
Lord of the Dead/Empire of the Undead

This is a story about a man who was reborn in another world, and who was immediately thrown into prison because of his dark power. Watch how he gets out and survives in this harsh magical world, with many dangers.

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Chapter 1

Different stories and adventures in other worlds start because of the death of the protagonist in a car accident, or God's mistake, but my story is a little different.

My name is Adam Nagori, I was not ugly or handsome, my appearance could be called average. I had light brown hair and dark green eyes.

I lived in an ordinary family, my father was a programmer, and my mother did not work. Daddy's money was enough for us. And we traveled a lot.

I lived in many countries and learned many languages, I knew: English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. The rest did not even need to be taught, these languages ​​were enough for communication in any country in the world.

But this wonderful life did not last long. While traveling to Taiwan, China attacked this country and started a war. We lived near the beach and were the first to be hit by a rocket attack. To intimidate the population, China decided to destroy one of the cities to the ground, and it was in this city that we were. At 4:00 a.m., the city began to be shelled with all kinds of guns, and at 4:20 a.m. there was not a single whole house left.

By some miracle, I survived, and a day later they pulled me out from under the rubble. But even though I survived, I was not happy, because my parents were not as lucky as me. On that fateful day, they died when I was 13 years old.

And I was returned to my homeland in the USA, of my relatives, only my grandfather, on my father's side, with whom I never communicated, because my parents did not allow me, remained. But since I was a minor, I had a choice, either to an orphanage or to my grandfather, and the choice was obvious.

Grandfather lived far from the city on a farm, and having lived with him for several days, I realized that I was no ordinary person. Only a few weeks later, when I decided to say goodbye to him about his past, he told everything without concealment.

In his youth, my grandfather served in the army, and differed from everyone else in his physical characteristics and composure, because of this, when World War II began, he was offered to join a special secret unit. And without hesitation, he agreed. For a year, he and others like him were sent to a trained camp, but this place was no different from a real battlefield. Of the 10,000 selected candidates who survived after this camp, only about a thousand people remained, and at the last stage they were sent to a desert island, and told to kill each other, and only one person was supposed to remain.

My grandfather emerged victorious from this test, along with him there were 9 more of the same people, a group was assembled from them, and they performed the most difficult tasks in the rear, but basically it was the murder of generals and commanders of enemies. At the end of the war, their group carried out contract killings of politicians and influential people.

As a teenager, my dad found out about my grandfather's past. And he could not come to terms with the fact that he killed people, killing was taboo for him. After that, he left the family and never spoke to his father again.

But this story did not frighten Adam, but only provoked him, he always wanted to be the strongest, so that no one could offend him or the people he cherishes.

Given the chance to learn how to fight from a master like grandfather, he couldn't miss it. Grandfather without hesitation decided to teach him everything he knows. And the next few years were spent in hellish training. There were cases when Adam was even dying, but grandfather was in no hurry to save him, he always said that if he could not survive, even now, what would happen during a real battle or a difficult situation.

And when I turned 20, and my grandfather was 77, age took its toll and grandfather died. Before he died, he told me not to allow myself to be used for other people's interests, just as his government used at one time, otherwise I would regret my actions all my life.

After my grandfather's death, nothing kept me on this farm anymore, and I sold it and returned to my own apartment, left by my parents in New York.

After the death of my parents, all their fortune passed to me. Since dad was making good money, he invested a lot of money in different Shares and 7 years after his death, the Shares rose in price, and they all belonged to me now. There was so much money that I would not need to work for the rest of my life.

But I didn't want to just spend money and do nothing. I wanted to try to get back into society, and I decided to go to university, to study economics.

But even when I entered, I did not let anyone near me. My peers seemed like children to me, for me the behavior and conversations were strange. Perhaps because of everything I've been through, I've matured at heart.

Although it was impossible to say that I did not make friends with anyone, there was one guy Max, he was popular because of his talkativeness, although he had a slightly above average appearance. He was 180 tall, with short brown hair and brown eyes. He constantly talked to me, although I was silent, he still constantly tried to start a conversation. And over time, I gave up and sometimes answered him something like: "Yes" or "uh-huh", but it was still not silence. And after a while, I started talking to him in short phrases.

And so a year passed, my university life. And during the summer holidays, the curator decided to gather us for a rest in the forest. I didn't want to refuse because I didn't want to be the only one who refused.

As soon as we arrived in the forest, he ordered a group of 5 people, three boys and two girls, to go gather firewood. And of course one of those three guys was me and Max. The third guy was Alex, he was the head boy, and popular with the girls. He was tall (190 cm), fair-haired and blue-eyed. His appearance was envied by many guys.

One of the two girls was called Angelina, she was a short, long-haired blonde, about 160, with brown eyes. The other girl's name was Vika, she was 175 cm tall like me, with a black crown and green eyes.

And so we went to look for such a group, firewood.

In search of dried branches, we moved quite far from the group and stumbled upon a cave. And the third guy, whose name was Alex, offered to come in and examine her, he was tall and handsome, with blond hair. The girls were against it, and my friend Max was always in favor of the movement, and without hesitation agreed, the girls and I had no choice but to follow them.

Alex, turning on the flashlight, went first, but after going all about 30 meters deep, we stumbled upon a dead end and deciding that there was nothing to do here, we went to the exit.

And by an incredible coincidence, it was at that moment that the earthquake began, it was not strong, but it was enough for the ceiling of the cave to collapse and we all died so stupidly.