
Victory Over the Yellow Turbans

Redakteur: Dragon Boat Translation

The 60 Yellow Turban soldiers noisily attacked the village gate of Xia Village. The local soldiers fought back with hunting bows, hitting several Yellow Turban soldiers. But they weren't hit fatally and were only injured.

There were also archers among the Yellow Turban soldiers; they shot at the local soldiers hiding behind the wooden fence. A bunch of arrows were blocked by the wooden fence, and the other arrows missed.

Chu Tian estimated that the Yellow Turban soldiers attacking Xia Village were probably above Level 10.

The Xia Village wouldn't survive this crisis without Hua Mulan.

"Brothers, cut down the wooden fence!"

The little leader of the Yellow Turban soldiers looked high-spirited as he used the ghost-head sword to cut down an arrow shot by the local soldiers. The arrow shot by a mere Rural Fighter wasn't enough to hurt him. 

The village he faced was just a small Level 1 village. It wouldn't be able to stand the attacks from their Yellow Turban squad.

Suddenly, he found that Hua Mulan was aiming at him with a hunting bow.

"Little chick, hah, are you gonna get me in a second..."

The little Yellow Turban leader didn't finish talking before an arrow hit his chest.


The little Yellow Turban leader fell off his horse.


The other Yellow Turban soldiers rushed over in a stampede, but their leader had already died. The man's face still had an incredulous expression, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

He really was killed in a second!

Chu Tian saw how Hua Mulan had shot and killed the Yellow Turban leader. He was also shocked by the power of a military commander with a strength of 81 points. Maybe, to Hua Mulan, the little Yellow Turban leader who was likely a bronze hero was not much different from an ordinary Yellow Turban soldier.

In 'Feudal Lords', which valued military tactics and domination with a lord's power, it was almost impossible to defeat thousands of enemies with a smaller group, but killing a small boss with one arrow was still very easy for a king-level commander.

"The bandits have no leader now. Kill them!"

Zhao Qi, the bronze hero of Xia Village, rushed out first. He deeply hated the Yellow Turban squad in front of him.

Hua Mulan wanted to shoot another arrow, but her strength seemed to be too strong as she broke the bronze-level hunting bow in half.

Even Hua Mulan didn't think the weapon was this fragile. Seeing the hunting bow she broke, she was a little dazed. "Lord, your subordinate made a mistake, destroying the equipment."

"It's just a hunting bow, not a big deal. Hua Mulan, go help Zhao Qi now."

Chu Tian saw that Zhao Qi had rushed out recklessly. Even though Zhao Qi was a bronze hero, he was only Level 30 and no match for 60 Yellow Turban soldiers.

"Aye!" Hua Mulan drew out a silver-level weapon, a Han sword glistening with a cool light. "Let's charge!"

Hua Mulan managed to command the 80 low-ranking local soldiers like a thousand-strong army. She led the fighters in taking the initiative to open the village door for an attack.

Chu Tian drew out the iron sword tied to his waist. He too entered the battle.

His current strength was 17 points, so defeating a Yellow Turban should not be a problem.

The boisterous local soldiers did close combat with the Yellow Turban bandits with a variety of farming tools.

The death of the Yellow Turban leader greatly affected the morale of their soldiers. Although Chu Tian couldn't see the morale of their opponents, judging from their chaotic state, the Yellow Turban soldiers' morale had fallen below 50 points.

The lower the morale, the worse the chaos, which was why a leader was so important.

In the Battle of Diaoyu City, the Mongolian leader Möngke Qaγan was injured and killed by the Song Army. When the Mongolian Army retreated, the Southern Song Dynasty was able to persevere.

Oda Nobunaga personally led a team to surprise the main team of the Imagawa Army in the battle of Oda Hazama. When Daimyo Yoshimoto Imagawa died in battle, the Oda family was able to rise.

The Yellow Turban soldiers, having lost their leader, had no intention of fighting. They were chased down by a group of local soldiers holding pickaxes and sickles.

Chu Tian used an iron sword to fight with a Yellow Turban soldier.

When the Yellow Turban soldier swung a machete at him, Chu Tian blocked the move with his sword. Sparks flew everywhere!

'It's lucky that I've risen to Level 10. Otherwise, I will be instantly killed by a Yellow Turban soldier, and I will have no face as the village chief.'

Chu Tian kicked the Yellow Turban Soldier, knocking him over, then stabbed him with the iron sword.

The Yellow Turban soldier blocked Chu Tian's iron sword with his machete, trying his best to stop the sword from falling, but the sword still pierced his chest.

"Player, you have killed a Level 10 [Yellow Turban Soldier], earning 30 points in Experience." 

Killing a Level 10 Yellow Turban soldier had exhausted a lot of Chu Tian's energy. Then he carried his iron sword and started to chase the Yellow Turbans with the local soldiers.

Hua Mulan personally took the lead in the charge. Compared to Chu Tian, she was much more dynamic, cutting down one Yellow Turban soldier with every swing.

The Yellow Turban soldiers who attacked Xia Village were generally at Level 10, and they really couldn't stop the Level 30 Hua Mulan.

Energized by their commander, the local soldiers' morale jumped to 88!

Groups of local soldiers teamed up to kill the Yellow Turban soldiers with pickaxes and wooden sticks. They chased the soldiers to three miles away, and everyone was panting.

Chu Tian realized that chasing for three miles with military equipment, and fighting all the while, was much more tiring than regular running.

He saw that the local soldiers' morale had actually reached 95.

He shook his head with resignation. The local soldiers were only good for easy fights.

When Xia Village reached Level 2, the village needed to recruit professional soldiers.

"Ding! Grade A Achievement: 'Slay Ten Thousand' is initiated. Using one's power to kill 10 thousand enemies with a difference of 5 levels or less can earn special awards."

"Ding! Grade B Achievement: 'Attack the Yellow Turbans' is initiated. Killing 100 thousand Yellow Turban soldiers can earn special awards."

Chu Tian and the local soldiers sat and rested. The achievement system relaunched.

Both achievements, 'Slay Ten Thousand' and 'Attack the Yellow Turbans,' were quite difficult. 

'Slay Ten Thousand' actually required Chu Tian to use his own strength to kill 10 thousand enemies. He was at 3/10000 now. 'Attack the Yellow Turbans' required Chu Tian and the forces in his domain to kill 100 thousand Yellow Turbans, for which he was at 41/100000.

This was too difficult.

When Chu Tian saw how his progress had no end in sight, he realized how some achievements were more difficult than reaching the heavens. The higher level the achievement, the more difficult it was.

Humanoid NPCs were more difficult to deal with than beasts, and they were in groups. He was supposed to kill 10 thousand of them? Not to mention that the level difference had to be less than 5 to be counted as an achievement.

"Count war spoils."

After Chu Tian defeated the small group of Yellow Turban soldiers, he ordered a clean-up of the battlefield. This small group of Yellow Turban soldiers had looted nearby villages, so there should be a lot of coins on them. There were also warhorses and iron tools, which were all free materials donated by the Yellow Turban soldiers.

Wasn't a war all about getting needed resources? Otherwise, which lord would want to do business that lost money?

Unlike the huffing and puffing local soldiers, Hua Mulan still had more than half of her physical strength. She stood where she was to be on guard, while the local soldiers, who had little combat effectiveness began to clean up the battlefield, picking up coins and equipment from the Yellow Turban soldiers.

"No one may hoard war spoils."

Chu Tian personally monitored the local soldiers in the clean-up.

Chu Tian found an extra line in the lord's log: May 5th, the first year of the lord's calendar, the battle of Xia Village was won. Lord Chu Tian led the 80 local soldiers, with Hua Mulan as the commander, and fought bravely. In Xia Village, the Yellow Turban Army was defeated. The Yellow Turban leader was killed. Six out of ten of the Yellow Turbans were injured, and the rest fled.

He was a little speechless. "The system records are too exaggerated. If people didn't know any better, they would think I had defeated tens of thousands of the Yellow Turban Army in this battle..."