
Lord of the Mysteries: Lord Of The Dream Realm

Meng Xian, transported into the world of "Lord of the Mysteries," initially believes she's in a parallel universe. However, when she recognizes her colleague Zhou Mingrui as the protagonist of the novel, she realizes she's in a world destined for destruction. To survive, she devises a plan to befriend Zhou Mingrui and gain access to the Sefirah Castle, a place of immense power that might shield her from the impending doom. The good news is that Meng Xian has arrived long before the main events of the plot begin The bad news is that the plot's events are far off—thousands of years away. But her plan takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a mysterious book in the store This book, infused with the power of dreams, drags her into the ancient 2nd Epoch, far from her carefully laid plans.

haruhiflora · Bücher und Literatur
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20 Chs

Chapter 6:Having Fun

Zhou Mingrui settled into his seat with a smile, looking relaxed. "According to the usual pace here, it takes about ten minutes from ordering to serving. So we have a bit of time to wait," he informed them, his tone casual but informative.

Peng Deng's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned in slightly. "Oh, by the way, I have something interesting to discuss," he said, his voice dropping conspiratorially.

Meng Xian and Zhou Mingrui exchanged curious glances before turning their attention to Peng Deng, who noticed their interest and smiled knowingly.

"Do you know that the word 'Sumerian' is another term for Sumer?"

"Sumerian?" Meng Xian blurted out, her thoughts racing to the ancient epic she knew. "Gilgamesh?" she wondered silently.

Except for scholars who specialize in research or serious enthusiasts in a certain field, people in modern society often do not learn knowledge in a complete system.

Instead, they receive a large amount of fragmented information from various sources such as animation, games, film and television, and novels outside of textbooks and classrooms.

Meng Xian was no exception. Besides reading novels, watching anime, and playing games, she was a writer who researched history for inspiration for the lore in her book.

These activities were her daily pastimes before she traveled through time.

For instance, she had encountered the turn-based war strategy game "Civilization VI," which included a Sumerian civilization led by Gilgamesh, a character made famous by the "Fate" series.

"Isn't Jin Shanshan the king of ancient Uruk?" Zhou Mingrui mused, tapping into his own knowledge.

Gilgamesh, the protagonist of the oldest epic of mankind, "The Epic of Gilgamesh," was the oldest "Hero King" in human history, as set in the "Fate" series. In the games and animations of the "Fate" series, he often appeared as a powerful heroic spirit of the Archer class.

Due to his arrogant character, his golden outfit from head to toe, and his famous scenes of standing on street lamps, he was nicknamed "Golden" and "Street Lamp King," with the former even officially certified.

As Peng Deng spoke, Meng Xian felt a deep connection to the conversation. The ancient world, with its myths and legends, had always fascinated her. She leaned in, absorbing every word.

Peng Deng continued, his voice taking on the tone of a storyteller. "Sumeria is located in the Mesopotamian Plain. It's one of the earliest known and verifiable civilizations in the world. Carbon-14 dating shows that the origin of this civilization can be traced back to 6500 BC."

Meng Xian and Zhou Mingrui listened intently, absorbing the historical narrative. "However, most historians regard 4100 BC as the beginning of Sumer's early advanced civilization," Peng Deng elaborated. "At that time, Sumerian civilization was mainly composed of several independent city-states.

Then, in 2900 BC, just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in our country, the Sumerian civilization entered an era of competition among various countries, with Uruk being one of the large city-states at that time."

"The nations fought for supremacy," Meng Xian interjected, her interest piqued. "Did they finally unify?"

Peng Deng nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Not only was it unified, but a relatively strong centralized state was also established.

But unfortunately, this dynasty was invaded and destroyed a hundred years after its establishment, and there has been no Sumerian regime since then.

Cuneiform writing, mythology, and tower-temple architecture... the civilization created by the Sumerians has influenced later generations, but the Sumerians themselves have gradually been forgotten by the world."

A heavy silence fell over the table, the weight of history pressing down on them. The decline and demise of such a significant civilization was a poignant reminder of the fragility of human achievements.

Peng Deng hesitated for a moment, then quickly smiled, attempting to lighten the mood. "You all should know what replaced and inherited the Sumerian civilization.

Here's a reminder: the code of law engraved in cuneiform..."

Meng Xian and Zhou Mingrui looked at each other, their eyes lighting up with recognition. In unison, they exclaimed, "Ancient Babylonian!"

Zhou Mingrui sighed with emotion. "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world."

"And there's also the allusion to the Tower of Babel," Meng Xian added. "The original meaning of the Tower of Babel is the Tower of Confusion."

Peng Deng nodded approvingly. "The prototype of the Tower of Babel was the Sumerian ziggurat, or pyramid temple. The King of Babylon, Hammurabi, promulgated the famous Code of Hammurabi..."

Meng Xian's eyes moved slightly as she listened to the conversation.

In her mind, the mention of Sumer brought up memories of "Civilization VI," a game she was intimately familiar with.

In this game, Sumer was represented alongside Babylon, both civilizations offering unique and powerful attributes. She remembered how the Babylonian civilization, led by Hammurabi, was considered a god-tier civilization among players.

Its strategic prowess was unparalleled, but it demanded a deep understanding of the game mechanics, making it less suitable for newcomers.

Her thoughts drifted as she recalled the anticipated release of "Civilization VI," scheduled for October this year. However, she was no longer certain of its timeline.

Since her time travel, she had noticed subtle changes in this world's development and recent history.

While many aspects remained the same, some innocuous details, like the early release or postponement of a game or the cancellation of an animation, showed slight discrepancies upon her investigation.

One constant, however, was the author of "Lord of the Mysteries"—Cuttlefish Who Loves Diving. This author's works had captivated her long before her journey through time.

Meng Xian had recently subscribed to both of Cuttlefish's novels, including the completed works and the currently serialized "Lord of the Mysteries" and "Throne of Magical Arcana."

Using her saved salary, Meng Xian had rewarded "Throne of Magical Arcana" with a silver alliance, thereby securing her place in Cuttlefish's works group as a loyal and avid fan.

It was fair to say that Meng Xian was a die-hard fan of Cuttlefish's literary masterpieces. She couldn't be blamed; Cuttlefish's works were genuinely a testament to masterful storytelling and intricate world-building.

"I remember always waiting for the new chapter release of 'Lord of the Mysteries,'" Meng Xian mused aloud, a wistful smile playing on her lips. The anticipation, the excitement of a new chapter drop—it was an experience she cherished deeply.

To stay updated, she had set Cuttlefish to special attention in the group and usually lurked silently, except when there were red envelopes to grab. Her patience was driven by a singular, burning question she needed to confirm before April 1, 2018: Would the Cuttlefish in this altered world write "Lord of the Mysteries"?

As she mulled over these thoughts, the conversation at the table resumed, blending seamlessly with her internal reflections.

Zhou Mingrui and Peng Deng were still engrossed in their discussion about ancient civilizations

"...Love Before the Common Era by Chow Milk Tea!"

Zhou Mingrui's voice cut through Meng Xian's reverie, pulling her back to the present.

She blinked, momentarily stunned by the sudden shift in conversation. For a moment, she was caught off guard, then as she processed the words, she felt a wave of amusement at the nostalgic tone in Zhou Mingrui's voice.

Zhou Mingrui, with a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, began to reminisce. His eyes took on a faraway look, as if he were transported back to a simpler time.

"I remember the first time I heard this song," he began, his voice laced with nostalgia. "It was in primary school. I stumbled upon it on the on-demand channel on TV. I was so captivated by it that I kept calling in to order it, even though it meant running up a huge phone bill."

He chuckled softly, shaking his head as if the memory was both amusing and a bit embarrassing. "My father was furious when he saw the bill. I got a real scolding for that one."

Meng Xian listened intently, a smile forming on her lips. Zhou Mingrui's story was endearing, and she could almost picture the young boy enthusiastically ordering the song, only to face his father's stern disapproval.

Zhou Mingrui continued, his voice now tinged with a mix of fondness and sadness. "Then, years later, when we were in the first year of high school, Peng Deng, you remember Teacher Li, don't you? The history teacher?"

Peng Deng, who had been listening with an amused grin, nodded in recognition. "Of course, I remember him. Thanks to this song, someone scored perfect marks on both a multiple-choice question and an essay question on the final exam.

That person thought it was a sign of destiny and spent the entire winter vacation practicing 'Love Before the Common Era,' planning to use it to confess his feelings to a girl after school started."

A look of melancholy crossed Zhou Mingrui's face as he sighed, "Ah, that didn't go well. I ended up failing in my confession. But, oh well, those were the days…"

He then began to sing the song again, his voice carrying the bittersweet tones of nostalgia. The lyrics, evocative and rich with historical references, seemed to echo the emotions he felt so many years ago:

"The ancient Babylonian king promulgated the Code of Hammurabi, Carved in black basalt, It's been more than 3,700 years. You stood in front of the window, gazing at the words on the inscription, I am standing by and quietly admiring your face that I love so much…"

Peng Deng, watching Zhou Mingrui's heartfelt rendition, couldn't resist joining in. He cleared his throat and took out his phone, pressing record as he sang along:

"Priests, temples, battles, bows and arrows, whose past was it? I like the picture of you being mine alone in the crowd. Passing by the Sumerian goddess, I made a wish in her name. My longing spreads like the Tigris River…"

As he finished, Peng Deng swiftly clicked the send button on his phone. Zhou Mingrui looked at him, surprised, "Why are you sending it?"

Peng Deng shrugged, his calm demeanor barely hiding a smirk. "I've got a girlfriend."

Zhou Mingrui's realization hit him like a sudden gust of wind. "It's that junior school girl... Shit!" He responded with a mix of astonishment and frustration, feeling both surprised and slightly betrayed by this revelation.

Peng Deng's smile remained steady, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. "You're just jealous and envious. It's okay; I forgive you. After all, I've been single from birth."

Zhou Mingrui, slightly offended, retorted, "Thank you, I'm deeply offended."

Peng Deng shrugged, unbothered. "Keep showing off. Just be careful not to run into the FFF group holding torches one day."

"Come on," Peng Deng said with a mock serious tone. "Everyone knows the FFF Group doesn't burn true love."

"I know, I know," Zhou Mingrui replied, his tone a mix of annoyance and resignation. "I know you've even thought of a name for your child..."

Meng Xian watched their friendly bickering with an amused smile.

Peng Deng's gaze shifted to Meng Xian, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Ignoring Zhou Mingrui, who had been momentarily forgotten in the new spotlight, Peng Deng asked with a teasing tone,

"Meng Xian, do you have a boyfriend?"

The question took Meng Xian by surprise. Her eyes widened slightly, and her initial reaction was one of confusion.

She glanced at Peng Deng, then at Zhou Mingrui, who had also stopped his playful banter and was now paying full attention to Meng Xian. The sudden shift in focus made her feel slightly uncomfortable.

Meng Xian cleared her throat, trying to shake off the unexpected question with a light-hearted response.

She shrugged nonchalantly and said,

"Haha, I don't have a boyfriend…"

Peng Deng's grin widened at her answer, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Ooh, I see..."

There was something in Peng Deng's

reaction that made Meng Xian feel uneasy.

She couldn't quite place what it was

Zhou Mingrui, elbowed Peng Deng in the stomach playfully.

He shot him a glare that was both amused and disapproving. "Stop being so nosy. You're making Meng Xian uncomfortable."

Peng Deng, catching Zhou Mingrui's warning look, tried to diffuse the situation with a sheepish smile. "Alright, alright. Let's move on."

Zhou Mingrui seized the opportunity to change the topic, his voice carrying a note of curiosity. "By the way, about that line in the song—'Passing by the Sumerian goddess'—aren't you curious who the Sumerian goddess in the lyrics might be?"

Meng Xian tapped her chin thoughtfully. "It should be Ishtar," she said, her mind working through her knowledge of ancient mythologies.

"The goddess of love and war in Babylonian mythology. She also had dominion over agriculture and fertility."

Peng Deng nodded in agreement. "That's right. The prototype of Ishtar is Inanna, who was revered in Sumerian mythology as the goddess protecting the city of Uruk."

Zhou Mingrui, looking thoughtful, added, "I remember there was a story about a feud between Gilgamesh and Ishtar.

In one version, Ishtar's wrath indirectly led to the death of Gilgamesh's best friend, Enkidu. It's a dramatic tale that's been adapted in various games and stories."

Peng Deng, with a smirk, interrupted, "Hey, hey, stop talking nonsense about games. It's confusing me."

Zhou Mingrui laughed, his expression turning sheepish. "Sorry, sorry. I got carried away."

Zhou Mingrui grinned, his playful demeanor returning. "I'm just having some fun.But speaking of fun, isn't it interesting how anime about different worlds is so popular right now? Your name, Meng Xian, has a historical ring to it. I bet you could come up with an invincible title for yourself."

Meng Xian couldn't help but smile at the thought. Zhou Mingrui's playful nature and imaginative suggestions reminded her of the elaborate worlds she loved to explore in her own writing. The idea of creating an invincible persona with a name like hers felt oddly fitting.

Her thoughts drifted briefly to the Zhou Mingrui in the novel giving names—Sherlock Moriarty, German Sparrow, Dwayne Dantès, Merlin Hermes… It was fascinating how names and titles could carry such weight and significance in different contexts.

Well. he's always good at naming.


As the evening deepened and the clock ticked past 1 pm., Meng Xian, Zhou Mingrui, and Peng Deng finally finished their lively hot pot dinner. The restaurant's bustling atmosphere had quieted, and the three friends had spent the last hour lost in conversation, laughter, and playful banter.

The chaos and humor of Zhou Mingrui and Peng Deng's friendly bickering had added a light-hearted touch to the noon, making it a memorable experience for Meng Xian.

Peng Deng, with a grin that suggested he had enjoyed the evening, addressed both Zhou Mingrui and Meng Xian. "I have to go now. I need to pick up my girlfriend. It was really nice talking with you, Meng Xian."

Meng Xian returned his smile warmly. "It was nice talking to you too."

Zhou Mingrui, with a hint of mock exasperation, added, "Yeah, yeah, go on with your girlfriend. Take care."

As Peng Deng and Zhou Mingrui exchanged a few more words, Meng Xian knew that Peng Deng was teasing Zhou Mingrui again. She chose to ignore it, instead enjoying the calm evening air as they stepped outside.

The city streets were quiet, and the cool breeze felt refreshing against her skin. Meng Xian closed her eyes momentarily, letting the wind tousle her hair. It was a calming, almost meditative moment that allowed her to appreciate the simple pleasures of the city.

Unbeknownst to her, Zhou Mingrui had finished his conversation with Peng Deng and was now watching Meng Xian.

As she stood there with her eyes closed, the wind playing with her hair, Zhou Mingrui felt a peculiar sensation in his stomach—a fluttering feeling that he couldn't quite place. It was as if his heart was skipping a beat, an unusual but pleasant discomfort that made him pause.

Meng Xian eventually opened her eyes and turned to Zhou Mingrui with a soft smile.

"Oh, Peng Deng already left."

Zhou Mingrui snapped out of his thoughts, slightly startled by her voice. "Yeah, he's already gone."

Clearing his throat, Zhou Mingrui tried to shift the conversation. "So, Meng, what's your plan now?"

Meng Xian thought for a moment before replying. "I'm heading home. How about you, Zhou?"

Zhou Mingrui replied, "I'm going home too."

Meng Xian nodded, preparing to say her goodbyes. "Okay then, take care, Zhou."

But Zhou Mingrui hesitated before saying, "Wait. Let's go together. The bus stop is on the same street where I'm heading."

Meng Xian was initially confused but then understood the practical reason behind his offer. She smiled and agreed, "Alright then."

Zhou Mingrui's smile broadened, and they began walking together toward the bus stop.

The walk was quiet but comfortable, with the soft murmurs of the city.The conversation had quieted, leaving them to enjoy the peacefulness of the evening.

Upon reaching the bus stop, they found a bench and sat down, joining a few other late-night travelers. Zhou Mingrui broke the silence, his tone casual but warm.

"Did you have fun today?"

Meng Xian turned her head to face him, catching the sincerity in his eyes. "Yeah, it was fun. I really enjoyed it," she said with a warm smile.

Zhou Mingrui's smile mirrored hers. "That's good to hear."

He looked straight ahead again, his voice growing contemplative. "You know, Meng, I have this feeling that you know me really well."

Meng Xian tensed slightly, her mind racing with thoughts. Did Zhou Mingrui notice something? Despite her inner turmoil, she remained calm and replied, "Why do you think so?"

Zhou Mingrui shrugged slightly. "I don't know, it's just a feeling. Sometimes, the way you look at me, it seems like you understand things about me that I don't."

Meng Xian simply replied, "I see."

The bus stop fell into a contemplative quiet once more. Zhou Mingrui glanced at Meng Xian, then back at the street.

Meng Xian thought to herself, Because you're a character I cherish, admire, and love in a story that means so much to me. The thought brought a quiet warmth to her heart.

At that moment, the bus arrived with a rumble and a hiss of air. Meng Xian stood up, feeling a mix of reluctance and acceptance.

She turned to Zhou Mingrui with a heartfelt smile. "Goodbye, Zhou. It was really nice talking to you."

Zhou Mingrui stood and waved. "Goodbye. Stay safe and take care."

Meng Xian nodded, her heart fluttering slightly. "You too."

As she boarded the bus and took a seat by the window, she glanced back at Zhou Mingrui, who stood by the curb with a smile still on his face.

The bus doors closed, and as the vehicle pulled away, Meng Xian looked out at the dimly lit streets, feeling a sense of bittersweet farewell.