
Lord of The Mysteries: Godfather of Epilogue

Died with an unknown cause, presumedly a heart disease like a typical protagonist in an isekai novel. Liu Fangshi wore a blank face as she realized she's now in Lord of the mysteries: It's ok if I were to be a normal person, I'll just be a lazy salted fish and live my life leisurely before my end comes but... why the hell am I Megose? The truth and final answer. What will be your last decision, you the lonely wanderer without a place called home to go back to? Is humanity important, or merely another speck in your eyes? Will you heed those calls? "Fangshi" ------ Hello, this is a message from Zayn 1.) First of all English isn't my native language, so please bear with it, I'm deeply sorry for that. 2.) You read it right, this is a book with Male lead/Male protag (started at Backlund arc) 3.) Haven't finish reading lotm yet but I want to write something for personal entertainment. 4.) It's my first time writing, 1st pov at that, enjoy.

Zayncerely · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

Butler Hans, To The Evil Dragon Bar

I am Hans. To outsider I'm an easily ignored butler who has been serving a certain family for decades but in the Beyonder world I'm a sequence 9 hunter. Long time ago I used to be a hunter, in a literal sense. I took on various commissions, be it hunting a certain criminal or guarding someone. All missions I've accepted so far, most of them are relatively safe and the one I've personally confirmed that I could get it done without taking much of a risk. People called me 'the cowardly Hans', but I brushed it all aside and told them they just didn't know how to use their brain like me. Work smarter, not harder, just like what the emperor Roselle said. Once the night fall, behind the same gathering bar, I and my colleagues who walked down the same path would be scanning over those yellowish notes that shone brightly under the dim light like a torch of our hope, pinned on a wooden board and rushed forward to pick up the most profitable one at first sight. As a hunter, neither we're doing this for fame nor glory, only for survival. This is the only thing we were good at and the only (morally rightful) way we could earn a couple of solis to live yet another day.

I struggled through my life, filled with madness and danger everywhere. I was always treading on thin ice all the time. One mistake and I would be gone forever.

Fate is an unpredictable part of our life. Later on in my older year, I retired and luckily landed myself a job. It's a most wonderful thing in my life. I thought I would have to be a tramp if it weren't for them. I don't have to fight or do any heavy physical labors anymore. It's simply a blessing. Despite being born in a slum and lacking essential job skills, the family forgave this desperate man and showered me with kindness. From mere a servant to a head butler I'm today was quite lengthy but a memorial journey. Ah, I still remember when I have to be looked after little Megose. At that time I first met her, she was only below my chest or so, Megose was a sweet and gentle little girl who treated everyone with kindness. Her eyes shone brightly like a star every time I sneaked in a treat for her despite her daily sweets proportions. Looking at her now, Megose has grown up into a beautiful young lady. The feeling of watching over her growth warmed me up. I found out from fellow servants that madam Christina will discuss miss Megose's fiance today. I felt excited and bitter, like a father giving his daughter away at a wedding.

At first I planned to tell miss Megose and asked for her opinion on this matter, but the sight of her this morning shattered something inside me.

Like always, in an early morning, I politely knocked on her room.

"Please come in"

'Her voice is more flatter than usual. Megose didn't get enough sleep today?'

An idea that she could have also heard the rumor from those servants too didn't surprise me that much, just amused. Megose must have been staying up all night long in anticipation. She might have become an amiable and collected lady on the outside, but some of her childish aspects were still the same. I thought so with a smile.

I opened the door with a plan to tease her a bit once we got to the point.


I felt my body frozen up in place the moment I came to face her directly. Once our eyes met, there seem to be countless lighting currents surfed through inside my head. An invisible pressure crushed down on both of my shoulders before her very gaze. Just in that brief moment of time, I felt my legs trembling greatly under my trouser. Infront of those pitch dark eyes resembled an endless void. My soul was being laid bare, entirely being seen through with just one glance. I deeply held my breath and tried to keep my face straight. First rule of hunter, once you faced your enemy, the least you wanted to do is show them your weakness, fear.

That overwhelming pressure swiftly breezed past me and dissipated completely. If it weren't for those cold sweats behind my back, I might have thought all of that was just my hallucination.

I cautiously scanned the room, prepared for any traps inside. My experiences in the Beyonder world are everything but fraud. I knew that the more normal something looks on the surface, the more dangerous it is beneath. I was a coward, but that doesn't mean I wasn't cautious.

Something is wrong. Terribly wrong.

Her eyes are pure black without any drop of color or light. They were entirely black, striking black, the color that made me feel uneasy either by looking at them or being looked at, as if I'm in front of a superior. However, I knew I'm not being forgetful. There was no way I would forget that the Megose's eyes were brown.

At those very eyes were staring at me unblinkingly, like a marshal observing a new face cadet. My whole body tensed up than it could ever be. In this absolute silence that I could hear even the sound of my heartbeat loudly pounding in my head, a familiar feathery yet distant voice sounded, broke away the tension.

"Sorry Hans, I'm feeling under the weather today"

'Haha under the weather...'

I almost choked myself when she gave me her usual smile. I could only force myself to smile back at her, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Madam Christina is waiting for you downstairs. She told me to tell you that she has good news for you"

"That's great"

I hurriedly sent off Megose without any little chat or tease. How could I have a gut to do so now?

I glanced at Megose's leaving back warily and reflected on her abnormality a while ago. I frowned, deep in thoughts before shaking my head and letting out a heavy breath. I decided to observe her for now.

'It's okay, it's going to be fine. I just need to solve it before it gets out of hand'




That was what I originally thought so.

'What in the world...'

I stared blankly at the empty room. By the word empty I mean, wasn't equivalent to neat and tidy, yes it was really indeed that way, but it was just... too empty. No furnitures or any decorations were left inside except the bed. It looked... simply hollow, like a prison or cave.

I sneaked a glance at lady Megose and flinched before evading my gaze elsewhere. From this morning until now, I still couldn't stop myself from shuddering involuntarily in front of her, though it wasn't that intense, but I could still feel that something was wrong with my body. Sadly, my knowledges in Beyonder matter weren't enough to give me an answer regarding this.

I recalled the look in her eyes. I could clearly see the longing emotion dripped out from those pair of dazed, empty eyes that she wasn't bothered to hide. This evaluated my growing doubt even further.

It was bizarre that I seem to be the only one noticing her abnormality. Mister and madam, even madam Christina and other servants, didn't notice it at all. When she threw away all those wooden furnitures easily despite her usual weak body, no one questioned her baffling manners.

Albeit all those anomalies, every single one is oblivion to them. As if they were blind.

Is it because I'm a Beyonder myself, although I was only a low rank one, but that still caused me to see the truth?

Considering she was a pampered a lady since her birth showered with affections left and right, how could she have such a tremendous strength? Perhaps she has been drinking a potion? But which pathway could cause such tremendous changes to one person? Did she come across some kind of a mystical item? Did all of these are caused by its negative effects?

There was another possibility that Megose might have tried out a mirror divination or ritual of a similar nature and it backlashed to her. I don't want to think that's the case.

My colleague once told me about his experience in one of his commissions, where he had no choice but to report to the church. The case was very similar to this one. It was a wrath possession.

I can't really bring myself to that conclusion, even though the answer might be right in front of me.

That's not Megose. It's some unknown being who occupied her body. Though it didn't show any malicious intent at present, there was no guarantee in the future.

'There's no way I can handle this... I need to report this to the church.'

As I thought so, lady Megose happen to coincidentally met my eyes. She covered her lip with a smile.

I'm sure that wasn't a coincidence.

It occurred to me that the reason I noticed all of this must be that this mysterious being in front of me just wanted to play with my fear.

Whatever I did or thought, they were all within their plan. I was a mere ant in their eyes.


I stretched my back and looked outside.

'The weather is so good, I kinda want to call it a day and sleep'

To bad my reason told me I had to finish my plan for today first. That's right, we're going to the Evil Dragon Bar.

'Quite thrilling isn't it?'

And actually, my goal wasn't only the underground market but also to avoid the persuades and nagging from my parents. Lest they wouldn't​ stop talking about that Lanevus every single breath they took, even if I'm​ enjoying​ my peaceful napping... So, it's​ better to run away- ahem, go outside instead.

Alas, unfortunately I was only going to tour around and have a look today first. Why? Honestly, I'm currently penniless. With only a couple of pound notes in my pocket and no source of income at the moment, it would not be wise to spend it right away... at least not until I saw something very VERY valuable, the kind that if I miss it, I would ride down on time machine and drop-kicked my past-self. It took Megose so many years to accumulate this much even if​ she has spent some on dresses and accessories,​ but she's​ quite a thrifty lady. I admire her.

And in actuality, compared to a certain someone, this current family is already quite generous enough​, nothing to complain at all. Now I felt a little bad for our Klein, that certain someone who's going to wake up in such a poor household. Later on in the novel, he was even being titled as a poor god by the fandom.

Alright,​ let's​ go down to the business.

I chose a simple muted blue dress, a white shawl and a sunhat. I got out of my room and decided to grab butler Hans, who, once saw me in a distant, make me seem to have an illusion that he's fighting his urge to flee at any given moment.

Oh my goodness, Mr. Hans, why are you over-reacting like that? I haven't​ done anything yet. I'm an innocent here.

I kinda wanted to let him go seeing his weary, but on the other hand, I could​n't bear to risk him reporting me to the church. It's​ better to stay safe.

I'm sorry Mr. Hans, I'll buy you an ice cream later as an apology.

I told my parents that I'm​ going to meet my friend and have a dinner at their house. Relying on my capable butler Hans to brought​ me to the public carriage. Quite​ an experience​ here riding in a carriage for the first time. I found it a little interesting but quickly lose my interest after a while. We stopped at some random shops first to buy a two sets of a robe for myself and butler Hans.

At first I hesitated whether to bring Hans​ there or not, but since I had already dragged him this far, why not go further? Hm, yes, I have decided, from today onwards wherever I go I'll bring butler Hans to suffer with me. Sorry Mr. Hans, I'll buy you another cone for that.

As it's​ not too far from here, we headed to our destination by foot instead. Butler​ Hans glanced around for once. I meant for once​ is because on the entire trip I could feel that his gaze was always on me, all the time. That affirmed me even more that I have​ made the right choice not to leave him alone.

Hans's face tainted with a hint of realisation as he slowed down his steps and asked me in a low voice.

"... Pardon me, Lady Megose. Are we going to the harbor?"

I took off my sunhat and put it in my arm. A robe wrapped over my shoulders and completely devoured my body. I pulled down the hood to cover the face.


Hans turned on his silent mode again. I threw him a light glance and looked away.

We arrived at the harbor, the place here being described with one word as complicated and chaotic​. If you're​ not careful enough, your wallet might get stolen while you're​ simply walking around minding your own business. Ignored the gazes of others and walked to what I remember from the descriptions as the Evil Dragon Bar stood ahead of us.


Author's note:

Hello this is Zayn. I'll publish at least 1 chapter per week. This is my first time writing a novel (also in an English too) Consider writing as my newly added hobby to the shelf (huh, as if you even have one. You played keyboard so many years then gave up out of boredom) but most of my time are being occupied by doing CMS for an earning. So, just to let you all know, my attention won't solely be on this work XD

If I'm free I might draw a chibi of little Fangshi in Megose's body innocently staring at butler Hans like an obedient samoyed.

Btw, I've finished drafting out Fangshi's backstory! It isn't that perfect but better than nothing right?

(I told myself it's a fun and brain free write only to end up with massive tear jerking-)

Butler Hans: That being in Megose is going to kill me, I'm too scared to report to the church.

Fangshi(Megose): Hans is definitely going to report me to the church, should I silence him?

Zayncerelycreators' thoughts