
Lord of The Mysteries: Godfather of Epilogue

Died with an unknown cause, presumedly a heart disease like a typical protagonist in an isekai novel. Liu Fangshi wore a blank face as she realized she's now in Lord of the mysteries: It's ok if I were to be a normal person, I'll just be a lazy salted fish and live my life leisurely before my end comes but... why the hell am I Megose? The truth and final answer. What will be your last decision, you the lonely wanderer without a place called home to go back to? Is humanity important, or merely another speck in your eyes? Will you heed those calls? "Fangshi" ------ Hello, this is a message from Zayn 1.) First of all English isn't my native language, so please bear with it, I'm deeply sorry for that. 2.) You read it right, this is a book with Male lead/Male protag (started at Backlund arc) 3.) Haven't finish reading lotm yet but I want to write something for personal entertainment. 4.) It's my first time writing, 1st pov at that, enjoy.

Zayncerely · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

Last Farewell, Tiny Klein

Note: There's a change in the end of ch. go check it out


After saying goodbye to those two troublemakers did then I finally have a peace of mind and finally took a sweet hard earned rest to cleanse off the strains building up inside me, facing that 'guest' for a past few days sure made me aged a couple years faster to my coffin...

That was what it should be, but I couldn't fall asleep, not even with the relentless that was still assaulting me, I couldn't calm myself down.

The sky dyed black as the night curtain plunged everything into darkness, only a handful of street lamps shining dimly remained. It was especially a pleasant night today, just like any other day except for one thing.

The upper floor where the lady of the house should be sleeping right now, she was no longer there.

I had no idea what caused this to happen, the only things I knew were that the 'guest' should replaced Megose by that morning or the night before, and the 'guest' was currently quite passive. No loss or damage were being caused by them, which was miraculous enough for a supposedly evil spirit to restraining its instinct and desire for living beings. Except for that young man, the 'Monster' from the underground market, Ademisaul, I've seen him a couple of times before when he was very young.

Something caused his eyes to bleed. That something originated from the 'guest'.

Bleeding couldn't be used to describe it would be more accurate to say that his eyes sprayed out blood like a waterfall, dying his shirt and floor with blood. The nasty rusty stench and howling screams, that was truly a chilling sight. 

I was there when everything quickly escalated into a bloody mess like a wildfire, that empty eyes staring at him like he was an insignificant worm before them, and it was true. With the speciality of Monster, just by merely looking at the 'guest', could cause such a huge setback to oneself...

Whatever did he saw wasn't something I should be concerned with. What I need to do was to keep everyone here safe.

I stared at the barren room used to be an unused storage, a spandrel. I had every right to doubt that being who called itself a 'guest', so I chose to stay behind at the residence along with the family, just in case something horrifying happened, no guarantee that 'guest' was really without ill intents.

Unexpectedly, after that first day we met that intimidating air around them slowly dissipate days by days. Although, it was still unnerving to meet eyes with them. Maybe their gradual adaptation to the body caused such a change? Little by little, I found their calm attitude to soothed my tensed nerves.

That only terrified me.

If, what if one day I lost my sense in that overwhelming sea and mindlessly listened to their every beck and call, killing people without a second thought, becoming their puppet? I heard that there were some Pathway capable of such a thing.

For now, at least, I should stay obedient. Maybe there might be a clue Megose could still be alive. Yes, that should be.

In the case that what the 'guest' said was the truth, then all of us here were only victims of some unknown force, including the 'guest' themselves.

Were the 'guest' to be a normal human being. How distressed it was for them not only to be in an unfamiliar place but also to faced with many unfamiliar faces who were acting so close to them with no means to go back. 

However, judging from all those anomalies so far, the 'guest' was definitely not one. 

'It's getting late'

Fewer and fewer pedestrians could be seen walking on the street. Countless brilliant stars dotted the dark sky while the moon slowly leaped out behind those hazy clouds.

What was I waiting for? Clearly, the 'guest' had completely forgotten about it, or they didn't plan to do so in the first place. How naive I am, easily believed in a flimsy promise holding a hope that they will be benevolence enough to care for some random stranger.

"Sigh... I should have purchased a sedative way back home. There should be that newly opened apothecary's shop nearby"

"Knock knock"

A sudden knocking sound came forth, it contrasted against the silence. Eerie was the only word I could think of. That's weird, how could I not noticed that. I tried listening to the noise outside, but to no avail. Despite my excellent senses I couldn't hear any single sounds, not even an odor or a unique scent. Who or what could it be?

I took out a dagger from under the mattress. Sensing a familiar coldness crept up my hand, my head cooled down a lot. Walking up to the front, I slowly turned the doorknob while keeping my body to the side. Tightly clenching a dagger in hand, I held my breath and pushed out.

"Good to see you weren't asleep yet Mr. Hans"

Megose with dark eyes was standing there with a lantern in hand. With a cloak on, it was as if her whole being was one with the surrounding shadow. 

Knowing it was actually the 'guest', I unknowingly let out a sigh and habitually tapped my chest four times in relief. But honestly speaking, the 'guest' here might be someone I should be afraid of instead. I looked up again only to see the 'guest' staring back at me intensely, I froze. I was thinking about what went wrong when they said something to me.

"I didn't know you were Goddess's believer"

I could only smile back politely regardless of what I thought about their statement.

"What brings you here so late at night, dear guest?"

"Didn't we have an appointment today"


The 'guest' pulling her hood up as she replied.

"To the cemetery"



I looked down at the man in front of me fallen flat to the ground as I wiped my dagger's handle. 

"Good job Mr. Hans, as expected of you"

"Haha it was just a small matter..."

I just knocked the guard unconscious... What in the world were we doing? Oh right, the 'guest' said they wanted to hold a ceremony for Megose. 

"Are you perhaps a Red... Hunter?"

I paused at an unexpected question. 

"Sorry for asking Mr. Hans, you don't have to answer if it's inconvenient"

"...Indeed, I am"

"Um, here, take this"

I absent mindedly accepted the bouquet they gave me, my thought was running wild.

No way. They knew? But how? When did I let the cat out of the bag? Just how much did they knew about me. I'm sure I was acting perfectly normal, it was natural for them to know I was a beyonder, but to know even my Pathway in a few days despite my efforts to cover it up... How terrifying.

Who knows how many thump cards of mine got exposed without me even knowing about it. To them, I'm as clear as a glass.

I took a quick glance at the surrounding tombs stood upright in orderly rows. In case someone accidentally found us here then I wouldn't have any idea who to help between a poor passerby or a frightening entity. Speaking of which, I wondered what kind of plan the 'guest' have?

I turned my head with a question in mind, before getting a huge shock right in my face.

"This.. dear guest?"

"Don't worry, just borrowing it"

No, that wasn't my point...

I saw the 'guest' single-handedly dragging out a wooden old coffin the size of Megose's own body from somewhere while I wasn't paying attention to them. It didn't concern whether they wanted to steal it or not, since it's best they didn't go around causing a slaughter. But what's the use for it?

The 'guest' put it down gently with a thud, squatted closed to it and wiped off the dust from its surface before standing up. I watched in a daze as the 'guest' brushed out the folds on their dress neatly and took off their boots, placing it beside the coffin. Without giving me any time to questioning what are they doing, they opened the lid and got in.

They got in. And laid there.

What is going on here.

I was so stunned that an exclaim escaped from my mouth unknowingly. 

"It's all done Mr. Hans, now go on"

What do you mean by go on? What am I supposed to do? Were all evil spirits supposed to be unfathomed like this...?

From within the coffin, a calming voice with no up and down in their tone sounded again.

"I'll take a nap for a while. Just say some goodbye to her"

The 'guest' closed their eyes. I wasn't sure if they were really trying to rest out of boredom or giving me some time alone with Megose, a lifeless body.

A cool night breeze whistled past me, an earthy smell of dew, a quiet place without any noises to distract me. It was effectively prompting me to loosen my tensions. 

Staring at Megose lying down in the coffin so peacefully, I had an illusion that she was going to open her eyes and smiles at me again, asking me what kind of breakfast we have for today.



I've been determined to keep everyone I knew around me all safe and sound, within all my capabilities. I didn't want that kind of incident to happen again because of me, proved to him I've changed, I've turned into a new person.

Yet, I've failed, once again.

If that guy is here, I wonder how would he react? Haha...

Megose, you're like a niece to me, I could say that right?

From a clumsy little baboon who would trip herself every once in a while to a refined lady you're. Despite your complaint regarding the etiquette class, it was worth it all isn't it? You had a beautiful long road ahead of you, supportive parents who were giving you all their affections. To think a life this young would fade away so soon. Sometimes life is unpredictable.

I'm sorry, something like this had to happen. There's nothing I can do for you. There's no one aside from me who can wish you a farewell.

You're a wonderful person, I, Hans, your butler, will always remember you.

Remembering the flower bouquet the 'guest' gave me, I glanced down, they're a bunch of white lilies and chrysanthemums.

I didn't expect them to be so thoughtful. 

Taking a step forward, I closed the lid and placed down the bouquet on top. With one knee on the ground, I let out a deep sigh.

Have a good dream Megose.




"Can I go out now?"

"?... Oh goddess! My deepest apology dear guest"

How could I forgot there's the 'guest' there! I quickly pushed the lid away, afraid that they might be angered by my rude action. I used too much force and the already fragile wooden lid in my hand broke in half midway.



The 'guest' sat up from the coffin, we both met an eye and I was the first to look away in shame. From since the 'guest' came, it seems there weren't once I appeared to be calm and collected like a retired hunter with rich experiences I was? If those guys knew about this I'm going to be ridiculed till my grandchildren's bloodline. 

"Look at me Hans" 

Startled, I turned back in confused. This was the first time the 'guest' wasn't using any prefix along with my name. I was thinking what kind of serious problem the 'guest' is going to talk about when I was hit once again with the so-called 'unexpected thing in life'.

"Don't worry, it isn't embarrassing at all. See? I wasn't holding my laugh just now. You don't have to feel guilty Old Hans"

Should I felt good to have the 'guest' reassuring me like this? I started to have a feeling that from today onwards with the wall between us getting thinner and thinner, there will be many unpredictable situations such as this one taking place a lot more often than I could ever imagine... By that time all I would feel is going to be the numbness.

Besides, the way they called me Old Hans so naturally I began to suspect if we knew each other before this, throughly amazed me beyond any word I could put in. No awkwardness or embarrassment, their adaptability was too crazily good. 

Nonetheless, seeing how casual and down to earth they were, a part of me breathed a sigh of relief... For the first time, this kind of thought popped up in my mind, those lightless eyes didn't seem as threatening as I thought before. It seems like we will be sticking together from now on.

"Alright Old Hans, let's going now before we get caught"


I moved forward with the intention of helping but the 'guest' was way faster than me than I've anticipated. They carried it over their shoulder and rushing out without turning back, leaving me to silently clearing up the mess I've cause.

Using my enhanced senses to pick out any leftover traces and covered it up, I waited for the 'guest' to come back. Once we made sure nothing was left behind, we prepared to leave the cemetery before I would have a chance to knock out another patrol guard...



A sudden voice stopped both of us in our track. I looked back and saw a newborn kitten, weeks old kitten, it had a black fuzzy fur strained with dirt and mud everywhere. No one knew if that was its fur's originally color or because of how dirty it is. It slowly crawled out from a tall grass, revealing its boney frame, its limbs resembled that of a dry twig.


Letting out yet another heart wrenching sound with all its might, its round amber eyes staring back at us pitifully... No, looking closely, it was glaring at the 'guest' intensely... with murderous intent??

"It's a tiny Klein"


Who is Klein. What is Klein. Some kind of specie I don't know of?

I watched as the 'guest' walked toward that kitten without any hesitation and picked it up from the ground, holding it high against the blinding moonlight... That reminded me of a certain novel Emperor Roselle published before, Lion something.... was it the scene of a baboon holding up lion up? I heard them declared out loud with the most serious face I could ever imagine.

"You are now going to be my comrade, my companion. Through life and death, we shall never part"


Certainly, that kitten wasn't impressed at all by any means. I uncontrollably choked up and could only awkwardly looked away from the scene.

During the entire journey back I was too absentminded to take note of anything and before I knew it, I was already in my bed. All I remember was that the 'guest' told me something and took that newborn kitten into their room...

After letting it all out I surprisingly felt the drowsiness washed over me. Had I been this weary the entire time without even realizing it? For all the things they have done, I still shouldn't let my guard down completely. Yes, I couldn't afford to do so.

I'm going to maintain a distance against them, else they will start ordering me around like a lapdog. From tomorrow forth, I'm going to try to refuse some of the 'guest's' request to let them know that even if I was Megose's butler that doesn't mean I'm theirs, too.


Good days ladies and gentlemen, this is Hans, your reliable butler. Today, I was tasked with a duty of raising the cat. Additionally, I didn't know what happened at night, but by the morning I woke up to see that kitten looking all humbled by the 'guest's' lap.




Author's note:

Chapter 9 in nutshell

Author's note:

I'm back from the dead!!! I'm still re-read the 2nd one stay tuned.

Zayncerelycreators' thoughts