
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Blame and Apology

It has been a week since the incident with Anaressia and Daniel become more determined than before to became strong , stronger than anyone in the world and the vowed to do it but he didn't know that his vow will become true but that after he master his reality element and gain a complete authority over reality and the other element inside him .

Authority is the power that the person has a complete control over and defy the laws of that power to be under his command . For example , if the person has an authority over fire , that means that he can control it destructive power as if he wish to burn anything it will burn even the soul itself , he can also command it to kill or not . The laws of fire element prevent it from going out of control so it's heat and destructive power is limited so by defying these laws the person can remove that limit and conjure the fire element with all it's destructive power but it requires a complete control and become one with the element before you think of defying the laws of fire or any other element , they all follow the same process .

However it is all depend on the person who has an affinity toward an element , wether it takes years , decades , or centuries it all completely depends on the person and the same with Daniel .

And now Daniel is in the training ground with a sword in his hand while taking a stance and in front of him a big muscular man with spiky red hair and short beard with the same color , his tanned skin shine under the sun because of sweat , the wether was really hot , he was wearing sleeveless shirt with black pants and boots while catching a sword in his hand as well as Daniel .

The man was Daniel's teacher in swordsmanship , Schwartz Shrüdenger, with a scars all over his both arms and hands honoring the battles he had and a scar on his left eyes indicating that he had a tough battle , he was staring at Daniel as if waiting him to make the first move while Daniel looking at him with seriousness while tightening his grip over his sword with both hands , then with a drop of sweat touching the ground under Daniel he dashed with high speed toward Schwartz with the sword in his hand then in a moment he reached him and swage his sword toward his abdomen with high speed making an afterimage as Schwartz was a 200 cm tall so he couldn't reach his nick , however , as he swage his sword Schwartz didn't flinch or do anything and just stood there as if the attack is not worth his attention , and it was , as the attack was about to reach his abdomen cutting his body in half he just moved his sword and blocked the attack with ease and then kicked Daniel in his abdomen sending him back some meters until he stopped on the ground . The kick was powerful even for Daniel making him spite a mouthful of blood while trying to stand up but he didn't have the time as Schwartz appeared in front of him sending a punch to his face but Daniel blocked it with his sword while flying back a little .

" Good job in blacking the attack but you are still weak for a swordsman even a regular knight can beat the shit out of you , you are too predictable so anyone can defeated you with ease , make your moves random to make it hard to predict , the sword is not your only weapon so if lost then your body is your weapon until you break every single bone of it , in fight everything is possible so you need to learn tricks to defeat your enemy even if you throw sand in your enemy's eyes as long as you win it's legal , do you understand! "

" Yes , sir "

" Good , now let's continue "

And they continued sparing and Daniel with every slash he became more and more efficient with his movements and now he can make his attacks unpredictable but still easy for a great warrior like Schwartz , but progress still progress , however , the day ended but Daniel didn't win at all but he progressed so much with every defeat and can defeat 3 stars knight with ease and 4 starts knight with little difficulty .

Now he is in the library sitting in front of him Alice with a book in her hand while Daniel has notebook and pencil noting every word Alice saying , she was teaching magic spells : intermediate level to Daniel as he already learned the basic level 3 months ago .

The magic spells has 6 levels as follow :







With the basic is the lowest and supreme is the highest .

Daniel was so focused with every word said and noted down the explanation needed to understand, and with that 3 hours passed and the lecture ended when Alice closed the book in ber hands , it also worth noting that Alice has a knowledge in magic spells till intermediate level in this age as most children will only start learning it when they join the Academy and that at age of 10 so she has a huge progress compared to her peers .

After that he picked his notebook and stood up to go to attend another lecture , and while walking toward the exit Alice looked at his back with an apologetic look and complex feelings , she didn't know how to apologize to him ,and the reason ? , because before she knew the truth of her grandfather condition she blamed Daniel for it as she thought that he is the cause but when her grandfather told her the truth she was enraged that her grandfather killed her father but when he told her that he killed her father because he was under mind control spell , the worst kind of spells to ever exist , of someone far stronger than him he had no choice but kill him before he kill her , at that time she was still 2 weeks old while her mother died because her father killed her , of course he was still mind controlled.At that time his powers was newly acquired and I mean the power of reality , and before that he was a strong mage but his enemy was far stronger ,

After hearing all of that Alice cried so hard and vowed to avenge her father and mother but her grandfather told her that he had already killed him and to his surprise that enemy was his predecessor ( the one who gave him the power of reality), he was enraged and sad as his predecessor was like friend to him , anyway she thanked her grandfather for that but now when she remembered that she insulted Daniel and balmed him when he was innocent she felt guilty and didn't know how to apologize to him .

Walking Toward the exit Daniel was thinking about the next lecture when he heard Alice calling him .

" Daniel ! "

He turned around surprised that she called him as she didn't call him at all with his name she always call him ' You ' or ' Student' nothing more ,she didn't even speak to him except the answer to his questions in the lecture so he was surprised but then he collected himself and replied ...

" Yes ?"

" There.... there's something I want to tell you do you have time ? " she said with expressionless face but there was a hint of worry in her voice and eyes and of course he noticed it .

" Yeah , I have , there is still 30 min before the next lecture "

" Then ... "


(A/N ; from the next chapter, the length will be 500-900 words , enjoy )