
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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Chapter 259: Mr. Fool: May Tomorrow's Sun Rise as Usual

Chapter 259: Mr. Fool: May Tomorrow's Sun Rise as Usual

"P.S.: Klein is at it again. Poor Sun God, his future has already been written by Klein."

Above the gray fog.

The weekly Tarot meeting was once again convened.

Klein sat at the head of the table, perusing the three pages of Roselle's diary submitted by Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man.

Miss Justice's two pages of Roselle's diary mostly contained Roselle's romantic escapades. Fortunately, they always included a few lines of high-level extraordinary knowledge.

After reading the diaries, Klein signaled that they could begin their discussion.

The first to speak was Alger, the Hanged Man. "War has broken out on the Southern Continent. Currently, the ports of the Southern Continent are sealed off, prohibiting any ships from leaving."

War has broken out?

Audrey and Fors were unprepared for this news. Hadn't the new year just passed?

How did war break out so suddenly?

Klein nodded and said, "This was inevitable."

Within the church, there had long been rumors that war would start after the new year.

"Will the war affect the Ruen Kingdom?" Fors asked, voicing her main concern.

She had little concept of war, especially one on the Southern Continent.

"I'm not sure. It's difficult for me to obtain firsthand information about the Southern Continent," Alger shook his head.

Audrey, gradually regaining her composure, pursed her lips and calmly asked, "Mr. Hanged Man, do you know the cause of this war?"

"Two suns appeared on the Southern Continent, causing near-catastrophic damage to coastal fishing villages, towns, and plantations. This incited the anger of the Southern Continent's residents," Alger replied, still with a hint of fear in his eyes.

This was the latest intelligence sent back by the surviving clergy of the Church of the Storms on the Southern Continent, which had been passed on through him to the church.

Two suns—this had many implications. Coupled with the recent frenzied actions of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, it had sparked much speculation.

Although both were churches of the Seven Gods, the Church of the Storms and the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun did not get along well, even harboring mutual hatred and hostility.

Some members of the Church of the Storms maliciously speculated that there might be a problem with the sun in the sky.

This was a blasphemous conjecture!

However, the church's higher-ups did not correct this trend of thought.

Based on his long-term observations of the church's higher-ups, Alger believed that if they did not directly correct it, it meant that this speculation was close to reality and that the Church of the Storms was preparing to confront the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun head-on.

At this moment, Alger couldn't help but recall Mr. Fool's meaningful words: "The sun's radiance is beginning to dim."

Could it be that Mr. Fool had already known about the sun's problem back then?

Alger lowered his head even further, his expression becoming more respectful, his body trembling with tension. He was terrified, yet there was a forbidden thrill.

That was a supreme deity.

"How could there be two suns?" Derrick, who had been silent, spoke up. "The sun is a symbol of authority and can only have one controller. There can't be a scenario where two suns vie for dominance."

"Unless another deity is trying to seize the sun's authority."

Derrick trembled as he voiced his guess.

In the myths of their Silver City, the Creator had once reclaimed the authorities held by elves, giants, and dragons, even bestowing some of these authorities upon His angels.

In those mythic wars, there were rough records of battles for authority.

This was knowledge Derrick had gleaned from his recent intensive study of Silver City's mythic history.

Seizing the sun's authority?


This statement swept through Audrey and Fors' minds like a hurricane.

They hadn't expected a war on the Southern Continent to involve the lofty deities!

Did this mean a divine war was about to start?

Or had it already begun?

Audrey, who was well-versed in history, clenched her right hand into a fist, her body tensing.

Historically, at the end of each epoch, there seemed to be large-scale wars.

Sometimes, traces of deities could be found in the history of these epochal transitions.

For example, in the previous epoch, the Fourth Epoch.

Church records mentioned a Pale Disaster, which was said to have been quelled by a deity, leading to the stable development of the Fifth Epoch.

And now, the signs were already there.

Sitting at the head of the table, maintaining his mysterious and omniscient image, Mr. Fool was also contemplating the matter of seizing the sun's authority.

He had already acquired a lot of occult knowledge from Roselle's diary, such as the fact that adjacent extraordinary pathways could be interchanged and were mortal enemies.

For instance, the Ince Zangwill incident confirmed that the Death pathway and the Black pathway of Night were adjacent.

Therefore, the Sun pathway should also have its adjacent pathway.

The Sun pathway couldn't possibly produce two true gods, nor could extraordinary beings of the same pathway have the ability to seize the sun's authority.

Only true gods of adjacent extraordinary pathways would attempt to seize the sun's authority.

The so-called two suns were more likely two deities each descending an avatar.

One deity wanted to seize the sun's authority, while the Eternal Blazing Sun was defending its authority, leading to a fierce struggle.

Klein's thoughts became clearer as he began to speculate which extraordinary pathway was adjacent to the Sun pathway.

Finally, his gaze fell on Mr. Hanged Man. The Church of the Storms had always been hostile to the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Could it be due to the adjacent pathways?

That would mean the deity challenging the Eternal Blazing Sun might be the Lord of Storms?

He carefully chose his words and looked at Alger, speaking as calmly as possible, "Extraordinary beings of adjacent pathways can interchange at high sequences, making them mortal enemies."

Alger noticed Mr. Fool's gaze and trembled. Was this a hint that the Storm pathway and the Sun pathway were adjacent?

This also meant that the Lord of Storms might be involved in the struggle for the sun's authority?

As soon as this thought emerged, Alger hurriedly suppressed such disrespectful speculation, silently reciting the Church of the Storms' creed, "The storm is with you."

Seeing Alger's reaction, Audrey and Fors seemed to realize something as well, their minds also in turmoil.

Derrick remained calm. Their Silver City's extraordinary courses had mentioned adjacent pathways.

After a brief silence, Alger changed the topic, mentioning the latest news from the sea.

For instance, the latest astonishing deeds of the Uncrowned King.

The young Uncrowned King of the sea?

Klein recalled Leonard telling him about a dream encounter and how Leonard had sensed the sea's presence while peering into Captain Ried's dreams.

Could the suddenly emerging Uncrowned King be the mysterious entity behind Captain Ried and his wife?

The timing seemed to match.

The subsequent trading session yielded little.

This made Klein realize the need to bring in new members to maintain the Tarot Club's enthusiasm and trading value.

"May tomorrow's sun rise as usual."

Mr. Fool left this meaningful statement before ending the weekly Tarot meeting.


Back in Backlund, at the Hall family estate.

After leaving the Tarot meeting, Audrey sat in her room in a daze until Susie reminded her, snapping her out of the shocking news.

She crouched down, stroking Susie's head, and murmured, "I wish Mr. hastur were still in Backlund. Then I could discuss some matters with him."


"It's nothing. I just feel a bit lonely for a moment."


"Thank you, Susie. I know you'll always be with me."


Susie wagged her tail happily.


In the dark, dilapidated room of the Tudor underground ruins, three figures were entangled on three different chairs.

"I smell the scent of war. I think we should leave this place filled with foul memories. Of course, if you have rare feelings for this place, I can allow you to stay a few more days."

"Heh, the prey has arrived."

"A war without a Red Priest is just child's play."

"Tsk, speaking of child's play, you two can just pair up. I just don't know which of you is the man and which is the woman?"

"Shut up!"

"Medici, you genderless bastard, how dare you talk to us about men and women?"

"Hahaha, I just saved you the trouble of changing from female to male."

The wanton and arrogant laughter echoed through the room, but the people outside, struggling to dig through the rubble, did not hear it.

Lafite Pound was dreaming of restoring his family's glory.


Suddenly, the earth and stones in front of him collapsed. He quickly retreated. When the dust settled, the previously impassable underground passage appeared before him.

"The great ancestors are protecting me!"

He suppressed his excitement, wiped the dirt from his hands on his thighs, cleaned the dirt from his nails, straightened his clothes, smoothed out the wrinkles, and calmed his emotions before entering the massive underground palace through the passage.

Soon, he opened the door that held the hope of his family's rise.

(End of Chapter)