
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Bücher und Literatur
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39 Chs

Half an Official Beyonder

"If you're interested in this aspect, you can start by becoming a low-sequence Beyonder . Once you personally experience the changes and dangers brought by the potion, you can then consider further promotion."

After a brief pause, Lin Ruo smiled and added, "And I have mastered the method of acting. If you truly intend to become an Beyonder , I can teach you the art of acting. It can significantly enhance the speed at which you can assimilate potions and reduce your chances of losing control."

Since Lin Ruo had made the decision to train Klein, he had no intention of keeping the acting method a secret. He also knew that even if he didn't reveal it now, Klein would eventually find out. Therefore, he chose to extend his kindness.

"What is the art of acting? What does it entail?" Klein asked curiously.

"Are you considering becoming an Beyonder ?" Instead of directly answering, Lin Ruo posed a question.

"Uh..." Klein was taken aback. He seemed lost in thought, clenching and unclenching his fist before finally saying, "I want to go home... and, you know, I joined the Party hosted by the Fool. I've been involved in extraordinary events. In such circumstances, I feel it's better to possess power than to wait helplessly for my demise."

"It's good that you have such awareness!" Lin Ruo wasn't surprised by Klein's response and simply smiled, saying, "The art of acting is quite simple. You just need to remember these few words."

"The purpose of a potion isn't merely to master and utilize it, but to digest and embody it! The name of a potion is not only a symbol or an image, but also the key to its assimilation!"

"For instance, if you choose to become a [Hunter] of Sequence 9, you must act like a hunter, engage in hunting, and transform yourself into a genuine hunter." Lin Ruo instinctively demonstrated using his own sequence as an example. "In my opinion, the essence of acting is actually a form of deception towards potions. Of course, this is only my perspective, but you can take it into consideration."

"Cheating the potion..." Klein understood the concept, at least in terms of what the art of acting aimed to achieve. After all, Lin Ruo's example was easy to comprehend.

Lin Ruo continued, "Additionally, Klein, you must remember the core principle of the art of acting—[You are just Acting]! You can act as anyone in order to assimilate the potions, but you must remain true to yourself. If you neglect this principle, the art of acting will hasten your demise."

Klein was surprised by these words, and he almost blurted out, "Why does that happen?"

"It's crucial to maintain self-awareness in the Beyonder World . If you become too engrossed in acting, you'll lose yourself. This will initially lead to mental issues, and in severe cases, it will result in losing control," Lin Ruo directly explained without holding back.

"So..." Klein had a vague sense of understanding, yet it still eluded him. After all, he hadn't actually consumed any potions yet; he was merely listening to Lin Ruo's words. It was difficult to truly grasp the reality.

Nevertheless, Klein took a deep breath and, with a serious expression, looked towards Lin Ruo's direction. Even though he couldn't see anything, it didn't diminish the gravity in his voice as he said, "Lin Ruo, thank you for sharing this with me."

Klein was aware that Lin Ruo had no obligation to share this information with him, especially since it involved secrets that most ordinary Beyonders were unaware of. He didn't know if Lin Ruo had paid a price to acquire this knowledge, but the fact that he freely taught Klein showed kindness.

"No need for thanks. Consider it my way of repaying a favor. I can't stand by and watch you take unnecessary detours!" Even though he knew Klein couldn't see, Lin Ruo still waved his hand, a slight smile appearing on his face, indicating his positive mood. "By the way, it's best not to casually disclose the art of acting to others. Whether they're family or friends, if it spreads widely, you might end up having a chat with the church!"

"Huh, does the church not allow the dissemination of acting methods?" Klein was a little puzzled.

"The church allows its members to explore and discover the art of acting, but they don't permit private dissemination. As for the reasons behind their stance, I don't know," Lin Yan shrugged.

This was the truth. Lin Ruo genuinely didn't know why the church prohibited the spread of acting methods. It wasn't explicitly mentioned in the original book.

Of course, there were some speculations, but there was no need to share them with Klein.

While Klein was contemplating this statement, Lin Ruo spoke again, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Uh... You also know that Dunn invited me to join the NightHawks What do you think? Should I join?" Klein hesitated and asked.

"My suggestion is to join!" Lin Ruo replied almost without hesitation. "You have very limited knowledge of the occult. In such a case, joining the NightHawks can be extremely beneficial. It will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of everything related to the extraordinary in this world."

"Moreover, you have already come to the attention of the NightHawks. In such circumstances, there's a high probability of them discovering you once you become a wild Beyonder. Instead of waiting to be caught off guard, it's better to proactively join the NightHawks and become an Beyonder through their channels."

"Uh..." Klein, taken aback by Lin Ruo's quick and confident response, blinked and asked, "Lin Ruo, are you affiliated with the NightHawks ?"

Klein's assumption was only natural. After all, in general, Wild Beyonders tended to harbor resentment towards established organizations, whereas Lin Ruo's attitude towards such organizations appeared to be more favorable.

"I'm not an official..." Lin Ruo shook his head, then glanced at the Dark Night badge in his hand, feeling a twinge of guilt. He coughed softly and added, "But I can't be considered a complete Wild Beyonder either. If you think about it, I might be seen as half an official Extraordinary."

Well, being half-favored by the Night Goddess can be considered half a NightHawks, right?

Klein nodded in understanding, but he still pondered whether he should join the NightHawks.

Naturally, he wouldn't make a hasty decision solely based on Lin Ruo's suggestion. After carefully weighing the pros and cons of joining the NightHawks in his mind, he finally reached a decision.

"I've made up my mind. I want to join the NightHawks!"

Upon hearing Klein's decision, Lin Ruo felt a sense of relief in his heart. He instinctively glanced at the sky and noticed that the crimson moon had descended, indicating that dawn was approaching.

"Well, should we continue standing here and chatting? I don't mind, but won't it be awkward for you to talk to the air? Also, do you need to get some sleep? It seems like you haven't slept all night!" Lin Ruo suggested.