klein goes to rent a house under the name of Sherlock Moriarty.

After breakfast, he went to prepare items necessary for the creation of those charms. When he was done he went to the basement and started to prepare a ritual.

When he repeated the necessary steps from the day before and chanted his honorific name he felt a stir in his vines, thanks to it he knew that the ritual was successful.

When he entered Tenebrous World he sit on his throne and looked into Chernobogs Wisdom. There he saw light representing himself and his ritual. When he concentrated on he saw as the light got closer to him.

Then he sends the energies of the Tenebrous World into the light creating four charms. After he returned to his body he looked at the altar and picked up the charms that he just created.

After putting them in his pockets each type in a different pocket he started to clean up the altar and break off the spiritual wall that he build around it. Candles, bowls, and other items were each stored separately so if someone would come to the basement they wouldn't get suspicious.

When he was finally done with the cleaning he left the basement and decided to rest for a few hours. He felt that his spiritual energy was drained, so he entered a cogitation state to speed up the process of getting better.

While resting he thought of a way to find his target in Cherwood borough, he did not think that walking aimlessly and looking into alleys would be very helpful in finding sinners. Not to mention the police that were much more present there.

While the police and most of the city did not care for East borough in Cherwood it was something else completely.

He would need to be careful and take more precautions. For example, he would also need to use the Black Crown that he got in the tomb he visited.

Up to this point, it always remained in his safe. The crown was eye-catching and if someone saw him from the window and they would report it to the police officials so beyonders could look into it.

As he did not wear it and if he was seen even if they would report it, there would be nothing extraordinary about it. Just another murder was done by a madman.

"I could go and strike at Street Rats, that dog arena would burn beautifully..." Hector said, "After taking care of one more sinner I will start preparing for that. Now I should go to the safe for the crown as it would be helpful in both options."

After he went to his safe he retrieved the crown and went back to his room. There he put the crown on the bed. Next to it, he put his dagger which glinted in the light. Then he put his light hammer and normal hammer on the other side of the crown, he also put the meat cleaver and revolver on the bed.

Then he laid down his new spear cane and he also put folded Skin Suit next to each other. When he looked at it all he thought about what else he should take with him.

After this, he also laid the charms that he made previously as this hunt could not be hidden as normal murder. Hector did not forget to prepare some nice clothes as he would walk among the middle class.

When he had everything prepared he took off his cloaths and put on the skin suit. Then he went to dress up the clothes that he prepared for himself.

He also put his custom-made holster on himself into which he put his dagger, hammers, and revolver. Then he put a coat on himself and took the charms from his bed, each type into a different pocket.

After pocketing the charms he took the crown into his hands and put it on himself, 'thankfully tonight is not blood moon.'

When he put the crown on himself he felt a spiritual force pulling in him trying to consume his soul, "Heh heh, too bad I don't have a soul to take... Well, I do but it is more like an extension of sefirot."

Lastly, he took the cane into his hand and he was finally prepared for his next hunt.

Hector waited until the sun had fallen and was replaced by the crimson moon. Then he was ready to leave.

Before he left he patted his dogs goodbye and turned around. Then he used wraith form. He saw how his hands became translucent and felt as if he became weightless.

He showered about ten centimeters over the floor. After a little bit, he was able to move naturally and so he descended through the floors and walls until he was outside of his home.

When he got past the gate at the end of his property he shifted back into his normal form and walked in the direction of Cherwood borough. As it was already night not many people could be found outside.

Most would be home either already sleeping or preparing to sleep. Of course, it did not apply to everyone as few people could always be found outside. Some of them were out because of honest reasons, be it coming home late from work or being outside hunting sinners as he did. But others were hiding in shadows thinking that darkness will hide their stench of crimes and sins.

Unfortunately for Hector, he did not find anyone like that, he only found pair of police officers walking in his direction. Thankfully he was able to spot them sooner than they did and so he shifted into wraith form and hid in the window of a nearby house.

It was a strange feeling to be inside the window for Hector, 'strangely spacious.' He said while inspecting two police officers.

They had some darkness in their hearts but only slightly and so Hector let them pass unbothered. Just as he was about to leave the window as the police had walked away he heard someone walking behind him.

When he turned around so he could see into the building he saw a man walking down the stairs. After he looked at him he could feel just how corrupted his heart was. He could see how deprived that person was, that man rivaled even Albert in his darkness.

When he looked at him with his spiritual vision he came to the conclusion that he was ordinarily a person, 'Who are you, o victim of mine.' Hector thought joyfully.