
Lord of the Mysteries: Lord Of The Dream Realm

Meng Xian, transported into the world of "Lord of the Mysteries," initially believes she's in a parallel universe. However, when she recognizes her colleague Zhou Mingrui as the protagonist of the novel, she realizes she's in a world destined for destruction. To survive, she devises a plan to befriend Zhou Mingrui and gain access to the Sefirah Castle, a place of immense power that might shield her from the impending doom. The good news is that Meng Xian has arrived long before the main events of the plot begin The bad news is that the plot's events are far off—thousands of years away. But her plan takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a mysterious book in the store This book, infused with the power of dreams, drags her into the ancient 2nd Epoch, far from her carefully laid plans.

haruhiflora · Bücher und Literatur
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20 Chs

Chapter 7:Tired Day

After the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, February 14, 2016, dawned with a unique blend of celebrations.

This Sunday was both Valentine's Day and the first day back to work after the New Year. Meng Xian walked into her workstation, greeted by an unexpected sight—a desk overflowing with boxes of chocolates and bouquets of flowers.

"Huh...most of these are appreciation chocolates and gifts from my female colleagues," she thought, a soft smile playing on her lips.

To be honest, Meng Xian was new to this. In her previous life as a frail writer with a limited social circle, she had rarely received gifts of chocolates and flowers. The abundance before her was both surprising and heartwarming.

Some of her colleagues noticed the display and couldn't resist commenting. "Oh, Meng Xian is very popular today!" one of them teased.

Meng Xian shushed them playfully. "Shush, it's just an appreciation gift. Go back to work."

Her colleague chuckled and returned to their tasks. Meng Xian sighed lightly, a small smile playing on her lips as she organized the chocolates and flowers on the side of her desk.

Just as she was settling in

Zhou Mingrui arrived. Meng Xian noticed him and greeted him cheerfully. "Good morning, Zhou!"

Zhou Mingrui yawned widely as he settled into his workstation. "Good morning, Meng."

Meng Xian couldn't help but notice the dark circles under his eyes and his low mood.

"You look tired. You need rest," she observed with concern.

Zhou Mingrui forced a smile. "I'm fine."

But Meng Xian wasn't convinced. She shook her head knowingly. "Is it because of your roommates again?" She had a pretty good idea of what was troubling him.

Zhou Mingrui just sighed, not willing to dive into the subject. Meng Xian decided to let it go for now. As she turned on her computer and began to work, Zhou Mingrui's gaze fell on her desk, laden with chocolates and flowers. His mood seemed to dip even further, and he frowned slightly as he realized it was Valentine's Day.

"You received many gifts today," Zhou Mingrui remarked, trying to sound casual but unable to mask his underlying unease.

Meng Xian looked up at him, then followed his gaze to her desk. "These?" she said, pointing to the chocolates and flowers. "Oh, yeah, it's just appreciation gifts.

Most of them are from my female colleagues. To be honest, I can't eat this much chocolate, haha."

Zhou Mingrui's shoulders relaxed slightly, and he felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Ah, I see. Well, I can't blame them. You always help everyone around."

Meng Xian shook her head modestly. "It's normal for me to help since I'm a senior. Besides, I'm always willing to help people in trouble."

Zhou Mingrui offered her a tired smile and yawned again. Meng Xian's concern deepened, but she knew it wasn't the right time to pry further. She resolved to ask him about his roommates during the lunch break when they could talk more freely.


With that, it was lunch time in the bustling company cafeteria. The noise of chatter and the clattering of utensils filled the air as employees lined up for their meals.

Today's menu featured Peking shredded pork, stir-fried gizzard with water spinach, seasoned steamed pork, soup, and white rice.

Meng Xian and Zhou Mingrui waited patiently in line, the tantalizing aromas making their stomachs growl in anticipation.

When their turn finally came, they grabbed their trays and scanned the room for an available table. They found one in a quiet corner and quickly claimed it.

As they sat down, Meng Xian looked at her plate: a neat serving of white rice, Peking shredded pork, stir-fried gizzard with water spinach, and a bowl of soup. She glanced at Zhou Mingrui's plate, which held white rice, seasoned steamed pork, Peking shredded pork, and soup.

Zhou Mingrui, still yawning from exhaustion, looked weary. Meng Xian decided it was time to address the issue.

"Is your roommate still the same?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

Zhou Mingrui's expression shifted slightly. His brows furrowed, and his mouth formed a tight line, resembling a picture of a cat with an aggrieved expression that Meng Xian had once seen.

"I've never seen such a shameless person," he began slowly, his voice tinged with frustration. "He stays up late at night and plays marketing music! Not only does he play it in the middle of the night, but he also controls the volume very delicately."

Meng Xian shuddered at the thought, trying to put herself in his shoes. She took a bite of her food, listening intently as Zhou Mingrui continued his rant.

"It's the kind of sound that, although not very loud, you can't ignore it even if you want to. It keeps ringing rhythmically, and you never know when it will stop. It's maddening… and the music itself is so brainwashing!

Sometimes I wake up because of it, then fall asleep again only to have the nightmare continue in my dreams, filled with that endless song."

"This has seriously disturbed your normal rest, right? Didn't you report it to the landlord?" meng xian asked, concerned.

Zhou Mingrui paused, his frustration evident. "...Yes. I approached him, and the landlord said he would discuss it with him."

Meng Xian nodded, sensing there was more to the story. "But now it seems that communication has had no effect," she observed, noting Zhou Mingrui's increasingly complicated expression. "Is there something else going on?"

Zhou Mingrui tried to smile, but it turned into a sigh. "That person is a relative of the landlord."

Meng Xian shook her head, her face reflecting her disapproval. "Well, helping relatives instead of others," she commented calmly. "So what are you going to do? You won't continue to endure it, right?"

Zhou Mingrui straightened up, a resolve forming in his eyes. "No, I can't. I'm planning to move, but I haven't found a new place yet."

Meng Xian considered his predicament for a moment before making a bold suggestion. "Why don't you move in with me?" she offered, her tone matter-of-fact but sincere.

Zhou Mingrui blinked in surprise. "Ah?" he stammered, clearly taken aback.

Meng Xian's smile was warm and inviting as she teased, "I live alone with my cat. The house I rent is quite spacious, and there happens to be a vacant bedroom."

Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened in surprise, his interest clearly piqued. However, he still looked hesitant. "...Will this be inconvenient?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Meng Xian met his gaze steadily, knowing she had an ace up her sleeve. "I live very close to the company," she said, her tone deliberately casual. "It only takes about ten minutes to walk there."

At those words, Zhou Mingrui's eyes brightened instantly, his weariness momentarily forgotten.

The appeal of such a short commute was undeniable. His current situation was far from ideal; his rented house was in an old city area that hadn't been renovated in years. Despite the relatively low rent, the daily commute was a grueling hour and a half each way.

The combination of multiple bus transfers and the cost of the bus fare made it a heavy burden.

Calculating the cost, Zhou Mingrui knew that the daily bus fare, even with a 50% discount, was six yuan. Over a week, that added up to thirty yuan, enough to buy ten bottles of Coke. Over a month, it was roughly 120 yuan, equivalent to forty-four bottles. Over a year, it was a substantial amount of money, not to mention the inconvenience.

The thought of gaining an extra hour and twenty minutes of sleep every morning was irresistible. The temptation was almost too good to be true.

Meng Xian chuckled softly, watching as Zhou Mingrui's expression shifted from tired resignation to hopeful excitement. The prospect of saving both time and money was clearly tempting.

Zhou Mingrui's nod was immediate, but then he paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "I rented the house on June 24 last year," he began. "The lease was for a year with a deposit and rent paid in three installments. So, I've already paid for the next three months. If I terminate the lease early, the deposit will be returned according to the contract, but I might not get back the remaining rent…"

His voice trailed off, revealing his concern over the potential financial loss. He was clearly caught between the immediate benefits of Meng Xian's offer and the risk of losing the rent he had already paid.

Meng Xian nodded sympathetically. "And if you cancel the lease early, the landlord might withhold your rent, even if it's not explicitly mentioned in the contract. You'd technically be the one violating the agreement."

She smiled gently at Zhou Mingrui. "So, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Mingrui blinked, momentarily confused. "What?"

"I don't think you're backing down," Meng Xian said with a knowing look.

Zhou Mingrui's expression hardened with determination. "Of course not. I'm not at fault here. I'm the one being wronged in this situation."

Zhou Mingrui sighed deeply, the weight of his predicament evident. "Today is the 14th, Monday. The latest I can wait is the 18th, Friday," he said resolutely. "I'll have a serious talk with the landlord and try to resolve this issue."

Meng Xian nodded in encouragement. "Take your time. It's important to make sure you're not unfairly penalized."

Zhou Mingrui looked at Meng Xian, his expression shifting to one of contemplation. "But," he hesitated, "isn't it a bit awkward? I mean, a man and a woman living together…"

Meng Xian's eyes widened as she realized what Zhou Mingrui was implying. She tilted her head, a playful smile on her lips. "Oh, that. I don't mind at all. You're my friend, after all."

Zhou Mingrui's face relaxed into a grateful smile. "Okay then. Thank you, Meng."

Meng Xian waved her hand dismissively. "It's nothing. I'm glad I could help."

February 15, 2016, was a Tuesday marking the end of the first full week back to work after the New Year holiday.

As Meng Xian walked through the office, her eyes inevitably fell on Zhou Mingrui. It was clear that his dark circles had worsened, the toll of sleepless nights leaving him looking more like a national treasure than a colleague.

His once bright and energetic demeanor had dimmed significantly, and his every yawn seemed to ripple through the office, affecting the overall mood.

Meng Xian's concern grew with each passing day. She could see Zhou Mingrui's exhaustion manifesting in his work—he was sluggish, yawning frequently, and struggling to stay focused.

His once clear and deliberate movements now seemed labored and uncertain. It was almost as if his fatigue was seeping into his work, affecting not only his performance but also the office atmosphere.

On Wenesday, February 16, Meng Xian couldn't hold back her worry any longer. The morning of the third-to-last day of their agreed period for Zhou Mingrui's move-out was approaching, and his condition had become increasingly dire.

She approached him while he was hunched over his desk, working on his latest project. The sight of him, surrounded by crumpled papers and empty coffee cups, tugged at her heartstrings.

"You should get some sleep first," Meng Xian advised gently, her voice laced with concern.

Zhou Mingrui, barely able to keep his eyes open, mumbled in response. "No, I can still paint… Look, Meng Xian, the thread I made is quite straight… I'm still young. It's no big deal to stay up all night for a few days…"

Meng Xian shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. She remembered her own days as a writer, the long hours spent hunched over a keyboard, fueled by determination and caffeine.

The endless cycle of working late and waking early was all too familiar to her. It was a cycle that often left her drained but driven.

"This is my job. You're still waiting for my PCB layout…" Zhou Mingrui continued, his voice trailing off as he struggled to stay focused.

Meng Xian watched him, her frustration mingling with empathy. "This is not just about the layout, Zhou Mingrui," she said softly, though her tone was firm. "There's no need to sacrifice your health for your work."

Zhou Mingrui, barely registering her words, mumbled on, "I finally understand… There's no need to worry about the correct steps when drawing a board… Just keep moving towards your goal… As long as you don't stop, the road of exploration will continue to extend…"

Meng Xian's patience wore thin. She cut him off, her voice resolute. "That's enough."

Zhou Mingrui, still half-asleep, raised a hand in protest, but Meng Xian gently but firmly guided him towards a nearby couch. She spoke without any pretense or softening of her words. "Before you continue exploring the road, you should make sure you don't die suddenly."

She watched him with a mixture of concern and exasperation. His eyes, once sharp and lively, now looked hollow and tired. Meng Xian's gaze swept across the office, her expression unyielding.

The other colleagues, who had been glancing curiously at the exchange, quickly turned their attention back to their work, their faces flushing with embarrassment under her piercing gaze.

Professional ability was a palpable force. It couldn't always be quantified, but it was clear to those who worked closely together. Zhou Mingrui's expertise and dedication had already set him apart from his peers.

His technical skills had surpassed many, and though jealousy and competition were ever-present, the true strength of his abilities was undeniable. Those who had once looked on with envy now had no choice but to recognize his skill and diligence, even if they had chosen to ignore it.

Meng Xian's gaze softened as she turned back to Zhou Mingrui. She knew that while he was a brilliant professional, his health was paramount.

She sighed, a mix of frustration and empathy in her eyes. It was crucial to balance ambition with self-care, and she hoped that her insistence would make him see the importance of rest, even if it meant setting aside his relentless drive for a short time.


When Zhou Mingrui awoke, the world outside the office window was bathed in a soft, orange glow. The setting sun cast long shadows across the room, its light spilling through the gaps in the clouds. For a moment, he felt disoriented, the heavy weight of sleep still clinging to him.

"You're awake," came a calm, familiar voice.

Zhou Mingrui turned his head, squinting against the fading light to find Meng Xian sitting at his workstation.

She was flipping through a book with an old, yellowed cover, seemingly absorbed in its contents. The office was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of pages.

"Wait, an empty office?" Zhou Mingrui murmured, trying to piece together the situation. He rubbed his neck, trying to shake off the residual fatigue. "How long have I slept?"

"Not long," Meng Xian replied, her tone cool and composed as she continued to flip through the book. "Just the length of a normal nap."

A normal nap? Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened in realization. "I slept for eight hours?"

Panic surged through him as he thought about the missed work. "It's over. My job... I'm going to be fired…"

Meng Xian closed the book slowly, her gaze steady and unyielding. "I've finished your work.

I also reported your insomnia to Supervisor Li and Team Leader Wei."

Zhou Mingrui blinked, his mind struggling to catch up. "Thank you…?" His voice was tentative, almost uncertain. He couldn't shake the feeling that Meng Xian was harboring some frustration beneath her calm exterior.

Meng Xian's silence stretched for a moment before she finally spoke, her voice soft but firm. "Forget it this time. Take care of yourself."

She gathered the book—a thick, dark red tome with bold, slashing arrows on its cover—and placed it carefully into his black briefcase.

As she stood up, her gaze softened, but her tone remained practical. "It's already half past six. I remember you need to catch the bus, right?"

Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened in alarm. "Oh no!" He scrambled to tidy up his workstation, his mind racing as he tried to gather his belongings.

The thought of missing his bus and facing another long commute added to his stress.

As Meng Xian made her way to the office door, Zhou Mingrui suddenly remembered something crucial and called out to her, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

"Wait, Meng. How did I fall asleep? I don't

seem to recall…"

Meng Xian paused, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she turned back to face him. Her expression was a mix of amusement and seriousness.

"It was hypnosis," she said simply. "I used hypnosis."

Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened further, his mind grappling with the revelation.


Meng Xian nodded, her demeanor calm and matter-of-fact. "Yes.

I noticed you were overexerting yourself, and it was affecting your health and performance. Sometimes, a little intervention is necessary to prevent things from getting worse."

The realization sank in, and Zhou Mingrui felt a mix of relief and embarrassment. He was grateful for Meng Xian's help but also somewhat unsettled by the idea of being put under hypnosis without his consent. "I… I didn't know you could do that," he admitted, his voice tinged with awe.

Meng Xian's smile was gentle, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding.

"Sometimes, taking care of those around you means stepping in when they can't see their own limits. Just remember to rest when you need it. We all need to take care of ourselves."

Zhou Mingrui nodded, feeling a profound sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Meng. I really appreciate it."

Meng Xian gave him a reassuring nod. "It's nothing. Just don't make a habit of working yourself to exhaustion. Your health comes first."

With that, she exited the office, leaving Zhou Mingrui to process the day's events. As he hurriedly prepared to leave,