
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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Chapter 296: Negotiation Skills and the Open Window Theory

Chapter 296: Negotiation Skills and the Open Window Theory

The issue returns to the initial question: Who took Sealed Artifacts 008 from Ince Zangwill and orchestrated his death?

Leonard had once asked the old man this question and received the answer: "Be wary of the audience." He inferred that the new owner of Sealed Artifacts 008 must be a high-sequence powerhouse from the audience pathway. However, he couldn't directly tell this to the woman known as the Eye of the Goddess in front of him, to avoid raising other related questions.

Seeing that Ms. Illya hadn't spoken yet, Leonard silently shifted his gaze to the car window. The sky was just beginning to brighten, and the stars were still faintly visible in the sky where the crimson moon had faded.

The steam train continued heading towards Southwell County, and Leonard naturally thought of Hastur, who had come here to be a lord. If he had some free time, he could visit Hastur's castle.

A few days later, the steam train arrived at the Southwell County station, and the group switched to a carriage.

According to Derby Augustus, who had bought the ticket for Ince Zangwill, he had encountered Ince Zangwill on his way to the steam train. All of Zangwill's attendants had been killed, and Zangwill kept muttering "Backlund." Augustus cleverly offered to buy him a ticket to Backlund, which saved his life.

They found the place where Derby Augustus first met Ince Zangwill based on his description. More than half a month had passed since that encounter, and the traces left behind had long been washed away by the rain.

Leonard couldn't find any clues about Ince Zangwill there. However, Ms. Illya, known as the Eye of the Goddess, managed to find relevant clues and led the group into the depths of the forest.

Leonard admired her greatly. As expected of the Eye of the Goddess, people often say that there are no wrong names, only wrong nicknames. The Eye of the Goddess is indeed the eye of the goddess, observing the world on behalf of the deity.


At a hotel in Puning Port, Alfred Hall received two letters from Backlund, one from Earl Hall and one from Audrey.

He read Earl Hall's letter first. The letter expressed joy at his return to the Kingdom of Ruen and affirmed his desire to make a name for himself, but suggested he return to Backlund for a short stay.

After a moment of silence, he opened Audrey's letter. It had a more casual tone, discussing everyday matters. At the end, it mentioned a young earl named Hastur Campbell, who would assist the Duke of Southwell with coastal defense issues in the future.

Alfred Hall thought for a moment and decided to reply to his sister first. As for Earl Hall's letter, he hadn't yet decided how to respond.


In the castle study, Hastur finally received the pressure from Backlund on Southwell County and a letter from Audrey.

Early that morning, the Duke of Southwell invited him to discuss coastal defense issues. This was a signal that the Duke was willing to cede some control over coastal defense.

Hastur's current ambitions weren't too large. If he could secure control over three of the eight main ports in Southwell County, it would be a good start.

"Miss Audrey's second brother intends to stay in Southwell County to make a name for himself... Let's see how he performs," Hastur thought, not planning to approach Alfred proactively.

After finishing his letter to Audrey, he took Aisala and four attendants and headed to the Duke of Southwell's villa by carriage. It was a troublesome journey due to the remote location of his castle. After resolving matters with the Duke, he planned to stay temporarily at a port, with Puning Port being a decent choice.

The Duke of Southwell warmly welcomed Hastur, as he had last time, and even mentioned the sisters he had sent. Hastur smiled and said, "They've adapted well to cleaning the castle."

The Duke's face darkened. He had spent considerable effort raising those delicate flowers, intending for them to be cherished, not to do menial chores.

"They're also good at pruning flowers. With a bit more training, they could become gardeners," Hastur added.

The Duke took a deep breath and changed the topic to coastal defense. When he tentatively asked Hastur's opinion on the matter, Hastur stood up and delivered an impassioned speech, discussing everything from naval organization to the southern continent's offensive tendencies and international affairs.

The Duke and the accompanying nobles were stunned. The Duke cleared his throat and interrupted Hastur's long speech. He couldn't remember so much information and had nearly fallen asleep. The other nobles were in a similar state, some even dozing off.

The Duke waved his hand for Hastur to sit down and said, "You make good points. Coastal defense is indeed important. How about you start with Hughes Port and see the results?"

Hughes Port was the northernmost and least economically developed of the eight main ports. Hastur immediately rejected the Duke's offer, insisting on unifying the coastal defense of all eight ports.

Such a large appetite made the Duke's face twitch. This wasn't just ceding a bit of interest; it was like cutting his flesh. He couldn't agree to such terms and suggested Hastur familiarize himself with the area first and take over other ports later.

The accompanying nobles echoed the Duke's words. Hastur calmly listed the details of each port's defenses, showing his thorough understanding. This public display of knowledge embarrassed the Duke.

Despite this, the Duke couldn't hand over all coastal defenses to Hastur. After intense negotiations, Hastur gradually conceded, reducing his demand from eight ports to six, then to four, and finally to three.

This compromise satisfied both parties. Hastur had given the Duke considerable face by repeatedly stepping back, leaving the nobles with no further objections.

Indeed, the open window theory applies in any world. The Duke, in a good mood, invited Hastur to spend a day in the city. Hastur reluctantly agreed, further pleasing the Duke.


In Puning Port, the Red Glove team from Backlund tracked Ince Zangwill's movements. Early risers recalled seeing a figure swim ashore one morning, drenched and disheveled, as if he had been drifting at sea for days. That figure was Ince Zangwill.

They pieced together his movements in Puning Port from other witnesses and followed the clues to the home of Viscount Stedan, whom Zangwill had killed. Investigations revealed that on the night of the incident, fire meteors had caused significant damage, making the event memorable for many.

The Red Glove team concluded that Ince Zangwill had been pursued since leaving Backlund. The steam train explosion in East Tuck County and the sudden appearance of the Black Emperor near his ship were all part of this pursuit. It seemed Zangwill had lost Sealed Artifacts 008, leading to his dire situation.

Illya remarked, "Those who betray their faith will be forsaken by fate." Leonard, lost in thought, noted that Puning Port was not far from Hastur's territory, about half a day's carriage ride away.

"Leonard, what do you think about this?" Illya asked suddenly. Leonard, embarrassed, replied seriously, "I believe Sealed Artifacts 008 is now in the hands of a high-sequence powerhouse from the audience pathway, who orchestrated Ince Zangwill's fate."

(End of Chapter)