
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasie
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44 Chs


" thank you , what is your name ? "

" Hoo , not stating your name first in front of elders is a disrespect to them "

The old man said with an amused smile

" oh ! Sorry , my name is Daniel Carssel and I apologize again for not disrespecting you "

" Such a polite boy I forgive you , my name is Earl , Earl Grey nice to meet you young boy "

" nice to meet you too ! "

Daniel said with a cheerful smile.

The old man Earl looked at Daniel carefully for some time , his eyes were glowing with an off white color , he was looking at him as if he is looking at his soul and then after a minute the old smiled cheerfully as if he found something was missing for a long time .

' He is good and has the needed requirements, maybe I can retire after this long time finally '

The old man Earl thought .

Daniel didn't speak a word while Earl was looking at him , finally the old man began to speak to Daniel .

" Look young boy Daniel , I know from the state I found you in that you suffered a lot it's even evident on you face , and maybe I can't understand your suffer and anyone cannot understand it even if they suffered the same fate as everyone has his own emotions and feelings that distinguishes him from the other even if they share the same fate … "

Earl stopped for a moment to let Daniel digest his words and then continued

" what you suffered and what you experienced is different from the one who suffered and experienced the same , do you know why ? "

" I ….. don't "

" There are many factors that can determine that but there is only one factor that can state the difference better than any other , do you know what is it ? "

" No , I don't ! "

" it's the way of thinking , the way that at the moment of break you still thinking about different ways to get you out of a desperate situation , apparently it's simple but it's very important "

Hearing this Daniel thought about what Earl said and agreed about what he said but what he said next made his in a daze

" Now young boy Daniel , do know what is fate ? "

Daniel didn't know what the answer would be as the question is quite deep , he just stood there with a confused expression.

Seeing his expression Earl continued " Well from your expression you seem don't know the answer as is it depends on the personal definition of the word ' fate ' , you see everyone has his own opinion , values , and beliefs so not everyone will have the same definition and that understandable as some people say ' fate is something unchangeable ' and some might say ' fate is something changeable ' but the question here is who is right and who is wrong ? And the answer will both , they are right and wrong at the same time as fate is unchangeable if you stood there without doing anything to change it to your favor and it's changeable of you move toward the way that will help you to change it – "

Earl stopped for some time to help Daniel digest his words and then continued " fate is something mysterious to you , me , and everyone we don't even understand what is fate . Fate is future oriented so you can't know it accurately or even predict it accurately but there is one thing that can be changed and can be predicted accurately which is ' The Reality ' as the reality is the present that we live so we should focus on it and change it as the reality is only thing that anyone can change of course if he has the requirements and depending on that change fate can be changed but don't get your hopes high as fate is something out of our control and is something universal so even if changed your reality fate maybe or maybe not change but we can increase the rate of changing fate and that through … bending the reality to your favor through that fate has an even greater rate of changing – "

Hearing that Daniel was surprised and shocked , changing fate is something unpredictable and he also knows that well but bending the reality this is something he can't even imagine . But Daniel was surprised for another reason why this old man named Earl Grey is telling him all of that so thinking about that he decided to ask him

" Why are you telling me all of that ?! What is point ? What is your objective ? , old man ! "

Earl looked at Daniel for some minutes and then said with his eyes glowing with off white color mixed with gold

" I want you to be my successor and inherit me and be the new lord "

" Successor?! Lord ?! What do you mean ?! "

" Look young boy the world is not as you think a peaceful place filled with good people and I think you know that my words are right considering your situation , in this world only one rule is applied which is the strong survives and the weak dies there is in between but if you became my successor you will have the power to survive make yourself other options as you like as no one will question you deeds as long as you're strong so what do you say young boy , will you be my successor ? "

Daniel was surprised and angered , surprised by the old man's talk about being his successor and angered when he remembered his father's and mother's death , after that incident he knew that he was fooled from young age that the world is a peaceful place filled with good people but then he came to realize that all of this is shit and there's no something called ' peaceful world filled with good people ' , only the strong survives and the weak dies and if he has the power he can do anything to change his life by the way he wants , then with a look filled with determination Daniel looked at the old man Earl and said " Then if I became your successor and have the power to change my life then I agree old man , I will be your successor and I will let all who have betrayed me to know that they messed with someone they shouldn't have messed with , they all will be under my feet and will destroy them until their existence be erased from this world "

Daniel didn't know that his decision will cause uproar in the world as the world will welcome a new lord that with just hearing his name will cause the world to shiver to the bone and everyone will think about one thing which is Death .

Hearing this the old man's eyes filled with joy as he finally found a worthy person to inherit his powers.

" so how to be your successor? "

The old man looked at him and raised his hands then ...